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Appropriation Act

Published: 2003-07-23

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Appropriation Act [No. 18 of 2003]

Government Gazette

Vol. 457 Cape Town 23 July 2003 No. 25231
THE PRESIDENCY No. 1042 23 July 2003
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general information:–
No. 18 of 2003: Appropriation Act, 2003.

2 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
(E&ish text signed bj, the President.) (Assented to 16 July 2003.)
ACT To appropriate amounts of money for the requirements of the State in respect of the financial year ending 31 March 2004.
B E IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:- Appropriation of amounts of money for requirements of State
1. Subject to the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), there are hereby appropriated out of the National Revenue Fund for the requirements of the State 5 in respect of the fizmck! y e x ezdizg 3 1 Mar& 2004, the a m s c ~ t s f mscey shswr, ir, the Schedule.
Short title
2. This Act is called the Appropriation Act, 2003.
4 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
The Presidency Arm: The aim of The Presidency is to provide effective ad-
and Depufy President, to facilitate theji~lfiilling of theif minisrrarive management and support f o r the Presrden
executive responsibiliries i n line with the Constitution
1 Administration ...................................................................... Renders jinancral and personnel management, provislon
ojicial supporr servrces ing administration, informarrorr technology and other
2 Suppori Services to the President and Deputy President .... Supports the Presidenr, Depuq Presidenr and Minisrer in rheir executive responsibilities
3 Cabinet Office ...................................................................... Provides adminisrrarive support services fo Cabinet ana Cabinet Commrttees
4 Policy Co-ordination ........................................................... Co-ordinares, facilitates and monitors governmenf busi- ness m all sectors, in line with the Constitution ,
5 National Youth Commission ................................................ Responsible fo r rhe co-ordination and monitoring of youth development in South Africa and on rhe Afi-ican confinenr
Of which Transfers -National Youth Commission
Parliament Aim: The aim of Parliamenr is to provide the support ser-
vices requrred by Parliament to fulfil its constitutional funcfions, ro assist political parries represented in Par- liamenf ro secure administrative support and service constituents. and to provide Members of Parliament with the necessary faciiirre.7
1 Administratlon ..................................................................... Manages the Parliamenra? Service, provides proce- dural and legal advice and supporf to Parliament, facili.
facilitates Parliamenrk legislafive and oversight pro- rates public involvement in Parliamentary processes,
cesses, and provides institutional support and corporate services
2 Members’ Facilities .............................................................. Provides telephone, travel and other facilities for Mem- bers of Parhamenf and funds medical aid contriburrons and fravel facrlitles for cerrain former members
Of which Earmarked Funds - Parmed
3 Associated Services ............................................................. Providesfinuncial support to polificaiparries repre- sented in Parliamenr, and pays membership fees to cer- rain Inter-parliomenfary bodies Of which Transfers - Political Party Support - Constituency Support
Votemain Division
R’OO 149 78
60 63
52 93
6 338
I6 40
13 48
444 51
259 52
112 00
12 98
R’OK 145 05C
56 404
52 548
6 325
16 285
13 488
13 488 13 488
367 870
182 884
112 ooc
72 98t
7 2 98t 32 28E 37 435
R’OK 4 737
4 234
Specifically and
exclusively ppropnated
20 815
6 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT, 2003
- Part! Leadershlp Suppon - Membershlp Fees
Dreign Affairs rm. The Deparrmenr qfForeign Affairs I S 1-esponsible for
nmnagemerlr of South Africa's forelgn polic? and inter- the formulation, co-ordination, mplementarron and
national relotions prograntmes throughout rhe world
Adminlstration .................................................................... Conducts the overall pol~c? developnlenr and manage- ment of the Deparrmenr
Forelgn Relations ................................................................
pares In international organisations and institutions, in Promotes relation5 with forergn counrries, and partici-
pimuit of South Africa's national values and foreclgn p d q objectwes
Of which Earmarked Funds - African Union/ New Economic Partnership for
Africa's Development
R:blic Diplomacy and Protocol ........................................... Fror:lotes an understanding, both domestlcall? and inter narionally, of South Africa's role and poslrion in intenla- tlonal relations. and provides protocol services
Foreign Properties ............................................................... Provides secure, economical housing and ogice accom- modation to all staff members abroad and maintains immovable properr~es abroad
Auxiliary and Associated Services ..................................... Provides for the payment of membership fees to interna- tionai organisatlons, rransfer payments and support ser- vices fo r all offrc~als on transfer abroad and makes pro- vision for the inauguration of the President
Of whtch Transfers -United Nations: Membership Fees - Unlted Nations Development Programme -Humanitarian Aid - African Union -Commonwealth: Membershlp Fees - Southern African Development Community:
Membership Fees -Bureau of International Exposition: Membership
Fees - African, Caribhean and Paclfic Group of States -Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty - Bacterlal and Toxic Weapons Convention - South Centre - Indian Ocean Rlm Research Centre:
Witwatersrand - Perrez-Guerrero Trust Fund - Neu Economic Partnershlp for .4frica's Develop-
ment -United Natlons Development Programme: Local
Office Costs - Other international orgamsatlons -African Renaissance Fund - Research Assstance: Mantime Law Institute
ioteiMain Division
2 243 555
205 983
I 665 995
62 741
48 22t
260 61(
R'00G 2 221 1 038
2 096 683
I a5 004
I 589 798
61 271
260 61(
201 67: 76 00(
9% 10 00( 14 50( 7 001
8 621
2: 1 101 1 421
41' 1 001
121 51
20 00'
4 40 5 95
50 00 12
146 872
20 919
76 197
I 47c
48 22C
pecificall! and
xclusivelq yropriated
33 00c
8 No. 25131 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 7003
Act No. 18.2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
iome Affairs im. The aim of the Deparrnrenf ofHomc Affuirs is to pm0-
rect and regulate rhe tntercsrs of the mhabtrarm of the Republic of Sour11 Africa. 111 respect of their rndrvtdual
promote a supportmg rrrrice to this effect starus, Iden tq and specific r-~ghrs andpowrrs. arrd ro
Admmistratlon ............................ Provides fo r rhe overall management of rhe Depar-r- menr
Services to Citlzens ...........................................................
population, addressing trawl and passporr marrers. G r a m specjfir rights and powers to members of the
cirizenshlp and popularton regnrmtion Of which Earmarked Funds - Infrastructure - Home Affair? National Identification System
project -Home Affairs National ldentificatlon System smnr
card Migration ............................................................
Controls m~migratron according ro South Africa? skills and invesrmenr needs, and corlrrols visiror,y who eizrer rhe c o w r p on a remporan basis
Of whrch 'Transfers - Consultative Committee for Performing Artists Earmarked Funds - Infrastructure
A u x i l i q and Associated Services ....................................... Supports rhe Fdm and Pubiicarion Board, Government Printing Works, Governmenr Motor Transport, Indepen- denr Elecroral Commisslon and capmi works
Of which Transfers - Film and Publication Board -Government Printing Works - Independent Electoral Commisslon Earmarked Funds - Capital works
'rovincial and Local Government inn: The aim of rhr Departmen1 of Provincial and Locai
Government is ro develop and promote a narionai s y rem of integmred and co-opuarive governance. and t~ support provmcial and local governmerlr
Adrmnistratlon .................................................................. Prol'ide f o r the management, leadership and admlnis- rrarion of the Deparrmenr
Suppol-rs the developmen! and monitor-ing of the p i n - cipies and pracrices of inrergoverrlnzenrui ieiatiorzs, co- operative governance, iliregrutedpiallnirig and service deirwg sxsrems and srr-uregic direcrion ofthe Urban Renewal arld Inregrated Sustainable Rural Developmef progr-amines
! Governance and Development ............................................
Of which Transfers - !vlunic~pal Infrastructurs Investment Unit
bute lMnin Division
1 971 053
233 291
165 55:
276 26
695 94d
9 399 00
50 78
2 501 00
_ _ _ ICurrent
-__ R'OOC
1 729 388
225 1%
551 50:
213 641
673 08:
671 16( 5 20(
25 OO( 640 96(
-- 6 981 89:
48 9 4
93 01
48 40 10 00 --
241 665
8 133
208 05(
2 62:
22 85s
2 417 IO!
1 83.
2 410 99
2 410 25
84 SO(
258 061
15 00(
35 500
21 275
10 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
Condltlonal Grant to Provtnces - Consohdated Municipal Infrastructure Programme Condltlonal Grants to Local Government - Consohdated Municipal Infrastructure Programme - Local Economic Development and Social Plan
Fund - Municipal Infrastructure Grant Earmarked Funds -Local Economlc Development and Social Plan
-Municipal Infrastructure Gram (national portion) Fund (national portion)
Instttutlonal Reform and Support ........................................
for provmclai and locui government, a national disaster Proisides fo r capacin buildmg and support programme.?
management cenrre, and dvectjiscal rransfers ro local poven;ment
Of which Transfers - South African Local Government Associatlon -Local Government Equitable Share Conditional Grants to Provinces -Local Government Capaelty Building Condltlonal Grants to Local Government --Municipal Systems Improvement Programme
I Auxihar) and Associated Services ....................................... Provides fo r communrcation and fo r services associared wirh the aims of the Department, such as the actwiries
House of Traditional Leaders of the Municipal Demarcation Board and the Narional
Of whlch Transfers - Comrmsslon for the Promotion and Protection of
Rlghts of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Com- munities
-Municipal Demarcation Board - South African Cities Network
Public Works 4im: The aim ofthe Department of Public Works is to pro-
vtde and manage, in accordance with prescribed sran- dards and direcrives, the accommodation, housing, lard and infrastructure needs of national departments, as well as to rendel- associared and supporting service ro manage the povern alleviation programme and to promore the transformation of the construction indus- r r )
1 Administration .................................................................... Conduct rhe overall managemenr of the Departmenr
2 Provision of Land and Accommodation ............................. Prowde for rhe accommodation, housing, land and in- frastructure needs of national departments
3 Kational Public Works Programme ...................................
and conrribuie to meeting comniuniq mfrastrucrure Pnxnote wansformation in the construction indusrn'
needs through labour-based prolects Of ii~hiCh Transfers
'oteihlaln Division
6 799 734
44 474
4 466 70(
276 63
3 851 07
321 87
38 40
6 798 15
6 746 48 20 25
6 343 47
232 31
150 41 41 77
24 7 :
8 91 14 3' 1 5(
2 242 0:
268 3
1 895 11
61 5
22 0
__ 3
5 0 8
8 4
10 I 1 10 __ )6
87 -
2 246 253
I I7 00C 47 00(
1 58:
2 70(
2 224 66
X 31
1 955 3c
260 33
259 8:
pecifically and
xcluswely ,proprialed
3 00( 3 oor
12 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT, 2003
-Construction Industry Development Board - Council for the Built Envlronment Condlrional Grant to Local Government - Communlty Based Public Works Programme Earmarked Funds -Poverty Rellef: Community Based Public Works
Programme (national) Auxiliary and Associated Services ......................................
Provrde for various services, including compensarion for losses incurred on the govemmenr-assisted housing scheme when public servantsfail to fulf;l heir obliga- tions, assisrance to organisarions fo r rhe preservariorl of narional memorials, and granrs-in-aid
Of which Transfers - Loskop Settlement - Commonwealth War Graves Commlssion and
United Nations - Parhamentary Villages Management Board - Sector Education and Training Authority
Government Communication and Information System GCIS) lim: The aim of rhe GCIS is ro provide a comprehensive
communication service on behalf of Govemmenr ro facrlltare rhe uwolvemenr of the majority of South Afri- cans in rhe process of governance, rcconstrucrion and development, narion building and reconciliarion
I Administrat~on ..................................................................... Responsible for the overall management of the GCIS
L Policy and Research ............................................................
policy, provides communications advice on Govern- Conducrs communicafion research, develops media
ment's programme of action and monitors the programme from a communicarions perspecrive
Of which Transfers -Media Development and Diversity Agency
3 Government and Media Liaison .........................................
provides a professional service fo rhe media Ensures deparrmenral communicafion is inregrared and
1 Provincial and Local Liaison .............................................. Facilirares national, provincial and local co-operarion and co-ordinares the inter-sectoral commirtee for esrab- lishing one-stop communi5 cenfres
5 Communication Servlce Agency .......................................... Provides a range of media production services fo the GCIS and other government departmenrs
6 International Marketing and Mobilisation ......................... Markets South Africa to rhe infernational community
Ojwhich Transfers - lntemational Marketing Council
National Treasury Aim: The aim of the National Treasuty is to promote eco-
nomic development, good governance, social progress and ruing li1,ing standards through accounrable, eco- nomic, ejicienr. equirable a17d susrainable public finances
'oteNain Division
17 11!
176 4 5
35 61
15 70
14 31
26 54
21 5s
62 68
11 772 3(
R'000 20 087
2 000
16 419
15 274 1
12 054 1 550 1 669
167 881
3 1 475
15 492
7 00( 7 00(
13 691
25 82:
18 70'
62 681
62 681 62 681
8 335 71
259 820
8 576
4 135
2 X8.
3 436 59
;pecifically and
:xclusively ppropriated
14 1x0
14 No. 25131 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT. 2003
Admmistration .................................................................... Prov1des"for- rile leadership and overall marlagemenr of the National Treasun Of uhlch Transfers - Sector Education and Training Authority
! Economic Planning and Budget Managemeni ...................... Provides advice and analysis in fhe development of macroeconomic, financial, fiscal and tax policies, and co-ordinates the budger process, and division of revenue between the three spheres of government
' Asset and Liability Management .........................................
Government's debt and contingent liabilities Oversees GovemrnentSfinancial assets and manages
Financial Management and Systems ................................... Regulates and oversees public secror procuremenr through policy formulation, managing some supply con-
tiorla1 and provmcial government, co-ordinates the tracts, and starzdardising thefinancial systems of na-
implementation of the Public Finance Management Act and ensures thar department5 have the skilis 10 comply w f h the Act
; Financial Accounting and Reporting ..................................
p v e s consoitdaredfinancial statements, and seeks to rets Government accounting policy and standards, pre-
improve and integratefinancial mnagemenr Of which
Transfers - Accounting Standards Board - Auditor-General
I Provincial and Local Government Transfers ...................... Provides fo r the conditional grants f o r the provincial and /oca1 spheres ofgovernment that are directly ad- mrnistered by the National Treasur)' Of which
Transfers Conditlonal Grants to Provinces - Provincial Infrastructure -Provincial Infrastructure: Flood Rehabilltation Conditional Grants to Local Government -Local Government Restructuring -Financial Management: Municipalities -Financial Management: Development Bank of
Southern Africa i Civil and Militaq Pensions, Contributions to Funds and
Other Benefits ..................................................................... Provides fo r pension and post-retirement medical ben- ejir obligations to former employees of state depart- ments and bodies, and for similar benefits f o r reitred members of the militan Of which Transfers - Prowdent Funds for Associated Institutions - United Kingdom Tax - Military Pensions: Ex-Servicemen - S.4 Citizen Force - SA Legion - Civil protection
JoteiMam Division
R'OOC 102 382
122 593
42 83 I
357 716
63 208
3 061 40:
2 029 56'
R'OOC 91 888
133 133
119 698
42 152
353 946
62 737
11 952 3 70( 8 25:
526 912
525 83(
3 15 OO( 151 OO( 59 83(
2 029 5 6
1 I6 64: 7 2
2 7 4 44 091 69 03
R'006 I O 494
2 895
3 116
47 1
2 534 488
2 534 488 '
2 334 488 200 000 I
Specifically and
exciuslvelg lppropnated
16 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
Fiscal Transfers ....................................................................
and institutions In rernzs ofsratutes and mtematlonai Provides forfinanclal transfers to various authorities
agreements, rhese include the South African Revenue Service, the Development Bank of Southern Africa, the
of the Multilareral Monetary Agreement Financlal and Fiscal Commission and some signatories
Of which Transfers - Lesotho and Namibia -Development Bank of Southern Africa - World Bank Group - Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiatwe: Intema
tional Monetary Fund -African Development Bank - South African Revenue Service -Financial and Fiscal Commission - Secret Services Account - Financlal Intelligence Centre
'ublic Enterprises um' The alm ofthe Department of Public Enterprises IS to
drrect and manage the accelerated resrructuring of state-owned enterprises to mawimise shareholder value
Administration .................................................................... Responsible fo r the overall direction and managemen! of the Mmisrry and Department
Restructuring of State-Owned Enterprises ........................
programme to meet Government's social and economic Develop, Implement and manage the restructuring
oblectives , Performance Monitoring and Strategic Analysis ...............
Monitor and evaluate the financial, socio-economic an< non-financial performance of stare-owned enterpnses
'ublic Service and Administration Lim: The aim of the Department of Public Service and Ad-
ministration is to lead the modernmation of the public service by asslstmg government departments to imple- ment their management policies, systems and struc- rural solutions, wlthrn a generally applicable frame- work of norms and standards, in order to improve service deliveo
I Admlnistration .................................................................... Provldes policy and strategic leadership to the public service to enhance the public service's abilin to deliver on Governmenr's priorities and objectwes
Integrated Human Resources ............................................ Develops and establishes human resource managemenl and facilitates capaciv building in the public service through negotiations and related interventions
3 Infomation and Technology Management .......................
formation technology in government and facilitates the Ensures the effective urilisation of information and in-
use of informatron technology fo r !he modemisarion of Governmenr and rhe esrabhshment ofe-governmen! practices, within an acceprable information securiq environment
4 Service Delivery Improvement ......................................... Ensures senmice delivery improvement in governmen! through InrervertrionJ, frameworks and learning prod- ucrs
ioteiMain Division
R'000 5 992 605
60 205
28 676
15 847
15 682
157 665
29 67:
30 62t
22 11'
23 07,
R'000 5 108 816
5 108 816 157 632 40 001
55 000
3 463 959 12 679
1 367 545 12 000
59 655
28 216
15 832
15 547
103 113
29 291
30 40:
18 36(
22 871
R'000 883 789
883 789
129 567 328 045
401 171 25 001)
54 552
22 I
3 74>
,pecifically and
:xcluswely pproprlated
18 No. 15231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2001
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
Ant]-Corrupuon ................................................................. Esrahlishes pame i - sh ip and devrses srraregm rohghr comptlon and enharlces erhicai condrrcr ar~dpractices in the public 5er:ice
Auxiliary and Asqoclated Services ..................................... Focilrrates tramfers to the State Infonnatron Technol- og) Agency, a public entity charzed ~ u t h establrshing, mainramng, and enhonczng Governmenrk nformarion technology ir!frastrucrul-e
Ofwhich Transfers - Srate Inhrmarion Technology Agency
'ublic Service Commission im: The am? of the Publrc Servrce Commission is to p m -
admmrstratrorl 111 the Public Service more rhe consritutional values and principles of public
Admmisrratlon .................................................................... Manages and organises the Ofice of the Publzc S e n k e Conzmrssion
Human Resource Management and Labour Relations ........ Enables the Conmussion to,perjorm its human resource managemem and labour relatzonsfi~ncrrons effectrvelv by invesryaring, monitorrng, und evaluating human resource polrcies andpractices, and the applrcation of merit and equitx principles in rhis rexurd
4 Good Governance and Service Delivery ............................ Estabirsh a culture ofprofessional ethics in the public service and assess the iniplernenratron of risk manage- menf straregies
South African Management Development Institute 4im: The aim of the South A,frican Management Develop-
ment Insritute is to provrde practical, client driven, organisarional developmerlt interventions that lead to improved performance and servrce dellvery rn the pub lrc Jecror
1 Adrninlstration ...................................................................
and provide supporr service5 Facrlirare rhe oi.erall mnagemenr of the Deparrmenr
2 Publlc Sector Orgmisational and Staff Development ....... Pmvrde a range of inrerxntions that develop or~anzsatruns. improve theirperformance and raise levels of service delrven through competency-based rrazning and conducting relevant client driven research Of which Transfers - Augmentation of Traming Trading Account
Statistics South Africa 4im. The aim f,fSrarrsncs Sorrrh Africa is to collecr, procesa
analyse and dissenzmate high quality oficial and orher
rrarronal srarisrm rysrem i n . supporr of economrc .srarrstical data and informatron and co-ol-dinate The
gmwrk, socio-erononm del,eiopment, democracy and p o d pvernance
iote/Alam Dlvislon
R'000 2 376
so 002
64 215
28 972
15 235
20 001
42 26
14 07'
28 18
293 20
R'000 2 176
63 733
28 490
15 235
20 001
41 49'
13 3 6
28 13.
25 6 2 25 6 2
268 06
so no I
482 I
25 138
20 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
Adminlstrauon ....................................................................
partment, execurive managemertr provides strategic Provides corporate supporr for the acrivities of the de-
leadership to the departmenr rnciudmg rhe ojice of rhe National Srarisrrcs Sysrem Of W/liCh Tranofers - Marketing and Dlssemination Tradlng Accounc
Economic and Social Statistics .............. Produces economic and social staristics ro meet user- requlremenrs
Population Census and Statistics ........................................ Produces population starisrzcs and conducts the popula- tion census
Of whrch Earmarked Funds -Population Census
Statistical Methodology and Integration ............................. Provldes expertise on quality and methodo1og)'for o j i - cia1 statistics, builds capacit): for the production and use ofojicial statistics, and compiles national accounts and analyses stutisrical data
Statisocal Support and Informatics :. .................................. Promotes and provides better access ro ojicial starisrrc.! by optimlsing technology rn the production and use of o&cral starisrrcs and by developing provincial capacrh to support the productton and use of ojicial statistics Of which Earmarked Funds - Population Census
rts and Culture im: The aim ofrhe Department of Arts and Culture is to
realise rhe full potenturl of arts, culture and language in social and economic development and ro promote the diverse heritage of our nation
Admmistration .................................................................... Conducts the overall managcmenr of the Departmenr and provides cerltralzsed suppori services
Arts, Culture and Language in Society .............................. Stirnulares, nuriures and protects the arts and culture o. the counr? andfocuses on institutional capacir): gen- der policies, moral regeneration, and linguisric drversrl in order to allow all South Africans to participate fully rn social, polirlcal and economic l$e
Ofwhich Transfers - State Theatre - Artscape -Playhouse Company - Perfomng Arts Centre of the Free State - Market Theatre - Wmdybrow Theatre - KwaZulu-Katal Phi lhm~onic Orchestra -Cape Philharmonic Orchestra - Gauten: Orchestra - Business Arts South Africa - Financial Assistance Projects: Arts 2nd Culiurc - National Arts Council
78 4O(
21 301
22 IO!
96 91'
926 52'
29 77'
261 87
R'OO 65 52
74 76
20 34
21 07
86 36
663 83
28 01
261 02
179 9i 17 8' 20 2 17 0: 14 11
8 1 : 3 2' 3 01 3 01 3 01 3 51
21 8' 42 0
R'OO 8 94
3 63
1 03
10 55
262 69
1 7:
,eclfcallg and
tcluslvely mproprlated
10 821
4 41'
22 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
- Flnanclal Assistance Projects: hational Language
-Pan South African Language Board Earmarked Funds -Freedom Dab 2004
Cultural Development and lntematlonal Relations ............ Promotes the culrural diversiQ and culrural industries of South Africa as well a.r promornlg culrul-a1 relariorlr mrernationall~ Of whlch Transfers -Cultural Industries -Poverty Reliei: Investing in Culture Programme - Promote arts and culture intemat~onally - Natlonal Film and Video Foundation Earmarked Funds -Freedom Da) 2004
Heritage, National Archives and Natmnal Library Services . Guides, sustains and develops rhe heritage, archives and informarion mtlfutions of rhe counrv m order to ensure good governance, rhe rransformarlon ofrhese insrirutions and access ro rhese resourcesjhr all Of whlch Transfers -National Heritage Council . -Northem Flagshlp lnstitutions - Iziko Museum of Cape Town - Natal Museum: Pietermar~tzburg - National Museum: Bloemfontem - Dle Afnkaanse Taalmuseum: Paarl -The National English Literary Museum:
Grahamstown - Voortrekker Museum: Pietermantzburg -War Museum of the Boer Republics
Bloemfontein - Robben Island Museum: Cape Town - Wllliam Humphrey Art Gallery: Kimberley - Engelenburg House Art Collection: Pretorla - Nelson Mandela Museum: Umrata -Constitutional Hill: Johannesburg - Albert Luthuli Pro~ect - Khoi-San Project - Freedom Park: Pretoria -National Zoological Gardens of South Africa:
- South African Heritage Resources Agency - Promotion of Heritage - South African Geographical Names Council -Financial .4ssistance Projects: Sational Archives - Katlonal Library - Library for the Blind -Literature for the Visually Handicapped - Transfomatlon: Library Services - Capital Works
:ducation ,nn: The aim ofrke Deparrmenr of Educarion is ro develop,
nlairmirr and supporr a South Africon educarion and wainrng sysrem ,for- rhe ZIsr cenrlrr?
.4dministration ..................................................................... Pr-oi~lde.~,foor.poiiry~fon?~ulariori nd ondi~r.r rhe oi'er- all rnarlagemenr of rhc Deparrn~enr
Of wiiicir Transfers -Jacob Zuma Trust Fund
9 8%
lam on
__ '000
___ ! 840
l- Current
1 20c 21 634
I12 323
91 624 30 000 42 00C
3 334 22 290
262 454
226 895 20 385 29 201 30 163
6 083 13 685
1 3Xf
3 00f 4 167
2 99; 25 35t
1 982 14?
4 891 I
SO( 1 00( 8 49:
14 11: 15 16( 136: 4 00( 1 00(
22 131 4 24:
58f 3 00(
260 106
259 557
91 50;
168 0 3
225 29t
1 81:
I I.
Specificall) and
approprlated exciuwely
35 000
5 00c
24 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
-Sector Education and Trainlng Authority Planning and Monitoring ....................................................
Provides inforniation anairsis and suppon in the devel-
poiicies, progranzmes and projects, and assures qualir) opmenf, in~plementafior: and moniforrng of education
Of which Transfers Conditional Grant to Provinces - Financial Management and Quality Enhancement
In Education Earmarked Funds - Thuba Makote -Financial Management and Quality Enhancement
General Education ............................................................... Manages the development. implementation, evaluatioll and maintenance of narzonal policy, programmes and sys tem for general education
In Education
Of which Transfers -Guidance, Counselling and Youth Development
Centre for Africa: Malawi Conditional Grants to Provinces - HIViAids -Early Childhood Development Earmarked Fuids - HIV/Alds -Early Childhood Development - Mwelo - Fmancd Management and Quality Enhancement
Further Education and Trammg ........................................... Provides strategic drrection fo t he f inher education an1 rrainlng secror and manages the pianning. development
programmes and systems forf ir ther education and evaluation and maintenance of national poiicy.
framing, including narronal assessments and qua& assurance systems
in Education
Of which Transfers - South African Qualifications Authority - Urnalusi Earmarked Funds - Financial Management and Quality Enhancement
in Education I HiEher Education ...............................................................
Provides srrafegic dmctron and develops policy for an effective and ejicienr higher education system that con- tributes to.fufujfillzng fhe human resource, research and knowiedge needs of Sourh Africa Of which Transfers -Financial assistance to universities and technikonr -National Student Financial Aid Scheme -Council on Higher Education - Fulbrlght Commisslon
Iealth lin:. The a m of fhe Deparfmcnr of Health IS fo promote I h r
healrh of ai! people In South Africa liirough a caring and effectrve nationai health s w e m bosed on the pri- m a n heaith care approach
VotelM Divisi,
- R '
8 954
8 386
R'OO 21
326 29
234 41
234 41
356 33
208 57
120 47 88 oc
109 94
12 9; 11 2;
1 62
8 785 61
8 771 5( 8 212 1/
545 O( 12 71
1 5t
7 556 2:
R '
168 168
>peclhcall) and
:xcluslvely pproprlated
64 000
22 040
6 000 12 000 50 000
36 971
10 983
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
1 Admlnlstratlon ................................................................... Pinude for - rhc mer-all mar!agemenr of IIIC Deparrmenr,
adrmnrsrrartve .supporf ieprslariw nud C O I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I C ~ ~ I O ~ serwces arid cmrralrsed
2 Suateglc Health Programmes ......................................... Coardirlares a range of straregic national healrh progr-ammes rhi-ougi~ rhe developmenr of policy, sy.ytemJ and monirorilg and manageJ andfund.s key progr-ammes Of which Transfers - Medical Research Council - Health Sysrems Trust - South .4frican Instltute for Medical Research - Poverty Relief -Financial Assistance to Non-Governmental
Organisatlons - HIV/Aids (Non-Governmental Orpulsatrons) - South Afrlcan National Aids Council -Love Life -Tuberculosis: Financial Assistance to Non-
Governmental Organmtions
Council - SA Aids Vaccine Initlative: Medical Research
~ Life Line: Health Systems Trust - . V i e r h r g l l",._ Schemrc ...-" rnlvnr;l ---..-.. Coqdinonal Grants :o Provinces - Integrated Nutrition Programme - HIV/Aids Earmarked Funds - United Nations Global Aids and Health Fund - HIViAlds Condltlonal Grant: National Portlon - HIViAids: Condoms
Health Service Delivery ...................................................... Supporrs rhe delrveqj of services, primarily in rhe pro- vinclal and local spheres of governmenr
Of which Transfers - Council for the Bllnd - Kational Health Laboratory Services - Medical Legal - hlalana LSD1 - Compensation Fund -Health Promotion -Environmental Health Non-Govemmenrdl
Organlsarlon Condmonal Grants to Provinces - Hospltal Revltahsatlon -Hospital Construction: Pretoria Academic Hospital - National Tertiary Services -Health Professionals Training and Development - Hospltal Management and Quallty Improvement
R'O 106 9
1 793 6
6 485 90
R'001 103 541
I 791 48:
1422 I51 156 69:
2 00( 28;
I5 ooc
1 43c 43 25C 10 0oc 25 000
2 600
10 000 11 000 2 573
808 660 333 556
5 661 203
5 552 336 510
23 704 52 000
5 000 8 805
600 40
3 994 114 I 333 499
133 404
R'OC 3 38
2 20
X24 70;
809 984
717 628 92 356
Spccltic and
appropriate eXClUSll
20 00( 5 20(
108 00(
28 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
dabour iim: The aim of the Department of Labour is to play a srg-
nijicant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequa lq through policies and programmes developea in consultation with role-players, aimed at lmproved economic ejiciency and productwit): skiZls develop- ment and enlpioyrnenr creation, sound labour relations ellminatrng inequali? and discrimination in the work- place, alleviating povert) in the workplace, as well as employment, and the protection and enhancement of worker nghts and benefits
AdmiNstraUon .................................................................... Conducts the overall management of the Department and renders suppon and advisory servlces
l Occupational Health and Safety of Persons ....................... Promotes the health and safe91 of people using plant and machiney in rhe workplace
i Social Lnsurance ................................................................... Provides for admmisrrative and other support services to the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Compen- sation Fund, and manages Government’s conrributions to the acrivities of thesefunds
Of which Transfers - Unemployment Insurance Fund
t Employment and Skills Development Services ................. Focr~sar on the imp/crn~ntction o,f?he .Na?ionc! Ski!!? Development Strategy, contributes to the lmplementa- rion of the National Human Resource Development Strategy, and includes government contributions to she1 tered employment factories and to various national in- stitutions fo r differently-abled people
Of which Transfers - Natlonal Skills Fund - South African National Council for the Blind - Deaf Federation of South Afnca -National Council for the Physically Disabled - Subsldised Workshops for the Blind - Subsidised Work-Centres for the Disabled
5 Labour Relations ................................................................
f u l labour relations envlronmenr, lncluding supporting Promotes the establishment of an equitable and peace-
the Commission fo r Concrliation, Mediation and Arbi- tration
Of which Transfers -Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and
Arbitration - Ditsela
6 Labour Policy .....................................................................
policy, and provides statistical Information on the Executes research, ana!ysis and evaluation of labour
iabour market, as well as funds the National Productiv i n Institute Of which Transfers -National Productlvlty Institute
7 Service Delivery .................................................................. Administers and ellforces the labour laws andprovides an emplovment service
VotelMain Division
R’OO( 1291 085
210 84(
26 481
269 631
175 05:
185 54.
27 82
373 78
R’000 1 188 889
151 223
26 208
269 639
257 000 257 000 167 726
12 954 36 201
190 127 151
5 632 30 653
185 036
I60 471
152 539 7 932
21 655
21 834 21 834
339 53c
- Capita
- R’(
102 :
7 .
~pecificallp and
:xciusively ppropriated
30 No. 25131 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRI.4TION ACT. 2003
Of ~t.hici7 Earmarked Funds -Lax Enforcement (Business Units)
8 A u x l l ~ a r y and Associated Servlces ................................. Promotes rrlrernarronai relations and conrrihure\ IO rhe Narlonal Economic and Labour Council
Of ivhich Transfers - National Economlc Development and Labour
Science and Technology 4lm: The Deparrmenr of Science and Technology seeks ro
rea lm the full porenrial of science and technology in social and economlc development, through the devel- opmenr oj human resources, research and innovatiorz
I t\dm~nlstrat~on .............................................................. Provldes policy leadership and advice as well as inre- grarwe and execunvefuncrions far saence and rechnol- og? and rhe Department, focused an the implementariot of rhe national research and development straregy Of which Transfers - National Advisory Council on Innovation
1 Technology for Development ........................................... Improves qual10 of l$e through access to and rhe spread ofrechr~olag~. and by creating capaclg arid skills f o r innovarion and the use of indigenous knowl- edge Of w h ~ h Transfers -Technolog) Planning and Diffusion -National Pubilc Assets - Indigenous Knowledge Systems - Human Sciences Research Council -Technology for Poverty Alleviation - Poverty Relief Programmes
3 Internatlonal Co-operation and Resources .......................... Takes responsibi lqfor the developmenr of bilateral an' mulrilaterul co-operafion in science arid technology ro srrengrhen the narlonal system of innovation, and,for a coherenr rtraregic programme to access overseas devel-
Africa and on the Afrlcan corlrinent opment assistance fo r science and rechnology in South
Of which Transfers -Global Science -Africa Institute of SA
1 Government Science and Technology System ..................... Prorides strategic dlrecrlon, finding and supporr fo r the developmenr arid growth of the science and technology rnstlturions of Govertmienr
Of which Transfers - Academ! of h e n c e of South Africa
' Science and Technology for Competitiveness
national sciericc acfwmes ill support of the narvmal Develops f i l e recimolog? missions. human capital and
sysrem ofirmoiorlorl Of 11,hic11 Transfers
21 9:
1 030 5;
30 X(
196 93
42 71
14 94
145 12
-__ R'OO(
21 87:
7673 -__
1029 661
30 503
4 000 4 000
196 813
156 030 ,44 000 30 000 5 000
'70 030 15 000 '22 000 .42 5x4
.il 713 :20 000 11 713 14 798
2 090 2 090
744 963
??9 739
Speclilcall) and
appropriate( exclusively
30 001
32 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
- Blotechnoiog) Strategy -Information Communication Technology - Katural Resources - Advanced Manufactunng - Innovation Fund - Natlonal Laser Centre -1ndlcators - Natlonal Research Foundation -Public Science and Youth -Foundation for Education, Sclence and
Technology - Grant-in-aid: Science Mlssions and Human
Capltal -Centres of Excellence - Sclence Themes
cia1 Development m: The atm of the Department of Social Development is to
enable the poor, the vulnerable and the excluded wirhtn South Afrtcan socie5 to secure a better l$e fo r rhemselves, in partnership with them and nith all those M?ho are committed to buiidtng a caring sociery
Administration ..................................................................... Provrdes fo r policy jormularlon by the Ministry, and top management and.for overall managemrnt ond su!7porr servtces to the Department
Social Secunty Policy and Planning
securtry and social asststance, and assesses the soaal, Formulates, implements and monitors policies on social
programmes economic andfiscal Impact of .soctal securiry
Of which Transfers - Internatlonal Social Security Association
Grant Systems and Admmlstration ...................................... Designs strategies and operares systems to ensure that eficient and effective services are provided to social assisrance and dtsasrer reltef benejctaries
Of whtch Transfers - Disaster Relief -Emergency Disaster Relief Conditional Grant to Provinces - Child Support Grant Extension Earmarked Funds -Improvement of the Social Security System - Monitoring, Evaluation and Information
Welfare Services Transformation ......................................... Facilltates the transfonriation of welfare services for deitven of effecrtve and appropriate developmental so-
famiiies und communittes clal welfare services in order IO empower children,
Of whtch Transfers -Transfers to Won-Governmental Organlsations - Internatlonai Membershlp Fees
Development Implementation Support .............................. Develops srrategies for povem reduction and commu-
HIV/Atds and suppom nor?-profir organisations n i n developmenr, srraregies ro nlitrgare the impacr of
Of which
otelMain 3ivision
1 952 502
59 26:
7 871
1 201 29:
16 68
657 9e
Current Capital
- R'000 R'000
117 500 5 000 1 000 2 000
161 450 i l 540 2 000
368 133 8 000
9 130 5 486
15 000 ;13 500
1 9419 846 2 656
57 789 1 47s
7 766 i 05
470 470
1200 815 47F
1 115 000 10 000 5 000
1 100 000
16 271
1115 1 000
115 651 864
3pecificall) and
:xclusively ppropriated
20 00( 8 85(
34 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
Transfers - independent Development Trust - Kational Councils - Nat~onal Development Agency Condmonal Grants to Provinces - Emergency Food Relief - HIV/Aids Earmarked Funds - Nauonal HlViA~ds Integrated Plan (national
portion) Population and Development ..............................................
poliq and planning and development w u e s and builds Researches and advises Govemmenr 011 populatiorl
.strategies capacin to nlregrate populatlon issues into developnzen!
port and Recreation South Africa im: The aim of Sport and Recreation Souih Africa is ro
lmprove rlze q u a l q of /$e of ail South Afrlcanr by pro- moting participatron in sporr and recreation in rhe countn, and through the partrcrpatiori of South African sportspersons and r e a m in inrernarional sportlng events
Adminlstration ................................................................ Conducrs t,4e owrall managemenr of Sporr and Recre- UIIU~I .bulb Afrlca
Fundm:. Pohc? and Liaison ........................................ Increases particparion in sport and recreation as well as Improves the performance of South Africans in sport, in order to enhance quairn of life
Of whrch Transfers - South .4frican Sporrs Commission - South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport - Macro Bodies, National Federations and Recre-
ation Providers Building for Sport and Recreation ........................................
Enhances access to and performance in sport and recre
ation organtsarions and creates permanent and tempo- ation acrivmes, empowers communin spor~ and recre-
r a n l o b s ro.fight poverh and improve quality of Itfe through the provision of .sport and recreation facilities Of which Transfers Conditional Grant to Local Government -Spurt and Recreation Faclhties Earmarked Funds - Adminlstration of Poverty Relief Allocation
'orrectional Services im: The a m of the Deparrment of Correctional Services is
JUS^. peacejkl and sgfe socier?. b? elforcing courr-im- to contribute rowards ntainraining and prorecring a
posed sentences, detalnrng prisoners i n safe custody ana' prornormg the socml responsiblli? and human developmenr o j all prr\mers and persons subject to comninrii~ correctlons
Adminiswation .................................................................... Renders adnlrnrsrrarr1.e support lo the Departmerzr, iit- ciudlrq rhe M!nlstl? and senior mnnagenlenr of rhe De- pal-tmellt
Of i ~ ~ h l c h Transfers - Sector Education and Training Authorit)
7 677
2 455
10'2 032
17 608
78 045
64 245 26 5OC
3 5or 34 247
6 375
6 417 49f
2 360 328
2 68: 168:
123 ?
123 I
123 (
1 259 !
94 I
6 405
36 No. 25231 G O V E R N M E N T GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
2 Incarceratlon .........................................................................
health, medical, nutritional and other needs Responsible fo r rhe detenrron of prisoners andfor riieir
Of which Transfers - Gratuities to prisoners
3 Rehabilitation ...................................................................... Provides skills and personal development programmes, Us We[! as processes for reintegrating prisonerr into the communiQ upon their release
4 Community Corrections ....................................................... Administers the superulsion ofprohationers arzdparol- ees
5 Facility Management and Capital Works ............................. Provides fo r the construction, marntenance and upgrad ing of new and existing prisons and correctional facill- ties, ar well US f o r payments f o r the two public-private partnership prisons
Internal Charges ....................................................................
Defence 41m: The aim of the Department of Defence is IO defend an(
protect the Republic of South Africa, 11s territorial in- tegrity and its people in accordance wlth the Constitrr- tlon and the principles of internatlonal law regulating tho uvc .f,ffrc. .......
I Administration .............................. ................................. ....
ministration of the Department Conducts the policy development, management and ad-
I Landward Defence .............................................................. Provides prepared and supported landward defence capabilitres for the defence andprotecrron of South Af- nca
i Air Defence .......................................................................... Provides prepared and supported air defence capabili- ties f o r the defence and protection of South Africa
I Maritime Defence ................................................................
pabilities f o r the defence andprotection of South Africa Provides prepared and supported maritime defence ca-
I Military Health Support ....................................................... Provldes milltan. health services, and prepared and supported medical combat suppon elements
1 Defence Intelligence ............................................................ Provides a defence intelligence and counter-intelligence capability
' loin: Support ....................................................................... Provldeslolnt support capabilltles and services ro the Department
Of whlch Transfers - Armaments Corporation of South Africa Ltd. - San Comrnunlty - St Johns Ambulance Brigade - South African First Aid League - Medical Fund: Retired Members
Vote/Max Division
R'OO 3 554 42
398 64
260 90
1 547 16;
(539 128
20 050 071
660 31'
3 188 40:
2 137 995
1 050 872
I 254 185
153 475
2 039 191
-_ R'OO
3 536 44
14 21 14 21
362 77
260 24
423 84'
(52f' 151
19 99.4 31'
660 31.
3 1813 40:
2 13'7 995
1 050 87:
1254 185
153 415
1 983 43C
231 6 4 2 219 635
:I 60C 45 35
25c -_
Specificall and
appropriate exclusivel!
- R 17
1 123
(12 5 -
38 No. 25231 GOVERNMEW GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT, 2003
- Part Tlme Force Council - Sector Educatlon and Tramng Authorq
Command and Conrrol ..................................................... Pi-ovides and maznfanl.7 a command arid control capa- hilrn for the operational depioynienr of combar forces
Special Defence Account ................................................... Pi-owdesfor special defence actrvitles arid purchases Of whicI1 Transfers - Spcclal Defence Account
ndependent Complaints Directorate Llm: The aim of the Independent Complaints Directorate is
to mvesrrgare complaints of misconduct and criminal- ity allegedl) committed h? members of the South Afri- can Pollce Servlce and Municipal Police Services, ani to propose reforms to reduce the incidence of the behaviour rhar gives rise to such complaints
Adminisuation ..................................................................... Provides fo r the overall management and organisation of the Directorare
Of which Transfers .- Sector Educatlon and TrainmB Authority
Investigaoon of Complamts .............................................. Focuses on ~nverrigatmg deaths in police custodi. and as a resulr ofpolice action and irzvest:gates an? com- plalnt ojmisconduct or offence allegedl)~ committed by an? police oficer
Monltorlng and Development ............................................ Receives, registers and processes complaints about po- k i n g behavrour. monitors the investigation of certain complaints and oversees the implementation of the Do- mesrrc Violence Act h? the South African Police Service and the Municipal Police Services
ustice and Constitutional Development iim. The arm of the Department of Justice and Constiru-
tional Developmenr IS to uphold andprotect the Con-
falr; speedy and cost-effecrive administration ofjustice stitutron and the rule of lau! and to render accessible,
in rhe in f e rem of a safer and more secure South Af- rica
Adrmnistrarion ..................................................................... Provides departmental management, develops strategie and policies, does research, rmproves legislation and makes amendments to the Constitution
Court Services ................................................................... Supports the management and adrnmistratlall of all courts 111 Sourh Africa
Of which Earmarked Funds - Protecuon of Vulnerable Groups - Capual Works -Infrastructure: Malntenance and Upgrading of
Court Infrasuvcture - Infrastructure. Physical S e c u r q of Courts
Vore!Maln Division
721 960
8 843 661
36 833
14 OS4
17 167
S 612
4 547 861
SO9 988
2 066 S2E
F:’000 :2 300 .i 777
721 960
8 843 661
8 84.3 661 8 843 661
3:2 669
12 496
24 24
1 5 781
4 392
4 1910 574
498 408
1771 316
357 2 8
11 sa(
29s 21:
;pecifically and
:xclusively ppropriated
40 00( 229 73s
35 00( 15 00(
40 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
' State Legal Services ............................................................ Provrdes legal services to Governmenr and facilrrares constrturronal amendments rhrough research, develop- ment and fhe promorion of appropriaie legislaiion
National Prosecuting Authonty .......................................... Provldes a co-ordinaredprosecuring service, protects certain witnesses and investigates serrous uniawful con ducf commrtted in an organrsed manner
' Auxiliary and Assoclated Servlces ...................................... Renders a varien of auxriiar). services assoclated with the Departmenrk alms andprovrdes fo r transfers to
cia1 Investigating Unit, the Represented Polirical Par- constirurlonal insrirutions, the Legal Aid Board, the Spe
ries Fund and the President's Fund Of whrch Transfers -South African Human Rights Commission - Commission on Gender Equality - Special Investlgatmg Unit -Legal Aid Board - Publtc Protector -President's Fund - Represented Poiittcal Parties Fund
iafety and Security * :_ T>.. .:... uu. I , L C U L ~ $,-,,LC u r p r ~ r r r r r r i UJ J U J C E ~ ur'u L I C L U I ; ~ LS i<
prevenr, combat and investigate crime, mainrain publi ordec protecr and secure rhe inhablranrs of South A f rica and rherr properr): and uphold and enforce the law
I Admintstration ..................................................................... Provides for the policy and management work of the MinistT, rhe Secretariat f o r Safeery and Securin and senior management
I Crime Prevention ................................................................ Enabies the work of police sraftons and specificjhnc- tional services such as rhe Sourh African Police Servict dog, equestrian, radio control and diving units
3 Operational Response Services ........................................... Provrdes fo r the policing of South Africa's borders and for speclaiised policing services associared with rhe marntenance of pubiic order; crowd management and high-riskfunctions performed by rhe Special Task Forc
1 Detective Services .............................................................. Enables the investigative work o f f h e South African Po lice Service, including support ro investigators in rerm: of forensic evldence and rhe marntenance of rhe Crimi- nal Record Centre
5 Crime Intelligence ............................................................... Provides fo r the management ofcrime intelligence, the analysis of crime information, and technrcal supportfc crime prevention operations and invesrrgarions
6 Protection Services ............................................................. Renders protection to foreign and local prominenr per 1 sons
JoteMain Division
R'OW 253 559
1 020 682
697 104
11 884 466
6 214 89;
9 608 85:
1 310 40(
3 743 58:
595 67;
411 05
R'000 :251 782
1017 913
651 155
5'53 485 32 728 17 3oC 25 535
367 864 43 404
1 66 653
-- 20 821 408
5 753 58;
9 127 22(
1 283 54:
3 666 38:
587 53.
4133 13'
Capital ~~
R'000 1 777
2 769
45 949
1 063 o s
461 315
481 63:
26 85:
77 19,
8 14:
7 91
~ecifically and
xlusively propriated
42 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRlATlON ACT. 2003
griculture dm: Tile aim of rile Depurrmerlr of Agl-rcuirur-e is tu lead
and .support s~rstamable agriculture and proulote rui-a! de~:elopmenr through ensurmg access ro sufiicrent, safe and nutnrious food; elrrnmatmg skewed panlclparior! and inequalin rn rhe sector; mmmirsing growrh, em- plosn~enr and rncome 111 agr~culrure: enhancrng the susrarnable management of narur-ai agricultural re- sources and ecologicoi systems; ensuring effecrive and epictent governance: and ensuring knowledge and tn- formation nranagemenr
Admimstration .................................................................... Provides rhe Deparrmenr wrh polrtrcal and strareglc leadership and managemenr and adminisrrarion
Farmer Support and Development .......................................
formation In rhe agricultural secror b? developing poli- Promores srabil~h, compeririverzess, growth and rrans-
cies governing farmer setrlemenr, Jood secun?; rural deveiopmenr, co-operarive regrsrration and agriculrural risk and disaster manapemerlr
Of which Transfers - Ncera Farms iPty1 Ltd -Flood Relief Scheme
.i\gr~cuItural Trade and Busmess Development .................... Deveiops poircies governing access to r~nrlortai and ill- rernarional nxrkers and promore; black ecpnomlc em- pow'ermenr m rhr serror
Of whlch Transfers - National Agrlcultural Marketing Council
Agricultural Research and Economic Analysis ..................... Provrdes the necessay infomlarion f o r developing and monitoring the agriculrural sector
.Agricultural Production .........................................................
Sustainable Resources Management and Use ....................... Promotes producrivrn and sustalnabilin in agriculture
De~elops, lmplemenrs and monitors policiesfor the management and use of land and wafer resources in agrrculrure Of which Transfers - Agncuitural Research Council Conditional Grant to Provinces - Land care projects
Natlonal .i\griculturaI Regulatory Services .......................... Develops and monitors risk management policres fo r rhe conrrol of anrmai and planr diseases, faad safe8 and rhe use of generrcally modijed organisms
Communication and Information Management ................... Manages and co-ordinates communication, education and inrernarronai relarions
VotelMair Division
R'OO 1 072 19
151 09
146 34
34 94
23 12
5 57
441 33
185 4C
75 93
R'OO( 887 46C
121 765
59 86(
1 50C 1 SO(
34 28;
6 111 6 l l i
23 09;
5 2%
383 691
310 96f 212 96(
38 oo( 1'74 35
'13 59
184 735
25 121
86 485
85 OO(
85 00( 66f
57 631
21 04 21 0 4
11 os
2 34:
44 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT, 2003
9 Programme Plannmg, Monitoring and Evaluation ...............
management in the Depanment Consoildares and suppons strategic and operarional
Communications Aim: The aim of the Departmenr of Communicat~or~s I S to
formulate policy and ensure its implementarlon for the
and the control of transfers to the South African Post teiecommurtrcariotts, postal and broadcasring services,
the Independent Communrcarions Authorit?; of South Ofice, the Soutit Afrlcan Broadcasting Corporation,
Africa, the National Electronic Media Institute of South Afrlca and the tiniver.wl Service Agency
1 Adminlstration ....................................................................... Provide5 fo r the po1ic)~forrnulation by management, carnes out otherjunctions includingjnancial control and internal audit, manages human resources andpro- vides other suppon services
2 Telecommun~cations Policy ................................................. Formulates relrcommunlcations polic): manages Gov- ernment’s shareholding interest in Telkom SA Ltd and its subsidlaries and controls transfers ro the tiniversal Ser- vice Agency and Universal Service Fund Of which Transfers - iviuiii Purpvx Crrlirea - Sector Education and Trrinmg Authonty -Emergency Communications Fund - Gnlversal Servlce Agency -Universal Service Fund - Advanced Institute for ICT
3 Postal Services ......................................................................
postal secrol; manages the shareholdlng in SA Post Of Develops and refines the policy framework fo r the
fice Lid and its subsidiaries and oversees the Postal Regulator Of which Transfers - South African Post Office Limited: Public Infor-
matlon Terminals - South African Post Office Limited Extension of
services - South Afr~can Post Office Limited: Post Office
subsidy 3 Multi-Media Services Policy ...............................................
shareholding in the South African Broadcasting Corpo- Formulares broadcasting policy, manages the
South Africa11 Broadcasting Corporation, the Narlonal ration and controls and monltors the transfers to the
Electronic Medla Institute of South Africa and the Inde- pendent Communications AufhoriQ of South Africa Of which Transfers - Contribution to Children in Broadcasting - Contribution to Youth Programming - Contribution to Women in Broadcasting -Contribution to Disabled in Broadcasting -Contribution to HIV/Alds ~n Broadcastmg -South Afrlcan Broadcastmg Corporation -Channel Africa - Communq Radio -Independent Communications Authority of South
JotelMain Dlvislon
R’ON 5 83(
842 Sl i
83 60;
135 90(
353 os:
263 24
8117 41(
81 461
113 89.’
60 06( 2 cix 2 1w
11 211 24 742 20 OK
352 501
315 5M
8 00
1 5 0
300 00 263 16
253 90 1 00 6 00 7 50 7 00 4 00
44 71 26 28
9 00
-_ 128 64
2 s 101
2 14C
22 001
20 OM
20 00(
jpecifically and
:xcIusively ppropnatcd
46 No 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
1- 5 a
_- En Air
3 h
4 1
S f
~ ~d l lona l Eiectronlc Medla Institute of South A f - nca
iuxillary and Associated Services ....................................... Proisides reseal-ch arid support services ro promore the Depanmenr's a m
vironmental Affairs and Tourism n: The u m of the Department of Environmental Affairs
and Tourism IS to lead environmenrai management and
Qii tourisni 117 the otteresr of susralnable deveiopmenr fo r
idminlstrarion ...................................................................... Proudes for r i le strareglc leadership ojrhe Department, as well as fo r a varieg of essential support services, u c h asjinunclai and human resource management
lnvironmental Planning and Co-ordination ......................... Prol,rdes rnformation ro supporr effecrive envlronmenrul
governance. assesses the follow-up of the Worid Summit munagemenr and public partmpafion in environmental
on Sustainable Deveiopmenr agreemenrs, helps burld capacih In the secfoc and manages the reform @envr- ronmental lan,
Of which Transfers - Council for Scientlfic and Industrial Research - Johanneshurz World Summit Company
Aarine and Coastal Management .................................... Guides the developmenr and conservanon of the marme and coasral environment and ensures that the use of marine and coastai resources IS susramable Of whlch Transfers - Marine Living Resources Fund
. . ourlsm .................................................................................. Develops policy for- the rourism industq and irs marker-
tlon, rransfornlanon. growsth and deveiopmenr of the ing, and Impiemenrs programmes linked ro rhe regula-
rourmn indusrn Of which Translers - lntemational Tourism Marketlng - South African Tourism
3nwronmental Quality and Protection ................................ Protects rhe environnlenr and the health and welfare of the people of South Afrlca by minimising poliution and environmenral degradation
Of which Transfers - South Alrican Weather Service
Biodiversity and Heritage ................................................... Promores and consemes South AfricaS bdogical dive? s i n and ensures rhe susrairmble utilisatrori of itJ re- sourcesfor the benefit of ail
Of whrch Transfers - South African National Parks - Natlonal Botanical Institute
orelMan Division
6 68
1413 26
66 80
35 54
300 80
318 64
116 I ?
220 8
-- Current
1 124 728
65 01f
34 44(
5 50( 50( . 5 nn(
114 80f
6 49- 6 49-
318 39'
296 40( 22'0 00(
7'6 401 115 55
7'3 88 7'3 88
156 15
13 1 4C 6.5 81 5'1 4'
288 53
1 19
I 10
I86 00
186 00 186 00
64 I.
64 01 44 01 10 01
- SI
e: a -
__ 4
0 0 5
00 00 30 -
48 No. 25231 GOVEFWME.NT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
-Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park Authonty - Pondoland
Auxiliary and Associated Services .................................... Provides a number of services linked to the Depan-
projecrs and expedltlons to the Anrarcrlc, Marion and menr’s awns, including thefinding ofpovery rellef
Gough Islands Of which Transfers - Government Motor Transpon - Poverty Rellef Projects Earmarked Funds -Marion Island -Poverty Relief Project Management
lousing im: The aim of the Department of Housing is IO determin
$nonce, promote, co-ordinate, communicate and mon tor the implementation of policy for housing and hu- man settlemenr
Administration .................................................................... Provrdes strategic leadership, administrative and man. agemenr supporr services to the Deparrmenf
Of which Trmsfers -Government Motor Transport
Housing Policy Planning and Research .............................. Ensures rhe development of sustainable human settle- menrs, determines nanonal housing polrcy and draft legislation
Of which Transfers - Habltat Foundatlon
Programme Management ................................................... Manages national housing programmes
Of which Transfers - First-Time Home Buyer Interest Subsidy Scheml Cond~tional Grant to Provinces -Human Settlement Redevelopment Programme
Housing Sector Performance ............................................ Monitors and assesses the impacr of housing delivery
Of which Transfers - Natlonal Housing Finance Corporation - Sencon - South African Housing Trust -Social Housing Foundation
Communication ................................................................. Promotes and facilrrares rhejlon of information be- meen the Department and its stakeholders
Housing Development Fundlng ........................................
Housing Acr Funds norlonu1 housing programmes in terms of the
Of which Transfers
VorelMain Division
354 4 4 1
4 778 836
44 85C
16 448
122 104
304 87
10 17.
4 275 03!
-- R’OOI 8 18’
320 36:
‘284 OO(
‘284 00i
-- 421 943
43 895
16 348
53 53
13 021
2 000 2 00(
304 66(
:!x1 001
61 00( ;!15 00(
5 OM: 10 08:
28 So(
28 80( --
10 o o ( 34 08.
1 1
4 356 893
95 1
1 300
109 083
109 000
109 ON 201
4 246 23!
4 246 231
Specifically and
exclusively lppropriatec
30 OM 16 OK
50 No. 25131 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2001
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
-Interest and Redernptlon on Private Loan? Conditional Grant to Provinces - Houslng Subsld! Grant
7 Housing Eqult? ................................................................ Responsiblefor rmplemermng the Home L L I ~ I I . ~ and Morrgage Disclosure Act, irs regularions and rhe Corn- munin Renwestmerlr Bill when the laser comes irlro operarlon
Land Affairs 4im: The arm of [he Deparrmenr of Land Affairs is to creart
an equitable and usrainable land drspensatiori thar promotes socral and economic development
I Administration ..................................................................... Responsiblefor the overall management ofrhe Deparr- menr, mcludlng human resource manaRemenr and.fnzar; cral admlnisrrarion
! Surveys and Mapping ........................................................ Provldes the national mapping series, aenal phorogra- phy and narzonal geodetic surveys in supporr of susralli able development
i Cadastral Surveys ................................................................ Provides cadasrral iilformatlon services
Restmuon .................. ....................................................... Takes responsihilq for rhe serrlemenr of land resrrrutior &iiirs i11 accordant e W L ; I rhe provisions ofrile Eesritu.
ciaries !ion Act and provides port serrlemenr supnort ro benefi-
Of which Transfers - Restltution Grants
Land Reform ....................................................................... Takes responsibiiigfor the provision of sustainable land redisrriburion programmes. provision of renure securrh fo r all occupiers of land in Sour11 Africa and the prowion ofpublrc injormarion and nlanagemenr of sfare land Of which Transfers -Land Reform Grants - KwaZulu-Piatal Ingonyarna Trust Board - Khula Land Reform Credit Facility
Spatial Planning and Information ................................. Provides for land use management systems, sparial plans as well as sparral informarion
Auxiliary and Assoclated Services ....................................... Responsiblefor augmenring the Regisrrarion of Deeds Trading Account. acquiring vehicles fo r departmenral use and deparrmenral capital works andprovidesfor a contriburion 10 rhe Public Secror Edircarlon and Train- ing Aufhonh Of which Transfers - Reglstration of Deeds Tradmg Account - Sector Education and Training Authority
Iinerals and Energy in>: The arm of [he Deparrnlent ofhfinerals and Energy is
ro formulare arid implement an overall mmerals and energy p o l q III order 10 erisure rile oprimum rrrilrsariori ofminem! and energy resource.\
Administration ................................................................... Provides suppoir I O rhc Depanmem and irs mar~age- menr
Votef i la Divisiol
5 3
1 639 1
164 71
71 5:
81 5
854 91
430 45
17 84
18 02
I 807 81,
91 57:
6.36 53
148 58
67 681
?6 24'
152 5 2
157 711
17 754
16 027
1 226 1
1 225
731 153
76 759
Capital 1 R'OC
4 246 2? 2
1 002 57
1 6 17
3 89,
5 291
702 ?8'
701 82t 701 82t 272 732
270 88: 270 88;
I 8 i
2 00c
approprlare R'OC
52 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION CT, 2003
Promotion of Mine Safety and Health .................................
people affected b ) mining actrvities Profecrs mine health artd safe0 ofmine employees and
Mineral Development .......................................................... Promotes sustainable development through mineral re- sources fo r the benefit of all South Africans
Of which Transfers - Industrial Development Corporation of SA Ltd
Energy Management .............................................................. Responsiblefor national policy on the development of energy resources and their optimal use to maximise thelr contribution to economic growth and development
Of which Transfers - National Electricity Regulator - Electricity Distribution industry -National Electrification Programme (national) Conditional Grant to Local Government - Electnfication Programme
Assocrated Services ........................................................... Provldes senwes related fo the Department:r aim$ and provides support to various public entrries
Of which T-^-”C^-- l lPL131c1a
- Mmtek - SA Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd. -SA Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd.: Decommis-
sionlng Projects
Loans - SA Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd.: Strategic
-National Nuclear Regulator -Council for Geoscience -Pumping of Water
rade and Industry im: The aim of the Department of Trade and Industry is to
lead and,facilitate access to sustainable economic ac- tivip and employmenr fo r all South Ajrlcans through
African products in infernational markets, and IO cre- higher levels of investment, increased access for South
ate a faic comperltive and ejicient market place fo r domestic and forelgn businesses as well as for consum ers, In this way the Depanment contributes to placing the South African economy on an accelerated and shared growth path
Adminisuation .................................................................... Provides strategic leadership to the Department and associafed entities as well as facilitating the successful implementation of the Department4 mandate Of which Transfers - Sector Wide, Enterprise, Employment and Equity
Programme -Fund for Research into Industrial Development,
Growth and Equity: Contribution to industrial Dc velopment corporation
- Sector Education and Training Authority - Council for Scientific and Jndusuial Research:
Delight Project -National Supplies Procurement Fund
btelMa Divisio
2 614
-- Cunenr
R’OOL 91 388
I14 077
15 10C 15 10C
114 152
71 400 4 001
45 001 22 40(
334 77’
:;4 42; 73 43‘
139 58:
18 051
1 4Q 7 111
63 73‘ 31 10
-- 2 466 831
I88 05
9 5(
7 O( X
2 0(
3 3 3
3 3
7 3 ? 3 __ D
lo 1 -
R’OOti 697
1 (140 202
1 039 600
799 60(
240 00( 20 14(
19 9% 9 00(
6 3
1 5 0
50( 8 2 8
208 15.
14 35
,ecificall) and
rclustvely propriated
5 4 No. 15231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
-Integrated Business Register - Government Motor Transport
lnternauonal Trade and Economic Development ................. Negoriare rriferl!arional trade agreements 011 a bilareral and mulrilaferal basrc wifhnz the conrexr of a global tr-adlng em imnnenr and manages Sourh Africa j. tariff regime
Of which Transfers - World Trade Organlsation - Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical !Vu-
fare - Protechnik Laboratories - International Trade Administration Commission
Enterprise and lndustry Development .................................. Develop polrcies and srraregies aimed aif resrrucrurrng
pouermenf of hrsrorically disadvanraged individuals the South African economy rhrough mcreasing rhe em-
and supporting enrerprise development, ensurrng grearer geographic spread of economic acriviry and improved honzonral or generic supporr measures Of which Transfers - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research -
Research contribution - Proud!: C!xth ".fricz2 r_, -Technology and Human Research for Industry
Programme: Contributlon to National Research Foundallon
- Support Programme for Industrial Innovation: Contribution to Industrial Development Corpora- tion
- Technolog! Incubator Development -Technology Transfer Agency -Technology Transfer Capital Guarantee - Technolog) Venture Capltal - Technolog) for Women in Business - Cluster development projects - National Co-Operanves Association of South Af-
rica - U N D O - SA Bureau of Standards - Research contributmn - South Afncan National Accredltation System - Councll for Scientific Industrial Research: Na-
tlona1 Measuring Standards - Small Business Technical Consulting - Environmental Support Fund - Workplace Challenge - Khula - Ntsika Enterprise Promotion .4gency - NAE.1.4C - SA Women's Empowerment Network - National Empowerment Fund - Spatla1 Development Initiatives. Development
Bank of Southern Africa Consumer and Corporate Regulation .................................
Dex'eiop and manage a set ofpolicies arld regularions rhat promore competitive, fnir; eficienr and transparenr markers for ail ecorzornicallv acrive cirizens. and pro- more regularof). compirance rhrough educarion and ef- fecrwe enforcement
94 546
965 895
120 41
___ Current
R'000 I
94 046
52 494 4 000
3 000 1 666
43 828 965 29.5
914 123
323 014 A nm 7 Y Y l
135 000
83 000 20 ooa
2 000 2 00c
10 000 6 000
3 501 5 001
91 40' 6 001
32 001 2 801 1 001
12 001 25 001 40 00' 80 00' 2 001 4 00
25 00 120 01
I 500
pecificall! and
xclus~vely ~propnated
56 No. 25231 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT, 2003
Of whrcil Transfers -National Gamblmg Board - Competitlon Commission - SABS Trade Metrology - Micro-Fmance Regulatory Agency - World Intellectual Property Organization - Companies and Intellectual Property Regisuation
Office The Enterprise Organisation ...............................................
Provides inceriflves and other supporr measures that Improve competitiveness of enterprrses Of which Transfers - Small and Medium Manufacturmg Development
- Strategic Investment Programme -Taxi RecapitalisatLon Allowance Scheme - MDP lncentlves - Crltical Infrastructure -1ndustrlal Development Zones --Tax Holiday Scheme - Skills Support Programme - Competltiveness Fund - Sector Partnershlp Fund -Enterprise Dwelopment
Trade and Investment South Africa .................................... Encourages invesrmenr into South Africa and alms to develop South Afr~cai . capaciry ro export goods to vari- ous markers through export development and assistance and provides srraregic vision fo r rhe grow’rh ofsectors and value-matrices in the economy
Of whlch Transfers - Export Market and Investment Assistance - Export Credit Insurance Corporation -South Afrlcan Export Projects Consultancy Trust
Fund Marketmg .............................................................................
Runs markerlng campaigns, exhibirions and special evenrs to met-ease and expand awareness and accessi- hilrh ofthe Deparrmenr’s products and services
ransport ;m’ The alm of the Deparrment of Transport is to faciiirate
rhe provision of an affordable, safe and sustainable
rransport users rransport system, which IS responsive to the needs of
Adminisuat~on ...................................................................... Provides,for pnlic? formulation b~ the Minister and Director-General. informarlon technologx, financial management, personnel and provisioning admlnistra- rion, and legal and other ofice support services
Of whrch Transfers - Capaclry development
VoteRvlai Diwsior
775 41
466 8:
49 35
6 158 70
68 68
95 OH 11 ON 28 17:
9 00( 9 00( 2 00(
35 82: 585 168
536 OO?
172 0OC 1 I
30 00C
15 00C 5 000
1 45 000 13 000
256 ono 464 857
216 001 140 000 136 000
1 .49 351
5 0105 179
157 68 I
8 439 8 439
190 30(
190 OM
190 OK
2 ooa
1 153 530
I 002
Specificall: and
appropriate exclusivel!
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRIATION ACT. 2003
Land Trdnspon Manafemcnr ............................................ Dei.eiop5 uud mainrains a11 overall r~-ar~spo~-r mfiosmc- rure .sirarcpi plan (rail. road and p q ~ r i ~ ~ ~ e s ) u r d pn- v1de.s iand rrunspol-r regularm~ t h r o ~ q h tire pr-ol~i.sio~1 oj rrarroriul standards arid guideiine.s Of W i l l C i l Transfers - South Afncan Roads Agency Ltd -Railway Safety Regulator - Road Traffic Management Corporation -Road Traffic Operation Pohcy and Information
Management -Overloading Control
Transport Pol~c): and Regulation ........................................
p o k y for all modes of transport, and vgnlarcJ rile Develops, monrrorr. updares, faciiirates and promotes
aviation and maririme industries Of whrch Transfers - P o k y Development - SA Civil Awatlon Authority: Subsidy and Aircrafr
Accldent Investigation -SA Maritime Safety Authority: Government Con-
--National Sea Rescue Institute Public Transport and Planning ..........................................
Manages p u b k rransporr operarlons and pianning Of whrch Transfers - Bus Operations -Rail Operations -Rail Infrastructure -Taxi Operations - h t iona l Land Transport Transltion Act Implemen
tation -Land Transport Pilot Projects Conditional Grant to Local Government -Urban Transport Fund
Vater Affairs and Forestry ,rm: The aim of fhe Departmenr of Water Affairs and For-
e s t n is to ensure rhe avaiiabilrfy and supply of water on a narronal ievel to ensure equirable and eficrenr provision of wafer services at local levei and IO pro- mote susrarnable forest management
Admmistrarion ..................................................................... Providesfinancral, human resowce, information and
porr to the Department managemenr senace.r and general adminisrratm sup-
Water Resource Management ............................................. Ensut-es rhar the coun tqk water resources are pro- recred. used. deveioped, conserved. manuged and COII- rrolled i n a susralnabie and equitubie manner for- rite benejr of all peopie
Of which Transfers - lmgation Board Subsidies -Dam Safety - Operatlons o i Ware: Resources -Equipment Trading Plccount
R'OL I 359 24
I46 59
4 484 18
4 086 54
231 0 i
1 056 11
l i 'OU0 1013 763
x73 52x X25 862
10 000 x 473
I9 193 10 000
146 485
16 036 3 345
5 687
6 504 500
3 777 650
3 754 X40 2 044 000 1 678 840
10 000
22 000
2 627 355
221 5%
716 23t
347 6x2
347 681
-__ R'OO(
445 XX(
434 6Y- 344 69'
706 53:
706 53:
665 001
32 43:
9 101
ipeclficali! and
:xclurwel! pproprlatrd
60 No. 25131 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JULY 2003
Act No. 18,2003 APPROPRI.4TION ACT. 2003
, Water Servlces ..................................................................... Ensure.? rhur effecrive. efioenr, sustainable and afford-
peopie of Sourh Africa as well as economic users able wurer and sanirafrorl services are provided io the
Of whch Transfers -Water Services Operating Subsidy Grant Condiuonal Grants to Local Government - Operation of Water Servlces - Baslc Water and Sanitatlon Infrastructure (capital)
I Forestr) ................................................................................ Promores the conservatron, commerciai and communiy uses of piantarion and indigenous forests to achieve oprrmal socral and economic benejf and promotes rurai developmenr through policy development, regulation, facilrrarion, evaluarron and moniroring
Of which Trsnsfers - Indurrnal Plantation Trading Account
JotelMam Division
R'OO 2 439 72
353 63
33 606 91
i excius~vely
7 1 I
1 I01 81;