Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 65
Township Organization Counties
Section 65.500.1
August 28, 2015
Accounts--annual settlement--report to board.
65.500. 1. He shall keep a correct account of all moneys coming into
his hands by virtue of his office, from what source received, and what
amount, of the amount paid out, to whom paid, and on what account, in a book
to be kept by him and provided for the purpose by the township; said book to
be kept in such a manner as to show the amount of money in his hands
belonging to each school district or fractional part in the township and the
amount of road money belonging to the township.
2. He shall make settlement annually between the twentieth day of March
and the fifteenth day of April with the county clerk of all moneys received
by him on account of schools, showing how the same have been disbursed, and
he shall settle with the county treasurer within twenty days after the
apportionment of the school funds to the school district, and receive all
money in the hands of the county treasurer belonging to his township, and
receipt for the same, and shall pay all warrants drawn on him by the board of
school directors in his township out of the funds belonging to the district
making the order, and he shall not pay any money out belonging to any other
fund than that mentioned in the warrants, and he shall file with the township
clerk on or before the day of the regular meeting of the township board in
April a detailed statement of all money by him received and paid out, to whom
and out of what fund, and the amount on hand, and at the expiration of his
term of office he shall turn over to his successor all moneys, books and
papers belonging to the office, and take duplicate receipts for the same, one
to be filed with the township clerk, the other to be retained by himself.
(RSMo 1939 § 13967)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12290; 1919 § 13203; 1909 § 11691
Missouri General Assembly
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