The Administrative Procedures (Regulation) Act, 2013 (1956)The Administrative Procedures (Regulation) Act, 2013 (1956)
Date of Authentication Date of Publication
2013-5-22.1 (Sept.6, 1956 A.D.) 2013-5-26 (Sept.10, 1956 A.D.)
Act No. 9 of 2013
An Act to provide for regulating Administrative procedures
Whereas, it is expedient to frame new Rules instead of the Muluki Sawal and
other Nepal laws for regulating administrative procedures;
Now, therefore, His Majesty the King has, in consultation with the Council of
Ministers, enacted this Act.
1. Short title, Extent and Commencement:: (1) This Act may be called
"Administrative Procedures (Regulation) Act, 2013 (1956)".
(2) This Act shall come into force throughout Nepal immediately.
2. Powers of Government of Nepal to Frame Rules: (1) Government of Nepal
may, in order to smoothly run the functions of Government of Nepal including,
matters relating to finance, accounts and auditing and in order to regulate all
administrative matters adopted by various offices with regard to regulating all
administrative matters, frame Rules.
(2) Rules framed under Sub-section (1) may repeal or amend
prevailing Nepalese Law relating to administrative procedures.
Note: The word altered pursuant to the Nepal Interim Government Act (fourth amendment) Act, 2015 B.S. (1958 A.D.).