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Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act

Published: 1995-10-16

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Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act 87 of 1995
Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer
VoL. 364 CAPE TOWN, 16 OCTOBER 1995
KAAPSTAD, 16 OKTOBER 1995 No. 16774
. · ... No. 1616. 16 October 1995 No. 1616. 16 Oktober 1995
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act which is hereby published· for general infor- mation:-
No. 87 of 1995: Promotion of National Unity and Reconcilia- tion Amendment Act, 1995.
Hierby word bekend gemaak dat die President sy goed- keuring geheg het aan die onderstaande Wet wat hierby ter algemene inligting gepubliseer word:-
No. 87 van 1995: Wysigingswet op die Bevordering van Nasionale Eenheid en Versoening, 1995.
Please note that most Acts are published in English and another South African official language. Currently we only have capacity to publish the English versions. This means that this document will only contain even numbered pages as the other language is printed on uneven numbered pages.
Act No. 87,1995 PROMOTION OF NATIONAL UNITY AND RECONCILIATION_ . ,. -· . ~0 :..:-:~.-::·:?"",~"'"-~q=:_r-:::::-:-=o'7;._'-::;,::T::;Z~iO:_::m .- AMENDMENT A~.:··-.~~~:;· _;·!_~· .... ~.: ... ::·· i· •.. -,_, ••
~---- GENERAL EXPLANATORY NOTE: .....• ·-· --. . B t -0 1-: ( rvi I ] Words in bold typ-; in ~quare brack;;t;imiic~ie oll1issions ;rom
· · 1,..._ existing enactments. ~ ·;·~-..,·-·. ·: --~ •- "'·- .-....,._ -.~ ·
. .. ._ ·:._:,:
:-:--.i·.-.··l-:-.'6 \ Words underlined with a solid line indicate insertions in ' ....... · ~ l ~·-'i'i"":•'';_-.·:-""!1
· ___ .. :.... _____ :. :~. ~J . ---·--··········; existing enactments.
ACT To amend the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 1995, to effect improvements in both the English and the Afrikaans texts; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
(English text signed by the President.) (Assented to 11 October 1995.)
. BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic· of South Africa, as follows:-
Amendment of section 1 of Act 34 of 1995
1. Section I of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), is hereby amended-
( a) by the substitution in subsection 1 for the definition of "prescribe" of the . following definition:
"['prescribe'] 'prescribed' means [prescribe] prescribed by regulation made under section 40;"; .
(b) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text in subsection 1 for the definition of 10 "veiligheidsmagte" of the following definition:·
" 'veiligheidsmagte' ook enige heeltydse of deeltydse- • (a) [enige heeltydse of deeltydse] lid of agent van die Suid-Afrikaanse _
Weermag, die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie, die Nasionale Inte1- ligensiediens, die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid, die Departemeni van · 15 · Korrektiewe Dienste, of enige van hul organe;
(b) ['n heeltydse of deeltydse] lid of agent van 'n weermag, polisiemag, intelligensie-agentskap of gevangenisdiens van enige voormalige Staat, of enige van hut organe;"; and .
(c) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text of subsection (2) of the following 20. subsection:
"(2) By die toepassing van artikels 10(1), (2) en (3) en 11 en . Hoofstukke 6 en 7 word Kommissie uitgele ook as 'n verwysing na 'komitee' of 'subkomitee', na gelang van die geval, en word 'Voorsitter', 'Ondervoorsitter' of 'kommissaris' uitgele ook as 'n verwysing na die 25 voorsitter, ondervoorsitter [of], 'n lid van 'n komitee of subkomitee, na gelang van die geval.".
4 No. 16774
Act No. 'ifl,l995 ·
Amendment of section 3 of Act 34 of 1995
2. Section 3 of the principal Act is hereby amended~ · (a) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for paragraph (c) of subsection (I) of
the following paragraph: "(c) die lot of verblyfplek van [die] slagoffers vas te stel en bekend te 5
maak en deur die menslike en burgerlike waardigheid van daardie slagoffers te herstel deur aan hulle 'n geleentheid te hied om hul eie relase te gee van die skendings waarvan hulle die slagoffers is, en deur herstelmaatreels ten opsigte van hulle aan te beveel."; and
(b) by the substitution for paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of the following 10 paragraph: .
"(e) the subcommittees, referred to in section 5(c), shall exercise, perform and carry out the powers, functions and duties conferred upon, assigned to or imposed upon them by the Commission.".
Amendment of section 4 of Act 34 of 1995 15
3. Section 4 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph (g) in the Afrikaans text of the following paragraph:· . • .
"(g) aanbevelings aan die Minister doen niet betrekking tot die ontwikkeling van 'n · beperkte [getuiebeskermingsplan] · getuiebeskermingsprogram vir doeleindes van hierdie Wet;". 20
Amendment of section 5 of Act 34 of 1995
4. Section 5 of the principal Act is hereby amended- ( a) by the substitution in the English text for paragraph (e) of the following
paragraph: "(e) refer specific or general matters to , give guidance and instructions 25
to, or review the decisions of, any committee [or], subcommittee or the investigating unit with regard to the exercise of its powers, the performance of its functions and the carrying out of its duties, the working procedures which should be followed and the divisions which should be set up by any committee in order to deal effectively 30 with the work of the committee: Provided that no decision, or the process of arriving at such a decision, of the Committee on Amnesty regarding any application for amnesty shall be reviewed by the Commission;";
(b) by the substitution for paragraph (g) of the following paragraph: 35 "(g) direct the submission of and receive reports or interim reports from
any committee [or], subcommittee or investigating unit;"; (c) by the substitution for paragraph (i) of the following paragraph:
"(i) in consultation with the Minister and through diplomatic channels, obtain permission from the relevant authority of a foreign country to 40 receive evidence or gather iilformation in or from that country;";
· (d) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for paragraph (j) of the following paragraph: · ·
· "(j) 'n ooreenkoms aan te gaan met enige persoon, met inbegrip van enige Staatsdepartement, ingevolge waarvan die Kommissie 45 bevoeg sal wees om van enige [fasiliteit] fasiliteite, toerusting of personeel wat behoort aan of onder die beheer van of in die diens van sodanige persoon of departement is, gebruik te maak;"; and
· (e) by the substitution for paragraph (m) of the following paragraph: ·"(m) on its own initiative or at the request of any interested person 50
inquire or investigate into any matter in terms of this Act, including the disappearance of any person or group of persons.". ·
Amendment of section 13 of Act 34 of 1995
5. Section 13 of the principal Act is hereby amended- ·,, .
(a) by the substitution for paragraph (c) of subsection· (I) of the following paragraph:
"(c) not more than [three] ten other members.''; and (b)· by the addition of the following subsection:
"(3) Any vacancies in the Committee shall be filled in accordance with 5 · ·' · · this section.".·
Amendment of section 14 of Act 34 1995
6. Section 14 of the principal Act is hereby amended-· (a) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a)
of subsection (I) of the following subparagraph: 10 "(ii) die inligting en getuienis bedoel in artikel4(b) [versamel] inwin en
ontvailg;"; · -- (b) by the substitution for subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (b) of subsection (I) of
the following subparagraph: : '· · · "(iv) submit to the Commission interim reports indicating the progress 15
made by the Committee with its activities or with regard to any other particular matter in terms of this Act; and
. (c) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subsection (2) of the following subsection: · • · · ' · . ·
"(2) Die Komitee moet by die bee'indiging van sy [aktiwiteite] 20 werksaamhede 'n omvattende verslag wat besonderhede bevat van al sy bedrywighede en bevindingi' in verband' met die verrigting 'vaii sy werksaamhede en die uitvoering van sy pligte ingevolge hierdie Wet, aan die Kommissie -voorle. '. · ·-~ · · . · · )· - _ · ·
•· -· Amendment of section 18 of Act 34 of 1995 25
7. Section 18 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (I) in the Afrikaans text of the following subsection: ·
·'''(I) Enige persoon wat aansoek wil doen [om] vir amnestie ten opsigte van enige daad, versuim of misdryf op grand daarvan dat 'dit 'n daad is wat met 'n politieke oogmerk in verbarid staan, rnoet binne 12 maande vanaf die datum van die 30
. proklamasie in artikel 7(3) vermeld, of sodanige verlengde tydperk as wat · voorgeskryf rnag word, 'n aansoek in die voorgeskrewe vorm aan die Kommissie voorle.". · · · · · · , · · · ·
Amendment of section 19 ofAct 34 of 1995 . ' .
8. Section I 9 of the principal' Act is hereby amended...:.. (a) by the deletion of the proviso in subsection (2); (b) by the substitution for the words preceding subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a)
of subsection (3) of the following words: · · · "(3) After such investigation, [the Committee may]- (a) the Committee may-";. . . · .
(c) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of the following subparagraph: · ·
"(i) . die aansoeker meedeel dat die aansoek, [geoordeel] beoordeel op 'die besonderhede of verdere besonderhede in die aansoek [bevat] vervat ·of deur die aansoeker verskafof geopenbaar as gevolg van 45 navrae deur die Komitee gedoen, indien enige, nie [op] 'n daad wat
. 'met 'n politieke · oogmerk in verband staan, [betrekking het] openbaar;"_; ". '
:. (d) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of the following subparagraph: .· . · · "(iii) beslis ofdie aansoek, [geoordeel] beoordeel op die besonderhede in
subparagraaf (i) bedoel, en in sodanige verdere voorlegging op sodanige daad wat met 'n politieke oogmerk in verband staan, betrekking het;"; · ' · · · ·
(e) by the substitution for the words preceding subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) 55 of subsection (3) of the following words:
"(b) the Committee may, if it is satisfied that-";
(f) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subsection (4) of the following subsection:
"(4) Indien daar nie met 'n aansoek ingevolge subartikel (3) gehandel . . is nie, moet die Komitee 'n verhoor soos beoog in Hoofstuk 6 hou en
[moet die Komitee], behoudens die bepalings van artikel33-"; 5 (g) by the substitution for subsection (6) of the following subsection:
"(6) If the act, [or] omission or offence which is the subject of an application under section 18 constitutes the ground of any claim in civil proceedings instituted against the person who submitted that application, the court hearing that claim may at the request of such person, if it is 10 satisfied that the other parties to such proceedings have been informed of the request and afforded the opportunity to address the court or to make further submissions in this regard, suspend those proceedings pending the consideration and disposal of the application."; and
(h) by the substitution for subsection (7) of the following subsection: 15 "(7) If the person who submitted an application under section 18 is
· charged with any offence constituted by the act or omission to which the · application relates, or · is standing trial upon a charge of having committed such an offence, the Committee in consultation with the ·attorney-general concerned, may request the appropriate authority to 20 postpone the proceedings pending the consideration and disposal of the application.".
Amendment of section 20 of Act 34 of 1995
9. Section 20 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph (f) of subsection (2) of the following paragraph: 25
"(f) any person referred to in paragraph [(a),] (b), (c) and (d), who on reasonable grounds believed that he or she was acting in the course and scope of his or her
.·duties and within the scope of his or her express or implied authority;".
Amendment of section 21 of Act 34 of 1995
10. Section 21 of the principal Act is hereby amended- 30 (a) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for the words proceeding paragraph
(a) of subsection (1) of the following words: "(1) Indien die Komitee enige aansoek vir amnestie [afwys] weier,
moet hy so gou doenlik-"; and (b) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of 35
the following paragraph: "(a) Indien enige strafregtelike of siviele verrigtinge opgeskort is
hangende 'n beslissing oor 'n aansoek om arnnestie, en daardie aansoek [afgewys] geweier word, word die betrokke hof dienooreenkomstig ingelig.". 40
Amendment of section 24 of Act 34 of 1995
11. Section 24 of the principal Act is hereby amended- . (a) . by the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection:
"(3) The Commission shall for the purpose of subsection (!)(c) appoint as members of the Committee fit and proper persons who are 45 [suitably] appropriately qualified, South African citizens and broadly
· representative of the South African community."; and (b) by the addition of the following subsection:
· "( 4) Any vacancies in the Committee shall be filled in accordance with this section.";· 50
Amendment of section 25 of Act 34 of 1995
12. Section 25 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subsection (2) of the following subsection:
"(2) Die Komitee moet 'n finale omvattende verslag oor sy [bedrywighede] werksaamhede, bevindinge en aanbevelings aan die Kommissie voorle.".
Amendment of section 26 of Act 34 of 1995
13. Section 26 of the principal Act· is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (1) of the following subsection:· 5
. "(I) Any person [who is of the opinion that he or she has suffered harm as a ·result of a gross violation of human rights] referred to the Committee in terms of
··section 25(1)(a)(i) may apply to the Committee for reparation in the prescribed , form.".
Amendment of section 29 of Act 34 of 1995 10
14. Section 29 of the principal Act is hereby amended- ( a) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for paragraph (b) of subsection ( 1) of
the following paragraph: ·· · "(b) by skriftelike kennisgewing enige persoon wat in besit is van of
toesig hou oor of beheer het van enige voorwerpof ander ding wat 15 na die mening ~an die Kommissie betrekking bet op die onderwerp van die ondersoek of verhoor, oproep om. sodanige voorwerp of ding aan die Kornmissie voor te le, en' die Kornmissie mag enige voorwerp of ander ding aldus voorgele ondersoek en, onderworpe aan subartikel (3)vir 'n redelike tydperk [wat billik is], terughou;''; 20 and · · · · · ·.·····
(b) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for paragraph (d) of subsection (I) of the following paragraph: ·' ·
"(d) in ooreenstemming met artike132, bes1ag [te]1e op enige voorwerp of dingbedoe1 in paragraaf (b) wat betrekking het op die onderwerp 25
. van die ondersoek of verhoor.". '
Amendment of section 30 of Act 34 of 1995
15. Section 30 of the principal Act is hereby ain~nded_:_ (a) by the substitution in the English text for paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of the
following paragraph:. · · -- · · · 30 "(a) any person is implicated in a manner which may be to his or her
d~triment;";, _ _ . . . . · (bj' by the substitution for paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of the following
paragraph: . - . - · ' · "(c) it appears that any person may [have suffered harin as a result of 35
gross violation of human rights] be a victim;:'; and (c) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for the words following paragraph (c)
.· of subsection (2) of the following words: ' . . . • .. . "moet die Kommissie indien sodanige persoon beskikbaar is, hom of
haar die geleentheid bied om binne 'n bepaa1de tyd, vertoe aan die 40 Kornmissie voor te Je met betrekking tot die aangeleentheid onder oorweging of om getuienis ·af te le [vooi-] Qy_ 'n verhoor van die Kommissie.".
Amendment of section.' 32 of Act 34 of 1995 '
16. Secti~n-32 ~f the pri~~ipaJ Act is hereby amended- 45 · .·(a)· by the substitution in the Af~kaans text of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of
· the following paragraph: · - · · · · . · · ' · "(b) wat inligting bevat, of op redelike grande vernioed word inligting te
bevat, aangaande enige sodanige aangeleentheid, te vinde is, of op redelike gronde verrnoed word te vinde te wees:"; 50
(b) by the substitution in the Afrikaans text for subsection (2) of the following subsection: · · · · · · ·
"(2) 'n Betredings- of visenteringslasbrief in subartikel (I) bedoel . word uitgereik deur 'n regter van die Hooggeregshof of 'n landdros wat regsbevoegdheid het in die gebied waar die betrokke perseel gelee is, en 55
. word slegs uitgereik indien dit aan die regter of landdros blyk uit inligting onder eed dat daar redelike gronde is om te [glo] vermoed dat 'n voorwerp of ding in paragraaf (a) of (b) van subartikel (I) genoem, op of in sodanige perseel is, en moet aaridui welke vari die handelinge in paragraaf (b)(i) tot (vi) van daardie subartikel daarkragtens verrig mag 5 word deur die persoon aan wie dit uitgereik is."; .·
(c) by the substitution for the words preceding paragraph (ai of subsection (3) of the following words:
... (3) A warrant issued in terms of this section shall be executed by day unless the persori who issues the warrant authorizes the execution thereof I 0 by night at times which shall be reasonable and any entry upon or search of any premises [specified in such warrant] in terms of this section shall be conducted with strict regard to decency and order, including-"; and
(d) by the substitution for the words preceding subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of the following words: 15
"( a)Any commissioner, or any member ofthe staff of the Comntission or police officer at the request of a commissioner, may without a warrant
. enter upon any premises, other than a private dwelling, and [search for, seize and remove any article or thing] exercise the powers referred to in subsection (I )(b )(i) up to ·and including (vi) .. : ... -'~: 20
Amendment of section 34 of Act 34 of 1995
17. S~~ti~n 34 bf th~ principal Act is hereby amend~d by. the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection: . . , .
. . . "(3) The Commission may appoint a legal representative, at a tariff to be prescribed, to appear on behalf of the persmi concerned if it is satisfied 25 that the person is not financially capable of appointing a legal representative himself or herself, and if it is of the opinion that it is in the interests of justice that the person be represented by a legal representa- tive.".
Substitution of section 35 of Act 34 of 1995 30
18. The following section is hereby substituted in the Afrikaans t~xt for section 35 of the principal Act: · ·
"Beperkte getuiebeskermingsprogram
35. (1) Die Minister moet [na] in oorleg met die Komntissie, die .. instelling van 'n [getuiebeskermingsplan] getuiebeskermingsprogram 35
bevorder ten einde wanneer nodig vir die beskerming en veiligheid van getuies op enige wyse voorsiening te.maak.
(2) Die [getuiebeskeriningsplan] getuiebeskermingsprogram beoog in subartikel (1) word so gou doenlik na die datum bedoe1 in artikel 7(3) deur die President voorgeskryf. 40
· (3) Die regulasies wat vir 'n [getuiebeskermingsplan] getuiebesker- mingsprogram voorsiening maak, moet- (a) onder andere voorsiening maak vir die aanstelling van 'n privaat
persoon of die sekondering van 'n beampte of werknemer van 'n Staatsdepartement ingevolge die Staatsdienswet, 1994 (Proklamasie 45
. No. 103 van 1994); om as 'n getuiebeskermer op te tree; en (b) vir goedkeuring in die Parlement ter Tafel gele word.
(4)(a) Tot tyd en wyl die [getuiebeskermingsplan] getuiebeskermings- program ingestel is, kan die President, in oorleg met die Minister en die Komntissie, tussentydse maatreels voorskryf wat gevolg moet word ten 50 einde vir die beskerming en die veiligheid van 'n getuie voorsiening te maak: Met dien verstande dat 'die bepalings van artikel 185A van die Strafproseswet, 1977 (Wet No. 51 van 1977), met die nodige aanpassings,
. in die afwesigheid v;m sodanige tussentydse maatreels toegepas word. (b) Die tussentydse maatreels beoog in paragraaf (a) word in die 55
Parlement ter Tafel gele vir. goedkeuring. · (5) In hierdie artikel beteken-
14 No. 16774 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 160Cf0BER 1995
, 'getuie' 'n persoon wat begerig is om getuienis te !ewer, wat getuienis !ewer of getuienisgelewer het vir die doeleindes van hierdie Wet en ook 'n lid van sy of haar familie of huishouding wie se veiligheid as gevolg daarvan bedreig word [as gevolg daarvan] deur 'n persoon of groep persone, betsy bulle bekend is aan hom of haar, a! dan nie.". 5
Substitution of long title of Act 34 of 1995
19. The following long title is hereby substituted for the long title of the principal Act "To provide for the investigation and the establishment of as complete a picture as possible of the nature, causes and extent of gross violations of human rights committed during the period from I March I 960 to the cut-off date contemplated 10 in the Constitution, within or outside the Republic, emanating from the conflicts of the past, and the fate or whereabouts of the victims of such violations; the granting of amnesty to persons who make full disclosure of all the relevant facts relating to acts associated with a political objective committed in the course of the conflicts of the past during the said period; affording victims an opportunity to relate the 15 violations they suffered; the taking of measures aimed at the granting of reparation to, and the rehabilitation and the restoration of the human and civil dignity of, victims of violations of human rights; reporting to the Nation about such violations and victims; the making of recommendations aimed at the prevention of the commission of gross violations of human rights; and for the said purposes to 20 provide for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, comprising a Committee on Human Rights Violations, a Committee on Amnesty and a Committee on Reparation and Rehabilitation; and to confer certain powers on, assign certain functions to and impose certain duties upon that Commission and those Committees; and to provide for matters connected therewith.". 25
Short title
20. This Act shall be called the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Amendment Act, 1995.