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Charge Standards for Nationality Fees

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Article 1

These standards are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 10 of the Fees Act.

Article 2

The charging standards for the Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the MOI) issues the Nationality Permit Certificate, Nationality Certificate and Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidacy are listed as follows:
1. Permit Certificate of Naturalization: NT$ 1000 each.
2. Permit Certificate of Nationality Loss: NT$ 1000 each.
3. Permit Certificate of Nationality Restoration: NT$ 1000 each.
4. ROC Nationality Certificate: NT$ 1000 each.
5. Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidacy: NT$ 200 each.
Those who apply for Loss of Nationality or the issuance of a Nationality Certificate from abroad must be charged US$30 for each one (the charge is ¥ 3300 when applying from Japan.)

Article 3

Those who damage, destroy, or lose their Nationality Permit Certificate, Nationality Certificate, or Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidacy must apply for renewal or re-issuance with the MOI and charges for that are pursuant to the aforesaid regulations.

Article 4

Fees for the Nationality Permit Certificate, the Nationality Certificate, and Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidacy shall be collected by the authority that accepts the application for Naturalization, Loss and Restoration of Nationality, or Nationality Certificate or Certificate of ROC Naturalization Candidacy and then be handed over, by level, to the MOI for treasury preservation.

Article 5

These standards shall come into force from the date of promulgation.