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RULE §224.9 The Medication Aide Permit Holder

Published: 2015

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(a) An RN may delegate to medication aides the administration
of medication to clients in correctional health, long term care facilities,
home health agencies, and other facilities as authorized by law if:
  (1) the medication aide holds a valid permit issued
by the appropriate state agency to administer medications in that
facility or agency;
  (2) the RN assures that the medication aide functions
in compliance with the laws and regulations of the agency issuing
the permit; and
  (3) the route of administration is oral, via a permanently
placed feeding tube, sublingual or topical including eye, ear or nose
drops and vaginal or rectal suppositories.
(b) The following tasks may not be delegated to the
Medication Aide Permit Holder unless allowed and in compliance with
Chapter 225 of this title (relating to RN Delegation to Unlicensed
Personnel and Tasks not Requiring Delegation in Independent Living
Environments for Clients with Stable and Predictable Conditions):
  (1) calculation of any medication doses except for
measuring a prescribed amount of liquid medication and breaking a
tablet for administration, provided the RN has calculated the dose;
  (2) administration of the initial dose of a medication
that has not been previously administered to the client;
  (3) administration of medications by an injectable
route except as permitted in independent living environments for administration
of insulin as outlined in §225.12 (relating to Delegation of
Insulin or Other Injectable Medications Prescribed in the Treatment
of Diabetes Mellitus);
  (4) administration of medications used for intermittent
positive pressure breathing or other methods involving medication
inhalation treatments in independent living environments except as
permitted in §225.10(10)(F) (relating to Tasks That May Be Delegated);

  (5) administration of medications by way of a tube
inserted in a cavity of the body in independent living environments
except as permitted in §225.10(10)(A) (relating to Tasks That
May be Delegated);
  (6) responsibility for receiving verbal or telephone
orders from a physician, dentist, or podiatrist; and
  (7) responsibility for ordering a client's medication
from the pharmacy.

Source Note: The provisions of this §224.9 adopted to be effective February 19, 2003, 28 TexReg 1384; amended to be effective January 27, 2015, 40 TexReg 381