1. Short title.
PART I. Inrerpretation
2. Interpretation.
3. Acts deemed to be properly done.
4. Oficer may demand aid of any person.
5. Goods deemed to be manufactured.
6. Duty to be proportionate to quantity, etc. .
PART 11. Duties, Drawbacks and Refunds of Duly
7. Excise duties.
8. Minister may make interim order.
9. Interim order to be confirmed, amended or revoked by House :)t
10. Excess duty to be refunded when order expires.
11. Liability to duty.
12. Disputes. as to excise duty.
13. Value.
14. Appeals to Revenue court
15. Minister may remit duties.
16, Duty on goods lost may be remitted.
17. Minister may direct granting of drawbacks.
18. No duty payable on goods exported, shipped as stores, etC
19. When duty payable.
20. Duty to be paid at rate in force on delivery.
21. Refund of duties paid in error.
22. Certilicatc of debenture.
23. Conuact prices of goods may be adjusted to meet change in
excise duty.
me inclusian of thir page is authnrized by L.N. 87/1986]
PARr Ill. Manufacture of Excisable Gooris
24. Licence to manufacture excisable goods.
25. Application for licence to manufacture excisable goods
26. Transfer of licence.
25. Prohibition on manufacture of goods.
28. Penalty for illicit manufacture.
29. Excisable goods to be deposited in a warehouse.
30. Removal for re-manufacture.
P ~ T IV. Spirits
31. Possession of still.
32. Restrictions on storage material in distillery.
33. Receptacles in registered store to be approved.
34. What may be added to spirits in a distillery.
35. Breaking down spirits.
36. Transfer from butts to containers for removal.
37. Containers to be marked with registered mark.
38. Obliteration or removal of mark restricted.
39. Removal to warehouse.
40. Time limit for storage of spirits in registerd store.
41. Commissioner may d i r m disposal of high wines, etc.
42. Spirits for licensee’s own use.
43. Denaturing of spirits.
PART V. Spirituorrr Compounds
44. Penalty for illegal manufacture of spirituous compounds
45. Commissioner may grant, refuse or transfer licence.
46. Accounts to be kept by licensee.
45. Labelling of spirituous compounds.
PART VI. Wurehoures
48. Appointment of private warehouse.
49. Revocation of appointment of warehouse.
SO. Storage and access in warehouse.
[The iodusdrn of this page is authorized by L.N. 87119863
51. Owner to maintain containers in good condition.
52. Cost of management of warehow to be borne by mupier.
53. Storage in private export warehouses.
54. Transfer of excisable goods in warehouse.
55. Vatting. blending, etc.
56. Re-warehousing of spirits.
57. Clandestinely opening or gaining access to warehouse.
58. As to warehoused excisable goods embezzled by officer.
59. Commissioner may remove goods.
60. Removal of warehoused excisable goods.
61. Removal from one warehouse to another.
62. Time limit for removal of duty paid excisable goods.
63. Removal of excisable goods on warehouse becoming insacure.
PART VII. Powers of Ofier s
64. Officer may enter factory.
65. Officer may enter premises, examine and take account of excis-
66. Of6cer may pvol freely.
67. Search warrant
68. Search warrants for pipes. etc.
69. Officer may stop ship or carriage.
70. Power to arrest on suspicion of illegal removal of excisable
71. Power of arrest.
72. Officers to have power of constable.
able goods.
PART VIII. General
73. Revocation of licence.
74. Licences and receipts rendered void if cheque payment dis-
75. Attendance. of officers.
76. Supervision of distilleiy or factory by officers.
77. Inspection of books and documents.
78. Assistancc to be afforded to officers.
79. How errors in m u n t s may k corrected.
80. Rewards.
[The h c l u i m of d k p g c is authorized Lv LN. 67119861
81. Form of documents.
82. Regulations.
83. Penalty for interfering with label. lock or seal.
84. Sale of excisable goods by manufacturer.
85. Accounts to be kept by wholesaler and retailer.
86. Where excisable goads may be offered for sale.
87. Authority to be produced by person acting for another.
88. Goods to be handled, etc., by owner.
89. Samples for owner.
90. Power of appeal.
91. Accounts to be kept.
92. Manufacturer to produce books. invoias. etc.
93. DeEcieocy in stock.
Excess in stock.
94. Instruments, calibration tables, accommodation to be provided by
95. Restriction on delivery of goods to counteract evasion.
96. Removal of excisable goads from registered store, factory Of
97. Duty to be paid before removal.
98. Returns.
manufacturer or warehouse keeper.
PMT IX. Offence3
99. Obstruction of officer.
100. Obstruction and impersonation of officers.
101. Collusive seizure, bribery, etc.
102. Illegal possession of excisable goods.
103. Goods used contrary to purpose for which delivered
104. False declarations and refusing to answer questions.
105. Giving warning to an offender.
106. Offences in regard to consignment notes.
107. Illegal removal.
108. Receiving without consignment note.
PART X. Legal Proceedings
109. Offering goods for sale under pretence that the duties are not
110. Penalty where goods forfeited.
[ T h e indusian of this page is authnrized bq LN. 87119961
11 1. General provision as to forfeiture.
112. Procedure on seizure.
113. Claim to seized goods to be in name of owner
114. Governor-General may restore seizure, etc.
115. Commissioner may mitigate penaky.
116. General penalty.
117. Prosecution of offences and recovery of duties.
118. Proceedings to be taken within seven years.
119. Alternative prison sentence.
120. Imprisonment for second offence.
121. Limitation as to pleading.
122. Acts by companies.
123. Venue.
124. OEcer may prosecute.
125. Onus of proof on defendant in certain cases.
126. Commissioner to certify value.
127. Chemist’s certificate suf6cient evidence.
128. Admissibility of copies of documents.
129. Proof d order of Government.
130. Certificate of condemnation.
131. Commissiwer may distrain for duties.
132. Power of Commissioner to sell warehoused goods.
133. Lien on warehoused goods
PART XI. Savings
134. Savings.
me inclvsias of Fhis page is authorized by L.N. 87119861
cap. 11%
[Srh February, 1942.1
1. This Act may be cited as the Excise Duty Act.
2d of 1953.
33 of 19%
43 of 1%
42 of 1969
3rd Seh,
17 of 1971,
29 of 1971
2nd seh.,
12 of 1985
16 o l 1931
21 of 1991
Short title.
PART I. Interpretation
2. In this Act- IntcrpnEl.
“absolute alcohol” means 100 per cent alcohol by volume; ZI/IWI
S. 21 (a).
“aircraft” includes balloons, kites, gliders, airships and flying i7/1971
s. 2 (C). machines;
“beer” includes ale, porter, spruce beer, black beer, and
any other description of beer, or any liquor, which
is made or sold as a description of beer, or a substitute
for beer, which on analysis of a sample thereof at any
time is found to contain more than 1.1 per centurn of 21/1991
absolute alcohol by volume at 20 degrees Celsius; and S . 21 (a).
beer brewed shall be deemed to be beer manufmturd,
“butt” means a receptacle approved by the Commissioner g;.1985
for the reception of spirits in a registered store;
‘‘&age” includes every description of conveyance fur. the 1711971
S. 2(d). transport by land of human beings or goods;
me inclusion of Dhis page is authorized by L.N. 3/20011
“cigar” means a roll of tobacco or of any substitute for
tobacco, the outer wrapper of which is tobacco and
forms part of the cigar;
“cigarette” means a roll of tobacco or of any substitute
for tobacco, the wrapper of which is paper or any
substance other than tobacco and forms part of the
“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Taxpayer Audit
and Assessment:
“container” includes puncheon, hogshead, barrel, quarter
cask, octave, keg or other container of wood, glass,
earthenware or other materials;
“denatured spirits” means spirits to which a substance has,
or substances have, been added to render such Spirits
noxious and non-potable;
“distillery” means any building or premises licensed under
this Act for the manufacture of spirits by distillation
and includes a registered store;
“drawback” means a refund of all or part of any excise
duty authorized by law in respect of goods exported
or used in any particular manner;
“excise duty” includes any duty other than general consump-
tion tax imposed under the General Consumption Tax
Act and an export duty of customs imposed on any
articles manufactured in the Island;
“excisable goods” means goods of any description on which
an excise duty is imposed under this Act or on which
special consumption tax is imposed under the General
Cansurnption Tax Act;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 3/20011
“excise warehouse” means any building or premises used 12/1985
9Eh. by the Commissioner for the storage of excisable
goods manufactured in this Island without the payment
of duty;
“export” with its grammatical variations and cognate
expressions means to take or cause to be taken out
of the Island or the territorial waters thereof;
“export warehouse” means any warehouse appointed by the A:il;.;
Commissioner for the temporary storage of excis- iz/i98s
able goods for exportation awaiting shipment; Bcb.
“factory” means any building or premises licensed under
this Act for the manufacture of excisable goods or
spirituous compounds;
“licensee” means a person granted a licence under this Act;
“manufacturer” means- 17/1971 s. 2m).
(a) any person who by any method or process makes
or produces, or causes to be made or produced,
any goods;
(b) any person who applies, or causes to be applied,
to any goods any prescribed ancillary treatment.
and “manufacture” shall have a corresponding mean-
“materials” includes any materials from which excisable
goods are capable of being manufactured and any
residue from any process of manufacture;
“obscuration” means the difference, caused by matter in
solution, between the actual strength of spirits and
the apparent strength as indicated by the hydrometer;
“officer” includes any person employed in the Taxpayer S. 2Dh
Audit and Assessment Department, and all members 219”
of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, as well as any ZI/IWI
person acting in the aid of any such person or member;
S. 21 (1).
l65/ 1999.
vhc inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 3 /2011
and any person acting in the aid of an officer acting in
the execution of his office or duty shall be deemed to
be an officer acting in the execution of his office or duty;
“owner” includes any person who is for the time being
entitled, either as owner or agent for the owner, to the
possession of any goods;
“percentage volume” means the strength of spirits expressed
as a percentage volume of absolute alcohol at 20
degrees Celsius;
S. ? I (a).
s. 2 tC)
“prescribed ancillary treatment” means, in relation to any
goods (whether or not originally made or produced in
Jamaica) any treatment (whether by way of marking,
labelling, packaging, repairing, renovating or otherwise;
and regardless of whether or not basically new qualities
are created) which, by virtue of any provision imposing
excise duty on goods by reference to such treatment,
renders the goods so treated liable to excise duty or
excise duty at a higher rate;
“private excise warehouse” means any warehouse appointed
by the Commissioner a8 a private excise warehow
“proper officer” means any officer whose right or duty it
may be to exact the performance of or to perform the
act referred to;
“registered store” means any place, building or part of a
building approved by the CommiasiOner nndu such
security, and under such conditions as he may deem
necessary, for the reception of spirits distilled in a dis-
tillery, and for the temporary storage of such spirie
‘‘rum’’ means spirits distilled solely from sugar cane juice,
sugar cane molasses, or the refuse of the sugar cane;
“ship” means a steamship or any other ship, boat, lighter,
or other floating craft of any description and includes
121 1985
S. 2 (e).
1711971 s. 2 (0.
lThe inclusion of bhis page is authorized by L.N. 3/20011
“spirits” means distilled spirits of every kind distilled in
the Island;
“spirituous compound” means any liquor, cordial, mixture,
compound or preparation of which spirits distilled in
the Island forms a part;
thereof, capable of being used in the production of any
spirits but does not include glass flasks and condensers
used solely for laboratory purposes;
“warehouse keeper” means the owner or occupier of a
private excise or export warehouse.
“still” means any ‘vessel, utensil or apparatus, or any part 1711971
S. 2(b).
3.-(1) Every act, matter, or thing, required by this Act ~ctsdecmsd
io bc
p r II p c r I y
to be done or performed by, with, to, or before-
(a) the Commissioner; 1211985
(b) any particular officer nominated for such purpose,
if done or performed byl with, to, or before, any officer
assigned by the Commissioner for such purpose or any
person appointed by the Commissioner to act for such
particular officer (as the case may be) shall be deemed to be
done or performed by, with, to, or before the Commissioner
or such particular officer (as the case may be).
(2) Every person employed on any duty or sewicc
relating to this Act by the orders or with the concurrence
of the Commissioner (whether previously or subsequently 1.: ”1985
expressed) shall be deemed to be the officer for that duty Sch.
or service.
(3) Every act required by this Act to b- dope at
any place if done at the place appointed by the Commis- ,21,955
sioner for such purpose shall be deemed to be done at k h .
the particular place as required by law.
4 4 1 ) It shall be lawful for any officer to demand the aid 0ficcr may
or assistance of any person in the execution of any act or :;laid
thing authorized or required under this Act, and any such ~ ; ~ ~ j l
s. 3. ~ - _ _
[The inclusion of lhis pa:e is authorized by L.N. 90: 19931
21 l1W1
s 21 CA>
to be
penon failing to aid or assist any officer when called upon
to do so, without reasonable excuse, shall be liable on con-
viction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.
(2) In this section “officer” means a person employed
in the General Consumption Tax and Excise Department or
a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
5 . 4 1 ) All excisable goods manufactured in the Island
shall be deemed to be goods manufactured for sale unless
and until the contrary is proved.
(2) All excisable goods found in a factory shall be
deemed to have been manufactured in such factory.
( 3 ) Where any spirits are found upon any premises
upon which there is an unlicensed still, such spirits shall
be deemsd to have been distilled by the occupier of such
premises unless and until the contrary is proved.
21 11991
S. ?1 (a).
6. All duties, rates, charges and drawbacks imposed or
allowed by this Act according to any specified weight,
Duty to be
tionate to . -
w n t w , e t c . measure or strength or according to any specified value OT
any particular description of package, shall be deemed to
apply in the same proportion to any greater or less weight,
m&sure, strength or value or any other description of
package, and according t o metric weights and measures.
PART 11. Duties, Drawbacks and Refunds of Duty
7.-(l) The House of Representatives may from time to
time by resolution impose an excise duty on goods
manufactured in the Island, and may revoke, reduce,
increase, or alter, any duty and may provide for exemptions
theref rom.
(2) The duties set forth in the First Schedule shall be
payable and shall continue in force until revoked, reduced,
increased, or altered, in the manner provided by this Act
ITke inclusinn of this page IS authorized by L N 90/1993]
8. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7, Minister
may make the Minister may by order impose. increase, or reduce, any in,erim
excise duty, and from the date of publication of any such Order.
order in the Gazette until the expiry of such order, the duty
payable under such order shall be payable in lieu of any
duties payable prior thereto :
Provided that where any duty is reduced by any such
order, the person liable to pay the reduced duty shall pay
such reduced duty and in addition shall deposit with the
proper officer the difference bztween the duty payable prior
to the date of the order, and the duty payable under the
order, until the order expires or is confirmed, amended,
or revoked, as provided by section 9.
9.-(1) Every order made under section 8 shall, within ~nterim
twenty-one days from the date after its first publication. ;:z:2;
be submitted to the House of Representatives, and the amended revoked by or
House of Representatives may by resolution, confirm, H,W of
amend, or revoke, such order and, upon publication of the tat,YCS,
resolution of the House of Representatives in the Gazerfe,
the resolution shall have effect in place of the order.
(2) If any such order be not submitted within such
period of twenty-one days to the House of Representatives
it shall ipso faczo expire.
l@.-(l) So much of the duties paid under any order Enoessduty
under section 8 as may be in excess of the duty payable tundedwhsn
under any resolution referred to in section 9 shall be repaid order
to the person who paid such duties.
10 be re-
(2) So much of any sums deposited in accordance
with section 8 as, together with the duty paid, is equal to
the duties payable under any resolution referred to in
[The inclusion af this page is authorized by L.N. 90/1593]
12/1985 seclion 9, shall be brought to account by the Commissioner
of jnland Revenue as excise duty and the balance. if any.
shali be refunded to the depositor.
duty. 11.41) All excisable goods manufactured shall be
liable to duty imless accounted for and exempted according
to the provisions of this Act.
(2) Where by manufacture, bond, removal of goods
or otherwise, any obligation has been incurred for the
payment of excise duties, such obligation shall be deemed
to be an obligation to pay all excise duties which may
brzcoine payable under any law, or which are made payablc
or recoverable under this Act, as such duties become
(3) Where any duty has been short levied or
exoneously rcfunded, the person who should have paid
the amount short levied, or to whom the refund has
erroneously been made, shall pay the amount short levied
or shall Iej>ay the amount erroneously refunded (as the
case may be), on demand being made by the Commissioner
of Inland Revenue.
.: 1.
Znd Sch,
IZ.-. (1) If any dispute arises as to whether any or what
excise duty is payable on any goods, the person liable to
pay such duty, or his agent, shall deposit in the hands of
the Commissioner of Inland Revenue the duty demanded
by him, and may, within three months after such deposit,
apply to the Commissioner of General Consumption Tax
and Excise by notice of objection in writing to review and
revise the assessment of duty on the goods, and such appli-
cation shall state precisely the grounds of objection.
a5 10
S. 21 (a).
[fhe inclusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. 90/1593]
(2) On the receipt of the notice of objection referred 29i 1071
to in subsection (I), the Commissioner may require the 12/l9R5
person giving the notice of objection to furnish such Sch.
particulars as the Commissioner may deem necessary
with respect to the assessnent and to produce all books or
other documents in his custody or under his control relating
to such assessment, and may, by notice, summon any
person who he thinks is able to give evidence respecting the
assessment to attend before him, and may examine such
person on oath or otherwise.
2nd Sch.
(3) Any person who without lawful excuse refuses z 9 m m or neglects to attend or to give evidence in pursuance of 2nd Sch.
notice served on him under subsection (2) or to produce
any books or documents which he is required to produce
under the said subsection, or who refuses to answer any
lawful question touching the matters under consideration,
or who knowingly or wilfully gives any false evidence before
the Commissioner shall be guilty of an offence against i2/1985
this Act.
(4) Where a person who has objected to an assess- 29/1971
ment of duty subsequently agrees with the Commissioner 12,1985
as to the amount at which the assessment should be made Sch-
the assessment shall be amended accordingly but, in any
other event, the Commissioner &aU give notice in writing
to the person of his decision in respect of the objection.
Inland Revenue that payment of the deposit has been made,
as required by this section, the Commissioner shall, where
such goods have not already been delivered in consequence
of security given pursuant to subsection (2) of section 19,
cause delivery thereof.
sioner of Inland Revenue to the Accountant-General, and,
in case no such proceedings are brought within the time
limited for that purpose, such deposit shall be retained and
2nd Sch.
(5) On receipt of the advice of the Cornmissioner of IZ / .WR~
(6) All such deposits shall be paid by the Commis- 12/1985
[me inclwjon of ~JI& page is authorized by L.N. 87119861
paid into the Consolidated Fund in the same manner as if
it had been originally paid and received as the duty due on
such goods; and in case of such proceedings, if it is deter-
mined that the duty so deposited was not the proper duty,
but that a less duty was payable, the difference between the
deposit and the duty found to be due, or the whole deposit,
as the case may require, shall be returned to the person who
made the deposit or his agent and in like manner where in
case of such proceedings it is determined that the duty so
deposited was less than the proper duty, the difference
between the deposit and the duty found to be due shall be
recovered and paid into the ConsolidatEd Fund.
Value. 13.-(1) Where excise duty is chargeable on any goods
43/1966 by reference to their value that value shall be the price
1211985 which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, the goods
would fetch on a sale made at the time when excise duty
in respect of the goods becomes due by a person selling on
the open market in Jamaica, and for the purpose of
computing that price the following circumstances shall be
s. 2.
(2) It shall be assumed-
(a) that any commission or other costs, charges or
expenses incidental to the making of the contract
of sale are to be paid by the seller;
(?I) that the price is the sole consideration for the sale;
(c) that neither the seller nor any person associated in
business with him has any interest direct or
indirect, in the subsequent resale or disposal of
the goods; and
(d) that there has not been and will not be any
commercial reIationship between the seller and the
buyer whether created by contract or otherwise.
other than that created by the sale.
[me inclusian of tbh page is authmizad by L.N. 87/19861
(3) Where the goods to be valued are goods made in
accordance with a patented invention or are goods to which
a registered design has been applied, it shall also be assumed
for the purpose of computing the price aforesaid that the
buyer under the sale mentioned in subsection (1) is not thz
patentee or the proprietor of the design and has not paid
any sum or given any consideration by way of royalty or
otherwise in respect of the patent or design and, on payment
of the price, will be entitled to deal with the goods free from
any restriction as regards the patent or design.
(4) Where the seller of goods to be valued-
(a) is, or is associated in business with, the proprietor
or a registered user of a trade mark registered in
respect of the goods; or
(b) could have sold them under such trade mark
without infringing the right to the use of the trade
mark given by the registration thereof,
it shall also be assumed for the purpose of computing the
price aforesaid that the sale mentioned in subsection (1) is
a sale under the said trade mark, unless it is shown to the
satisfaction of the Commissioner that the goods to be 3 9 8 5
valued have not at any time been, and security is given, to
the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that they will not
be, so sold by or on behalf of the seller or any person
associated in business with him.
( 5 ) Where a particular form of get-up is used in
Jamaica by any person in relation to the goods of the class
to which the goods to be valued belong, and the goods to
be valued are the goods of that person, it shall also be
assumed for the purpose of computing the price aforesaid
that the sale mentioned in subsection (1) is a sale of the
goods got up in that form unless it is shown to the
satisfaction of the Commissioner that the goods to be m 9 8 s
valued have not at any time been, and security is given, to sch.
[The inclwon of chis page is a u t k r k d by LN. 8711986)
13119R5 the satisfaction of the Commissioner, that they will not
be, so sold by or on behalf of the seller or any p- erson
associated in business with him.
(6) For the purposes of this section-
(a) any refercnce to “get-up” includes 2 referclice Lo
marking, labelling, packing or any other treatment
adopted for identifying goods or presenting goods
to the user or consumer;
( h ) two persons shall be deemed to be associated in
business with one another if, whether directly or
indirectly, either of them has an interest in the
business or property of the other, or both have a
common interest in any business or property, or,
some third person has an interest in the business
or property of both of them.
court. 291 1971
14.41) Any person (hereafter in this Act referred to as
the “objector”) who has disputed an assessment by notice
of objection under section I2 and who is dissatisfied with
the decision of the Commissioner therein may appeal to
tlic Revenuc Court within thirty days of Lhc date of receik-
ing the Commissioner’s decision referred to in sub-
section (4) of section 12 or within such longer time as may
be permitted by or pursuant to rules of court.
(2) The onus of proving that the assessment com-
plained of is excessive shall be on the objector.
‘.linislcr IS. Th: Minister may. upon application made by the
person liable for payment of any duty or fees under this m a y remit dmies.
Act, waive, remit, or refund, in whole or in part, any duty
or fee if, in the circumstances of the case, he deems it
expedient to do so, tind any such waiver, remission or
refund may be subject to such special conditions as the
Minister may see fit to impose.
s. 3.
m e inclusion of t l i s p g e is authorized by L.N. 87119861
16.41) If any goods liable to excke duty are lost or Dufyon
destroyed by unavoidable accident before delivery from a may be
factory or warehouse, or in removing them from a factory remited.
or warehouse, or in shipping them for exportation or for
use as stores, or in the course of delivery from or receiviiig
into any factory or warehouse, the commissioner may i2/1985
remit the duties if satisfied that such goods have not been
and wiU not be used or consumed in the Island.
(2) If any manufacturer or owner desires to destroy
any goods liable to excise duty before they have been
delivered from his factory or from a warehouse, the goods
may be destroyed subject to any directions which may b:
given by the Commissioner, and upon their destruction 1213965
in accordance with such directions the duty thereon shall sch.
be remitted.
any deficiency of spirits shown to his satisfaction to have
been reasonab!y caused by leakage, evaporatio;l or
(4) Where any excisable goods which have been A72971
removed from a factory or warehouse have become spoilt or
unfit for use or do not meet the specification of the trade,
the Commissioner may, in his discretion, permit the I Z / I ~ ~ S
goods to be returned to the factory or warehouse and to be
destroyed OT otherwise disposed of to his satisfaction, and
thereupon the Commissioner shall hold on credit, OT, if
he thinks necessary, refund any excise duty paid in respect
of such goods.
17. The Minister may from time to time make regulations ~ i n i ~ ~
as to the drawback of excise duty which may be granted,
and the conditions under which such drawback shall be drawbacks.
IS.-(]) No excise duty shall be payable on any goods Noduty
manufactured in the Island and shipped as stores or goods
(3) The Commissioner may remit the duty on 1 z / i 9 ~ l i
payable on
shipped ar
ntorcs, etc.
e x p o d , exported by the manufacturer thereof.
[Iln indusion of & wge is authorid by L.N 87/1W
(2) No goods shall be deemed to have been shipped
as stores or exported unless they have been shipped as
stores or exported in accordance with the provisions of
the customs laws governing goods exported on drawback,
and within seven days, or such further period as the
12/1985 Commissioner may by notice in Writing allow, of the
date of delivery thereof from a factory or warehouse.
( 3 ) No excise duty shall be paid on any excisable
goods which are manufactured and delivered in the
Island for the use of Her Majesty’s Naval, Military or
Air Forces, but in respect of each such delivery a certificate
signed by the officer for the time being in command of such
Forces in the Island shall be produced to the Commissioner
to the effect that such excisable goods are for the use of
Her Majesty’s Naval, Military or Air Forces.
19.-(1) The excise duty on any goods shall become due
and payable to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue by the
manufacturer of such goods before they are delivered for
Island consumption from the factory of the manufacturer or
from a warehouse, if they are goods permitted or required by
W 9 8 5 the Commissioner to be warehoused without payment
of duties thereon, or before any such goods are u:ed by the
manufacturer in his factory or in a warehouse for any
purpose, or otherwise as specially provided by law :
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall apply to
goods delivered for shipment as stores or for export and
duly shipped, or to goods permitted to be used free of duty
and duly so used in accordance with the provisions cf this
Act, or to goods in respect of which the Commissioner
may remit the duty under the provisions of section 16.
(2) The Commissioner of Inland Revenue may, upon
the manufacturer giving such m r i t y by bona or otherwise
as he may require, defer the payment of duty upon such
terms as he may allow, and in such case all duties which
[The ind&m.of d&. page is aumiorized by L.N. 87119861
become due within any month, or any other period that
may be prescribed, shall be paid to the Commissioner of 12:19xs
Inland Revenue within ten days of the last day of such Sch.
month or other prescribed period :
Provided, however, that the Minister may by order extend
the time within which duties shall be paid to the Commis-
sioner of Inland Revenue.
20. All goods made or deposited in any factory or D ~ t o b e
warehouse without payment of duty shall, upon being in force on
delivered therefrom for consumption in the Island or upon
being used in a factory or warehouse, be subject to the
rate of duty in force at the time when the goods were so
ddivered or used, save in any case where special provision
is otherwise made by any law.
paid ar ~ R ! C
21. The Commksioner of Inland Revenue shall refund R d m d o f
any money which has been overpaid as duties of excise at inerrtlr.
any time within two years after such.overpayments have
been made on the proper document for such overpayment
being certified by the proper officer.
debenture, certificate, or other instrument, for the pay- t,,re
rnent of money out of the duties of excise shall be paid by
the Commissioner on the proper debenture being certified w i 9 a s
by the proper officer.
(2) In every such case the owner of any goods
entitled to drawback shall make and subscribe a
declaration on the debenture that the conditions under
which drawback is allowed have been fulfilled and that
such owner at the time of the delivery or using of the
goods was and continues to be entitled to the drawback
thereon and, in the case of goods exported, that such goods
have been actually exported and have not been re-landed
and are not intended to be re-landed in the Island.
dil;iss paid
22.41) Every sum of money which is due upon any Cerrificate
. .
[The incluicm of t&.paie is authorized bi. L.N. 87119861'
12!1985 (3) The Commissioner may require the owner
of any such goods to produce satisfactory evidcncc of the
landing or disposal of any such goods exported before
certifying any such debenture.
(4) No debenture for any drawback shall be paid
after the expiration of one year, in the case of goods
exported, from the date of shipment or in the case of goods
entitled to drawback for any particular use, from the date
of acquisition.
Contract 2 3 . 4 1 ) Where any new excise duty is imposed or where
goodsmy any excise duty is increased and any goods in respect of
be to meet adjutcd which the duty is payable are delivered on or after the date
changein on which the new or increased duty takes effect in accord-
nnce with a contract made before that date, the seller of
the goods may, in the absence of agreement to the contrary,
recover as an addition to the contract price a sum equal to
any amount paid by him in respect of the goods on account
of the new duty or increase of duty, as the case may be.
(2) Where any excise duty is repealed or decreased
and any goods affected by such duty are delivered on or
after the date on which the duty ceases or the decrease in
the duty takes effect in accordance with a contract made
before that date, the purchaser of the goods, in the absence
of agreement to the contrary, may Cif the seller of the goods
has had in respect of those goods the benefit of the repeal
or decrease of the duty) deduct from the contract price a
sum equal to the amount of the repealed duty or decrease
of duty, as the case may be.
(3) Where any addition to or deduction from the
contract price may be made under this section on account
of any new, increased, repealed or reduced duty, such sum
as may be agreed upon or as may in default of agreement
be determined by the Commissioner as representing in
the case of a new or increased duty any new expenses
prices of
cxcise duty.
I Z ~ ~ Y S S
CThe i n W m of tzs m e j z authorized W L.N. 67!198a]
incurred and in the case of a repealed or reduced duty any
expenses saved, may bz included in the addition to or
deduction from the contract price, and may be recovered
or deducted accordingly.
PART 111. Mmtifacrure of Excisable Goods
2 4 4 1 ) Every person who desires to manufacture any Licence
excisable goods shall apply to the Commissioner for a E;:?
licence so to do.
(2) Every application pursuant to subsection ( I ) shall sfh.
be in such form and accompanied by such information or
documents as the Commissioner may from time to time
specify, and every application shall be accompanied by a
receipt issued by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue on iz:i9~s
payment to him of the appropriate fee specified in the Thnd
Second Schedule.
(3) No person shall manufacture any excisable goods
except pursuant to a licence granted under this section.
(4) The House of Representatives may from time to
time by resolution alter, add to, or amend the Second
=.-(I) The commissioner shall consider any appli- Application
cation for a licence pursuant to section 24 and, subiect i o m ~ : U f ~ -
to the provisions of subsection (2), shall either grant or z&ablc
refuse such licence in his absolute discretion. eoodr.
pursuant to subsection ( I ) , shall contain such terms as he
thinks fit.
shall be an annual licence and shall expire on the 31st day Sch.
of March next following the date of issue, and shall have
effect only in respect of the premises in respect of which i t
is issued.
for licence
(2) Every licence granted by the Commissioner 3 9 * 5
(3) Every licence granted by the Commissioner 12/198s
p l e inclusion bf this pa&e is authorized by L.N. 87/!9861
26. Any licence issued under section 25 may be
transferred by endorsement by the Commissioner from
place to place or from person to person :
Provided that nothing in this section shall be construed
as imposing any obligation on the Commissioner to assent
to any such transfer.
27.-(1) No goods, other than those in respect of which a
licence is granted under this Part, shall be manufactured in
any factory licensed under this Par4 save where the
Commissioner expressly permits by endorsement on such
(2) Except as the Commissioner may otherwise
permit, where excisable goods are removed from a factory
or warehouse in a container, such container shall be labelled
in such a manner as may be prescribed.
(3) Any manufacturer or warehouse keeper who
contravenes the provisions of this section shall incur a
penalty of two thousand dollars and any excisable goods
manufactured or removed contrary to thii section shall be
28. Any person manufacturing excisable goods contrary
to the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of an offence
against this Act and on conviction shall be Iiable to a fine
not exceeding five thousand dollars and all machinery,
utensils, apparatus, materials and all goods whatsoever
found on the premises shall be forfeited.
29.41) Subject to any exemptions made by the Commis-
sioner, all excisable goods except spirits shall be deposited
daily in an excise, private excise, or export warehouse, and
an account shall be taken thereof each day.
(2) All spirits shall, immediately upon distillation, be
deposited in a registered store and an account taken thereof.
[The inclusion of i&is page is authrized hv LN 87/19861
Transfer of
on manu-
facture of
S. Xa).
S. 5 (b).
S. 5 (b).
Penalty for
illicit rnanu-
goods LO be
deposited in
a warehouse.
121 198 5
(31 Every licensee contravening or failing to comply
with the provisions of this section, shall incur ;L penalty of
two thousand dollars, and any excisable goods not deposited 2;!9s5
or accounted for, as required by subsections (1) and (2), shal!
be forfeited.
30. on application being made to him, the Commissioner Removal
for re-manu- may permit excisable goods to be removed from a regis- acture.
tered store or warehouse for re-manufacture under such 2L,19s5
conditions as he may in any case prescribe.
PART IV. Spirits
31.-(1) Every person who is in possession of or uses Possesion
any still, except in accordanoe with the terms of a licence
issued under the provisions of this section, shall be guilty
of an offence against this Act and on conviction shall be
ljable to a fine not exwding five thousand dollars, and 12/19ss
such still, together with all apparatus or utensils appurtenant
thereto, and any spirits, or materials capable of being used
in connection with the manufacture of spirits, found on the
premises whereon such still is situated, shall be forfeited.
(2) Every person who desires a licence to possess or
to continue to possess a still, shall apply in writing to the
Commissioner, setting forth full particulars of the still, i z /19ss
of the premises whereon it is intended to be maintained, or sFh.
is erected, of the purposes for which it is intended to be or
is used, and any other matters which the Collector-General
may in any particular case require.
(3) Every application under subsection (2), shall be
considered by the Commissioner, who shall either grant 12/1985
or refuse such application, or grant such application subject Sch.
to such conditions as he may think fit.
(4) Where the Commissioner grants any application
under subsection (3), he shall on receipt of the sum of one ~ 1 9 8 5
hundred dollars, cause a licence to possess a still to be
issued to the applicant.
[me inclusim of this pnge is authorized by L.N. 8711986)
(5 ) Every licence issued under the provisions of
subsection (4) shall contain such terms and conditions as
the Commissioner may t h i d fit and shall expire on the
31st day of March next after the date upon which it has
been issued.
~ ~ t r i ~ 6 ~ ~ ~
material On storage
in distillery.
S. 6.
3 2 4 1 ) No container, utensil, cupboard or other means
of storage required to be used in a distillery shall be-
(a) introduced into a distillery except with the permis-
sion in writing of the proper officer or unless it has
been approved by the Commissioner;
(h) used in a distillery iinlcrs i t has been approved hy
the Commissioner;
(c) taken froin a distillery without thc prior approval
of the proper officer in writing.
(2) Every cupboard or other means of storage
approved for use in a distillery shall be so constructed and
maintained as to allow full view of all its contents and easy
access to it by any officer.
(3) Where any container, utensil, cupboard or means
of storage is introduced into, used in or removed from, a
distillery otherwise than in accordance with the provisions
of this section, the licensee shall incur a penalty of one
thousand dollars, and such container, utensil, cupboard or
other means of storage shall be forfeited.
Receptacles 33.41) All spirits kept a t any registered store shall,
in r e g i s k d
storetobe except with the approval of the Commissioner, be kept
approved, in butts provided by the licensee and approved by
the Commissioner. 1711971 s. 7.
i v i 9 a 5
Sch. (2) Every butt for the keeping of spirits shall have
its capacity clearly marked thereon and shall be provided
with such means of ascertaining the auantity of spirit
therein as the Commissioner may from time to time
[ Ihc inclusion of this ,page i s authorized by,L.N. S7/!986!
(3) Where any spirits are kept at any registered store,
except in accordance with the provisions of this scction,
the licensee shall incur a penalty of one thousand dollars 1 ~ 1 9 8 5
and such spirits shall be forfeited. Sch.
34 .41) Except as may be otherwise permitted by the m a i m a y
Commissioner, nothing shall be added to any spirits in a sphuma bc added to
171 1971
distillery save colouring matter or water.
(2) No rum shall be coloured with any colouring s$b85
matter save cane sugar caramel.
35.-(1) Every licensee or owner who may require to Breaking
down spiriu. reduce the strength of spirits in a registered store or
warehouse by addition of water, shall first apply to the
proper officer giving particulars of the spirit which it is
required to break down.
(2) Every person who, except with the consent of
the proper officer and, unless the Commissioner other- iz/1985
wise directs, in the presence of such officer, adds or causes
to be added any water to any spirits in a distillery or ware-
house, shall incur a penalty of two thousand dollars, and all 12,1985
spirits to which any water is added except as aforesaid shall M.
be forfeited.
(3) Where any water has been added to any spirits
contrary to the provisions of subsection (2) the licensee of
the distillery or the occupier of the warehouse, as the case
may be, shall be deemed to have caused such water to have
been added, until he proves the contrary.
36.-(1) Where any licensee desires to transfer spirits TIransfer
from the butts in a registered store into puncheons, casks, p;zm
hogshead or other containers for removal, he shall apply to tainers for
the proper officer, stating the quantity of spirits to be
removed and the number of containers it is desired to fill,
and the time and date proposed for such operations.
l’l’hc inchion of this page is authorized by L.N. 87119861
(2) The proper officer, on receipt of the application,
shall grant permission for the filling of such containers, but
may require the filling to be done in the presence of an
excise officer.
(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in section 40 every puncheon, cask, hogshead or
other container so filled shall be removed from the registered
store within one month from the date of filling, unless the
Commissioner otherwise permits.
container5 37.41) Every licensed manufacturer of spirits shall
withregis. notify the Commissioner of the mark or marks which
teredmark. he desires to use as the mark of his distillery, and if the
Commissioner sees no objection thereto he shall approve
such mark or marks and shall register them as the registra-
tion mark of the distillery.
(2) No container shall be filled in a registered store
or introduced into a registered storc to be filled unless
such container is marked with the registered mark of the
distillery, and has a reference number legibly cut, branded
or printed indelibly thereon.
(3) Every container to be fdled in a registered store
shall be filled in its proper numerical sequence.
Obliteration 38. The marks on any puncheon, cask, hophead, or
or removal
*fmark other container of spirits shall not be obliterated or
removed except by permission, and in the presence, of the restricted.
proper officer.
39.41) Except as provided in sections 30 and 42 no
spirits deposited in a registered store shall be removed
except to an excise, private excise, or export warehouse.
(2) The proper officer shall take an account of all
spirits received in any such warehouse, and shall isms an
acknowledgment for the receipt thereof to the distillery or
warehouse from which such spirits were received.
l o b e marked
17/1971 s. 9.
l l i1971 s. 9.
[me inclusin of tbh page is aubhkxizcd b~ L.N. 87/19861
(3) The quantity of spirits so achxwledged s1I:i:l
be recorded in the books of the distillery or warehouse
dispatching such spirits, and any discrepancy between the
quantity recorded as dispatched and the quantity received
shall forthwith be accounted for, and if such discrepancy
be a deficiency the excise duty leviable by law shall be paid
forthwith by the manufacturer of such spirits. 3311954 s. 2.
40.-(1) Every person who, except with the consent of Timelimit
for storage the Commissioner, stores spirits at any registered store ofspiritsin
for a period in excess of four months, shall incur a penalty :;;i;ycd
of one thousand dollars.
(2) The Commissioner may cause any spirits stored
in a registered store in contravention of subsection (I) to
be removed to an excise warehouse.
be removed to an excise warehouse under the provisions sch.
of subsection (2), any penalty incurred under subsection (U,
togEther with the cost of the removal of such spirits pursuant
to subsection (2), shall be a charge upon such spirits.
(3) Where the Commissioner causes any spirits to ,2,,985
41. The Commissioner may give directions specifying +nrnis-
soner may the procedure in respect of the disposal of spirits commonly direct
known as high wines, low wines, lees and feints used in the
manufacture of rum in a distillery. etc.
42. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the SP’ mts . for
Commissioner may permit, under such conditions as he OWrlUSC.
may deem fit, the removal of spirits from a distillery for the
sole use of the licensee, on the payment of the excise duty
43.-(1) The Commissioner may, subject to any regula- Denaturing of Spirits.
tions made under this Act by the Minister, permit spirits 17,1s,,
to be denatured, in such manner and under such conditions 7;;:;;;
as he sees fit. Sch.
!The indwh of thzs page is authc4zed by L.N. 87319861
s. 10 01).
(2) Any spirits so denatured shall not be liable to
the excise duty on spirits leviable under this Act, unless the
House of R-presentative: expressly imposes such or any
other duty on denatured spirits or any particular class of
denatured spirits.
121 1985
(3) If any person-
(U) prepares or attempls to prepare any denatured
spirits for use as or for a beverage or as a
mixture with a beverage; or
(b) sells any denatured spirits whether so prepared
or not as or for B beverage, or mixed with a
bevexage; or
(c) uses any denatured spirits or any derivative
thereof in the preparation of any article capablc
of being used wholly or partially as a beverage.
or internally as a medicine; or
(d) sells or has in his possession any such article in
the preparation of which denatured spirits or
any derivative thereof has been used; or
(d without the consent in writing of the Commissioner,
purilies or attempts to purify any denatured spirits
or, after any denatured spirits has once been used,
recovers or attempts to recover the spirits by dis-
tillation or condensation or in any other manner,
he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on
12/1985 conviction shall be liable to a h e not exceeding one
thousand dollars, and the denatured spirits, spirits, or
spirituous compound with respect to which the offence is
committed sh-ll be furfiited.
p h e mdusion of this plge i3 authorized by L a . 87119861
PART V. Spirituous Compounds
44. Every person who manufactures any spirituous Penaltyfor
compound for sale except- manufacture
of spirituous
(a) on premises licensed under the Spirit Licence Act compomdr.
for consumption thereon on the day of
(b) in a warehouse in accordance with the provisions
of this Act; or
(E ) under a licence issued under section 45,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on
conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two 12/1985
thousand dollars, and shall forfeit all apparatus, utensils &b.
or materials used or intended to be, or capable of being
used, in the manufacture of such spirituous compounds.
45.41) E\!ery person who desires to ilianufacture mmmiS-
spirituous compounds, shall apply in writing to the $?:$Le
Cornmissioner specifying the spirituous compounds which or
he desires to manufacture, and the premises whereon
he tlzsires to manufacture such spiriiuous compounds.
tion for a licence made under subsection (1) and shall &b.
graat or refuse such application, or grant such application
subject to such terms as he thinks fit.
(3) The Cominissioner shail, on receiving an appli- i z / i 9 8 5
cation under subsection (2), accompanied by a receipt
issued by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue on payment
to him of the fee set out in the Second Schedule, cause a h o d
licence to be issued to the applicant.
(4) Every licence issued under subsection (3) shall
contain such terms and conditions as the Commissioner 2;.1985
may think fit, and shall expire on the 31st day of March
next after the date upon which it has been issued.
(5) Any licence issued under this section ma} be
transferred by endorsement by the Commissioner from 12 i1985
place to plxe or from person to person :
(2) The Commissioner shall consider any applica- 1211985
[The inclusion of thin page is authorized by L.N. 901 19931
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be
construed as imposing any obligation on the Commissioner
to assent to any such transfer.
46. E.very licensee shall keep, or cause to be kept in the
factory, such accounts and in such manner as may be pres-
cribed from time to time.
4 7 4 1 ) Except as otherwise permitted by the Commis-
sioner, no spirituous compounds shall be removed from a
factory or warehouse in any container unless every such
container is labelled in such a manner as to identify the
manufacturer and place of manufacture, and upon every
such label-
(a) there shall clearly be indicated the percentage
volume of the compound in the container;
(b) there shall be printed the words “manufactured in
Jamaica under the Excise Duty Act”;
(c) where denatured spirits are used in the manufac-
ture of the spirituous compound, that fact shall be
clearly indicated.
(2) Any spirituous compound removed contrary to
the provisions of this section, shall be forfeited, and the
manufacturer shall incur a penalty of one thousand dollan.
PART VI. Warehouses
48. The Commissioner may by notice appoint any build-
ing to be a private excise warehouse or export ware-
house for the storage of excisable goods in this Island with-
out the payment of duty thereon. Every such appointment
shall be subject to such conditions as the Commissioner
may prescribe.
49.-(1) The Commissioner may revoke the appoint-
ment of any private excise or export warehouse on giving
to the warehouse keeper notice in writing of such revocation,
and any such notice addressed to the warehouse keeper at
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 90119931
Accounts to
be kept by
1711971 s. 11.
of spirituous
1711971 s. 12.
21 :I991
S. 11 (a).
men1 of
of appo!nt-
ment of
such warehouse shall be deemed to be notice to all persons
interested in any excisable goods therein or in any other
contents of such warehouse.
(2) If within three months from the date of any
such notice any excisable goods in such warehouse have not
been removed to another warehouse, or returned to the
factory of the manufacturer thereof, or shipped as stores
or exported or delivered for use within the Island, the ware-
house keeper shall forthwith pay to the Commissioner 121 1985
the duties thereon. sch.
50. All excisable goods warehoused in a private excise Storaqand
warehouse or export warehouse shall be arranged and w a ~ o u *
stored in such a manner that access can easily be had to
each container of such goods. If upon request by the
proper officer, the occupier of any warehouse fails to cause
any container therein to be so arranged, he shall incur a
penalty of ten dollars per day in respect of each container 12/1p85
to which easy access is not possible.
51. Every owner of warehoused excisable goods shall at ownerto
all times maintain all vats, puncheons, casks, hogsheads, ,yb%yrs
or other containers in good condition, and if he fails so ingood
to do, the Commissioner may direct that any vat, puncheon, 12/198s
cask, hogshead, or other container in bad condition be re-
paired, and the owner shall be liable to pay all expenses so
aFFws in
52. The entire cost of the control and management of costof
each private excise warehouse and export warehouse shall Ki:s
be borne by the occupier. warehouse
to be borne
by occupier.
53.--(1) No goods other than excisable goods for storpgcin
exportation awaiting shipment shall be stored in an export
warehouse, and all excisable goods so warehoused shall, h o U x 3 .
except with the consent of the Commissioner, be exported 12/1%5
[‘the incllusion of this page is auiharized by L.N. 87/19861
within a period of three months from the date of ware-
housing or else shall be removed by the owner of the
goods to an excise warehouse.
(2) If any excisable goods are not removed in
accordance with subsection (l) , the proper officer may
remove them to an excise warehouse at the expense of the
owner, who shall, in the case of spirits, incur a penalty of
sixty cents in respect of each puncheon, cask, hogshead or
other container so removed by the proper officer, and the
expenses and penalty, if not paid, shall be a first charge
on the goods when warehoused.
( 3 ) For the purposes of this section no excisable
goods shall be accepted as excisable goods for exportation
awaiting shipment unless the owner satisfies the proper
officer as to the consignee and destination and as to the
owner’s intention to export the goods within three months.
Transfer 01
goods in
17i 1971
5 13
housing of
54. Upon the sale or transfer of excisable goods which
have been warehoused, the person in whose name such
excisable goods have been warehoused and the person to
whom they have been transferred or sold shall notify the
proper officer in writing and the proper officer shall record
the excisable goods in the name of the new owner.
55. The Commissioner may give directions as to the
spirits which may be vatted, blended, racked, refilled,
bottled or repacked in any warehouse and the manner of
so doing, and further may direct in what manner and
subject to what conditions the owner may take samples.
56.-(1) An account shall be taken annually of all spirits
warehoused in vats and on the taking of such account such
spirits shall be re-warehoused in the manner prescribed by
the Commissioner.
[The mclusja? of Fhis page is authxizcd by LH. 87/19861
(2) An account shall be taken in every fifth year
of all spirits warehoused otherwise than in vats. and, on
such account being taken. such spirits shall be re-warehoused
or removed from the warehouse as the Commissioner I Z / I ~ R S
may in any particular case direct.
(3) Where under the provisions of subsection (2),
the Commissioner directs the removal of any spirits, 12/1985
the owner shall forthwith pay to the proper oficer all duty,
warehouse fees or other charges upon such spirits.
57. Any person who opens a warehouse in which spirits clander
are stored except in the presence of the proper officer, or $:&,or
who in any way clandestinely opens any warehouse in k;;$o
which excisable goods are stored and gains access thereto warehouse.
12/1985 shall for every such offence incur a penalty of five thousand W.
58. In any case where excisable goods in an excisc ware- AS to ware-
bculed by
house are embezzled by the wilful misconduct of any officer,
such excisable goods shall be made good to the owner in officer.
accordance with the directions of the Minister.
and the officer is prosecuted and convicted, the value of 8 aods cm-
59. The Commissioner may remove any excisable goods commis-
warehoused in an excise warehouse from one excise ware- ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ y
house to another. goods. 1211985
60.-(1) Subject to any exemptions granted by the Removal of
Commissioner, the owner of any excisable goods stored
in any excise warehouse or private excise warehouse shall, @oods.
before such goods are rcinoved therefrom, make application .%.
by himself or by his agent to the proper officer for permission
to remove such goods.
(2) Every appliwtion under subsection (1) shall he
in such form and acmmpanid, by such .... particulars . , as the
Commissioner' may require. 12/19SS
F e i k l w i o 3 of this page is autharircd by L.N. 87!1986]
Irom one
io another.
Time l i t
for removal
ofdu paid
g O d h
S C h
Removal of
goods on
may enm
(3) The proper officer shall on receipt of such
application, and on payment of the excise duties leviable
by law and any fees and charges due, issue a permit for
removal, and such permit shall accompany the goods to
their destination and be retained by the owner, and for
the purposes of this section such permit shall be deemed
to be the consignment note referred to in section 96.
14) All excisable goods in respect of which a permit
for removal has been issued, shall be removed within
fourteen days after the issue of such permit, and if not so
removed shall be forfeited and disposed of in such manner
as the Minister may direct, unless the failure to remove
such excisable goods is explained to the satisfaction of the
61. The Commissioner may permit the removal of
excisable goods in bond from one warehouse to another
under such conditions and on such security as he may deem
62. All excisable goods in a warehouse which have been
sold by the direction of the Commissioner under the
provisions of this Act shall be removed within fourteen
days and if not so removed shall be forfeited.
63. If any private excise warehouse, export warehouse
or registered store in the opinion of the Commissioner
becomes insecure, he may direct that the excisable goods
stored therein be removed to the nearest excise warehouse
at the expense of the owner, unless such owner makes othel
arrangements to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
PART VII. Powers of Oficers
64-(1) It shall be lawful for an officer at any time, by
night or by day, to enter into any part of any factory or
warehouse and to gauge, measure and take an account of
[rae incluskm of lhia pge is authmizcd by L.N. 87119861
every still or other vessel or utensil of any kind and of any
excisable goods or materials therefor in such factory or
warehouse and further to take such samples of such goods
or materials 2s he may require.
(2) If any officer after having demanded admittance
into any such factory or warehouse is not immediately
admitted, the manufacturer or warehouse keeper, as the case
may be, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on
conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five thou- 1211985
sand dollars, and in any such case it shall be lawful for
the officer or any person acting in his aid or assistance at
any time, by night or by day, to break open by force such
of the doors or windows, or break through such of the walls,
of any part of such factory or warehouse as may in his
opinion, be necessary for the purpose of entering such
factory or warehouse.
65.-(1) Any officer may at any time enter into or upon Oficermay
premises in which excisable goods are sold or offered for -isca.
sale, received for use in manufacture, or stored for Commer- zky!z:
cial or manufacturing purposes and may take account of z - b l c
any excisable goods which may be found in the custody or 17,1971
possession of any person found on such premises and may S.
take samples of such excisable goods paying for them the
usual price thereof if demanded.
(2) If any person who sells, offers for sale, receives 17/1971
S. 14 Ib) for use in manufacture, or stores for commercial or manu-
facturing purposes any excisable goods on any premises
fails to aid and assist to the utmost of his power such
officer in measuring and taking an account of a11 excisable
goods in or upon such premises, he shall be guilty of an
offence against this Act and on conviction shall be liable
to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. 17 /1971
s. f4 (Cl
12llSS5 sm.
[The inclusirm of bhLs page is auhrked by LN. 87119861
OAcer may
66.41) Any officer when on duty may patrol upon ;;nd
pass freely along and ovcr any part of the Island, and no
such officer so patrolling shall bt: hb!% to sny ii?dictm:nt.
action or suit for so doing.
(2) The officer in charge of any ship employcd for
the protection of the excise ievcnue may haul any such ship
upon any pnrt of the co:ihtc or' LE;: I s l ~ n d oi' ::pm s q p~,;i
of the shores, banks or bcaches of any river, creek or i r r k t ,
and may moor any such ship on any such part of such
coasts, shores, banks or bexhes above or below high-water
mark? and keep such ship so moored for such time a: he
may deem necessary and proper. and no such oftieer shall
be liable to any indictment, action or suit for so doing.
Search 67. If any officer has reasonable cause to suspect the
existellcc in itny house or place of-
(a) an unlicensed still: or
(b) any excisable goods upon which excise duty
leviable by 1F.w has not been paid, or accounted
for; or
(c) any excisable goods or spirituous compounds
mmufactured contrary to the provisions of this
and it is made so to appear by information on oath before.
m y Resident Magistrate or Justice in the Island it shall
be lawful for such Resident Magistrate or Justice by special
warrant under his hand to authorize such officer to enter
and search such house or other place. by day or by night,
and to seize and carry >'.way any excisable goods, apparatus,
utensils, materials, or documents found therein. and it sha!l
be lawful for such officcr, in case of resistinc:, to brcak open
any door, and to force or remove any other impediment or
obstruction to such entry, search or seizure.
[The im:Iusim of hi's page'is aiilhurized t~ L.N. 87!19861
68 .41 ) If any officer has reasonable cause to suspect Search
that any secret pipe or other means of conveyance, cock, forpip-
vessel or utensil is kept or used by any person for or in etc.
connection with the illegal manufacture of excisable goods, s. ( 5 .
and it is made so to appear by information on oath before
any Resident Magistrate or Justice in the Island, it shall be
lawful for such Resident Magistrate or Justice by special
warrant under his hand to authorize such officer to break
open any part of the premises of such person and forcibly
enter thereon at any time by night OT day and so far as is
reasonably necessary break up the ground in those premises
or any wall thereof or any other part thereof to search for
such pipe or other means of conveyance, cock, vessel or
(2) If the officer finds any pipe or other form of
conveyance leading to or from any such house or place, he
may enter any other premises from or into which it leads
and so far as is reasonably necessary, break any part of
those other premises to trace the course of such pipe or
means of conveyance and may cut it away and turn any
cock or other similar device thereon and examine whether
it conveys or conceals any goods chargeable with excise
duty, or any materials used in the manufacture of such
goods, or any residue thereof, in such a manner as to pre-
vent a true account thereof being taken or whether such
goods are being manufactured contrary to the provisions of
this Act.
(3) An officer acting in pursuance of subsection (1)
or subsection (2) may seize and carry away any pipe or other
means of conveyance, and any cock. vessel or utensil which
in his opinion is intended to be used in connection with the
illegal manufacture of excisable goods, and also any excis-
able goods appearing to him to have been illegally manufac-
tured and any documents related thereto.
me incluwn of this page is authorized by L.N87/19861
(4) Every such pipe or other means of conveyance,
cock, vessel or utensil as aforesaid, and all goods chargeable
with a duty of excise or materials for the manufacture of
such goods found therein, shall be liable to forfeiture, and
the person by whom the goods aforesaid were kept or used
shall be liable to a penalty of two thousand dollars. 985
Officer may
atop ship or
69-41) Any oficer or constable, :::ay upon reasonable
suspicion, stop and examine any ship or carriage for the
purpose of ascertaining whether any goods on which excise
duties have not been paid or secured by certificate, or other-
wise, as required by law, are contained therein, and, if none
are found, the officer or constable shall not on account of
such stoppage and examination be liable to any prosecution
or action at law on account thereof.
(2) Where any ship or carriage is so stopped, the
master of the ship and any person driving or conducting
the carriage who refuses to stop or to allow such examination
when required by any officer or constable shall be guilty of
an offence against this Act and on conviction shall be liable
to a fine not exceeding four thousand dollars. 121 1985
(3) If such officer or wnstable finds any such goods,
or any goods which he reasonably supposes ought to be
accompanied by a certificate, and the master or person in
charge of such ship or carriage fails to produce them on
demand, the officer or constable may seix such ship or
carriage and its contents and may arrest and detain any
person found in or upon or accompmying such ship or
carriage at the time of such stoppage and convey him before
a Resident Magistrate, and if such person fails to satisfy the
Resident Magistrate that such goods were lawfully in his
custody or possession for removal, he shall be guilty of an
offence against this Act and on conviction shall be liable
to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or treble the
value of such goods, whichever is the greater, and such goods
shall be forfeited
__- me inclusion of this page is a u e t d by LN. 87119861
78 .41) Any officer or constable may stop and detain Powerto
any person who is reasonably suspected of carrying or suspicion
removing any excisable goods on which, contrary to the
provisions of this Act, excise duty has not been paid or =xc=xc;,ble
accounted for, and the officer may examine the excisable
goods and require the production of a permit or certificate
authorizing the removal thereof.
(2) Any officer or constable may search, or cause
to be searched, any person detained under subsection (1):
Provided that no female shall be searched except by a
arrest on
71. If any person liable to arrest under this Act escapes powerof
from any officer attempting to arrest him or if any officer is
for any reason unable, or fails, to arrest him, such person
may afterwards be arrested and detained by any officer at
any place in the Island within seven years from the t ine
such offence was committed and may be dealt with as if
he had been arrested at the time of committing such offence.
72. Every officer acting in the execution of his duty shall Offiocnta
have all the powers, privileges and immunities of a constable. :;zE$k.
PART VIII. General
73. The Commissioner may by notice in Writing addressed Revocation
to a manufacturer and delivered at his licensed pre- 7:;s;”
mises, revoke any licence or other permission to manu- sch.
facture, given under this Act to such manufacturer, and
thereupon ,my such licence or permission shall be void
and of no effect, and if such manufacturer shall continue
to manufacture any excisable goods specified in the licence,
he and every person aiding and srssirting him shall be guilty
of the offence of manufacturing without a licence.
F e inclusion of Ehis pago is autlmizsd by L.N. 87/19S6l
ment dis-
74. Where any excise duties or licence fees are paid by a
cheque and such cheque is subsequently dishonoured, any
receipt or licence issued in respect of any such dishonoured
cheque shall be void ab initio.
and receipts
void i f
cheque pay-
S. 16.
Attendance 75. The Commissioner may prescribe the hours during
which officers may be required to attend at factories
and warehouses, and officers shall not attend outside the
hours so prescribed save with the special permission of the
Commissioner and subject to the payment of such ad&
tional fees as may be prescribed from time to time.
of officers.
1 ~ 1 9 s ~
17,1971 s. 17 (8) .
76.-(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,
racrov by the Commissioner may require that any factory shall,
while open or operating, be under the continuous super-
vision of an oficer.
(2) No premises licensed under this Act for the
manufacture of excisable goods shall be opened or operated
before 8 o’clock in the forenoon or after 4 o’clock in the
afternoon, or on Sundays and public holidays except as the
I2!1985 Commissioner may permit, either generally or on any
special occasion.
17/1971 (3) Any manufacturer who contravenes the provi-
sions of subsection (2) shall incur a penalty of two hundred
(4) In this section “operate” in relation to a factory
means to carry on in that factory work of any kind.
of dlstillery
S. 17 (b).
S. 17 (c).
and docu-
s. 18.
77.-(1) It shall be lawful for zny oficer during the course
of inspection of any records, accounts o r documents of any
kind, required to be produced under this Act, to make any
notes, memoranda or indication of check in such records or
accounts or on such documents as he may deem necessary,
and append his signature or initials thereto.
of books
m e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 871 19861
(2) Any person, who without lawful excuse erases,
alters or obliterates any such notes, memoranda or indica-
tion of check shall incur a penalty of five hundred dollars. K;,'78s
78. If upon demand made by any officer, safe and con- Assistanceto
be afforded vsnknt ladders are not providcd and convciiiently and to
firmly placed, long e.nough to enable such officer to ascend
and to esanine any vcssz! or utcnsil in any factory or ware-
house, or to gauge or ascertain the contents or capacity of
any vessel or utensil therein. or if any such ladder is ::ot
fixed at or in any part of such vessel or utensil as required
by such officer, or if sufficient lights and sufficient aid m d
Lmistance is not supplied on the demand of any ollicer for
the purpose of his gauging or ascertaining the contents or
capacity of any vessel or utensil or of searching for or
gauging and taking an account of all exoisable goods and
materials therefor in any such factory or warehouse (as
well by night as by day), the manufacturer or warehouse
keeper (as the case may be) shall incur a penalty of five ;l'Js5
hundred dollars.
79. On the discovery of an error in any book, document ~ o w e r * o * a
in ami in t s or register required to be kept under this Act, the person
committing the error shall not erase such entry but shall
amend it by drawing his pen through it, and by making
the correct entry and placing his initials thereto.
80. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law, Rewards.
1211985 the Commissioner may, with the approval of the Minister, S;h.
reward any person who furnishes him with any informa-
tion relating to m y offence against the provisions of this Act.
or who assists in the recovery of any penalty provided for
by this Act.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 87/1986]
Form of 81.41) Every document submitted to the Commissioner
or his officers for the purposes of this Act shall be
in such form and completed in such manner as may be
prescribed, and shall contain the particulars required by
such form or indicated therein.
(2 ) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any
regulations made thereunder, the Commissioner may from
time to time prescribe forms required to be used for
the purposes of this Act and any such forms so prescribed,
shall be published in the Gnzette one month before such
forms are required to be used.
Regulalions. 82.-(1) The Minister may make regulations for the
better carrying out of this Act and for preventing frauds
on the revenue by the concealment or removal of excisable
goods, and may in such regulations prescribe fees, rents and
charges to be paid in respect to any matter therein referred
to, and all such regulations shall be published in the Gazette
and shall on publication have the same effect to all intents
and purposes as if they had been contained in this Act
(21 There may be annexed to any regulations made
under this section fines or penalties not exceeding we
thousand dollars for any breach of such regulations.
S. 19.
83. If any officer shall affix any label, lock or seal upon
any closed spirit receiver, pipe-he, cock, Valve, flange car-
riage, or any other place in a factory or warehouse and
any such label, lock or seal be opened, altered, removed
or broken without the approval of the proper officer, the
manufacturer or warehouse keeper shall, unless he proves
that such label, lock or seal was not wilfully opened, altered,
removed or broken, incur a penalty of one thousand dollars.
lock or seal.
[The inclufim of ibis p”8e ia aut&ized by LN. 87/19861
84. Every person licensed to manufacture excisable goods w s o f
goods by
under this Act rnay-
(a) sell, by wholesale direct from his factory, any such turer.
excisable goods manufactured according to his A’::”
licence as are exempted by the Commissioner 1211985
under section 29 from being warehoused daily in
an excise, private excise or export warehouse, and
for such purpose shall not be required to take out
any licence under any law governing the sale of
and subject to such terms and conditions as the
Commissioner may impose, sell excisable goods
(other than spirits) by wholesale otherwise than
from his factory.
(b) with the prior approval of the Commissioner 1211985
85.-(1) Every person who sells or has in his possession Acmmtsto
for sale excisable goods or spirituous compounds shall keep wholesala
at the licensed premises such accounts and in such manner z;;:h,
as may be prescribed by the Commissioner from time S. XI.
and all documents relating to the purchase of such excisable
goods or spirituous compounds.
(2 ) Every person who sells by wholesale excisable
goods or spirituous compounds shall, upon the sale or
delivery of such goods or compounds, tender a bill to the
purchaser thereof showing the date of sale, his name and
address, the name and address of the purchaser and the
quantity and description of the goods purchased. Such bill
shall accompany the goods to which it relates.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with the provi-
sions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of one lZll985
hundred dollars.
be kepi by
to time and produce to any officer on demand such accounts =,,, I2 / 1985
me inclusion of this page i n aullmrized by L.N. 87/1986]
(4) In this section “licensed premises” in relation to
any person means the premises to which the licence granted
under any law to that person for thc sale of goods relates.
Where ex-
for sale.
86. Sub,ject to the provisions of this Act no excisable
goods shall be offered for sale except in premises duly
licensed under the Licences on Trades and Business Act, or
the Spirit Licence Act.
cisable goods
8 7 . 4 1 ) Whenever any person makes application to any
officer requiring him to transact any business relating to
the excise revenue on behalf of any other person, siich
officer may require the person so applying to produce a
written authority from the person on whose behalf slich
application is made, and in ddault of the productioii of
such authority may refuse to transact such business, and
any document required by this Act to be signed by any
particular person if signed by any person authorized as
aforesaid on behalf of the person required to sign i t shail
be deemed for all purposes to be signed by the perscii
rcquired to sign it :
Provided that the Commissioner may in his discretion
refuse to allow any such application as aforesaid.
be produced
(2) Notwithstanding that any document o i declara-
tion is required by this Act to be signed in the presence of
the Commissioner or a proper officer, if such document
or declaration is sigiied in the . . presence of a witness whore
signature is known to and who is approved by the Commis-
sioner or the proper officer who receives it, the document
or declaration shall be as valid as if it had been signed in
the presence .of the Commissioner or the proper officer
in whose presence it is required to be signed.
. -. .
me inclmion af this page i s authorized by L.N. 87/1986]
88. The removal and shipment of excisable goods and the Goodrlobc
handled. bringing of them to the proper place for examination aud etc.,by
wighing, the weighing, opiming, unpacking, repacking, o'vIIcr.
bulking, sorting, lotting, marking, and numbering, where
such operations respectively are necessary or permitted, and
the removing to, and the placing of them in, the proper place
of deposit until delivered or shipped shall be performed by
or at the expense of the owner of such goods; and the owner
shall unpack, sort, pile, or otherwise prepare, any such goods
in such manner as the officer may require to enable him to
examine or take account of them.
69. ' ihe Commissioner may give directions as to the Sarnplesfor
owner. excisable goods which may be bulked, sorted, lotted, 12/1985
packed and repackedin a factory or warehouse and lhe Sch.
manner in which such operations shall be conducted, and
may further direct the manner in which and the conditions
upon which the owner of any such goods may take samples
9 0 . 4 1 ) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of Powerof
the Commissioner to refuse to issue or renew a licence, B;~P~&,
or to revoke a licence, may appeal to a Judge 111 Clrambeis, kh.
whose decision shall be final.
(2) Rules of court may prescribe the notices to be
given and the procedure to be followed on any appeal under
subsection (1).
91.41) Every manufacturer shall keep or cause to be AFcountl
kept on his licensed premises accounts in such manner as 10 be kept.
may be prescribed by the Commissioner from time to 1:: IYRS
time and such accounts shall be verified by the signature of 'ch.
the manufacturer and shall be kept in an accessible place
on his licensed premises, and shall be produced for the
inspection of any excise officer at his request.
~ ~_.____ ~
[The inclusion aC this paze is authorized by L.N. 90/1993]
(2 ) In the case of spirits such accounts shall shew-
(a) the quantity ot̂ wash or liquor prepared and the
quantity charged into the still;
(b) the actual quantity of spirits distilled and the per-
centage volume thereof;
(c) the quantity of spirits in each butt, the percentage
volume thereof, and the resultant number of litres
of absolute alcohol;
( d ) in the case of any operation reducing the strength
21;r991 of spirits, the number of litres to be reduced, the s. 21 La).
2 I i 199,l percentage volume thereof, and the resultant
number of litres of absolute alcohol prior to such s. 21 (3. 21i1991 s. 21 (a). reduction; the quantity of water used in such
operation, the number of litres, the percentage
volume thereof and the resultant number of litres
of absolute alcohol subsequent to such reduction;
the number of containers filled showing the total
quantity in litres and the quantity in litres of
absolute alcohol in each container;
21!1991 s. 21 (‘I).
5 ? I (a).
21! 1991 s. 21 is). (e)
21 11991
S. 21 (a)
( f ) the number of containers removed showing the
total quantity in litres, the strength and quantity
in litres of absolute alcohol in each container and
the destination;
(g) the total quantity of spirits on hand both in butts
and other containers;
(h) any other matter that may from time to time be
(3) In the case of excisable goods other than spirits,
(a) the quantity of materials purchased or received
and from whom they were received;
( b ) the quantity of materials used;
(c) the description and quantity of excisable goods
manufactured daily and in the event of no
such accounts shall shew-
Crhc inclusion of this pa:e i q authorized by LN. 90/1993]
excisable goods being manufactured on any dav
an entry to that effect shall be made;
(6) the disposal in detail;
(e) the balance on hand;
( f ) any other matter that may from time to time be
(4) Every licensee who contravenes or fails to comply
with the provisions of this section, shall incur a penalty of
five hundred dollars. 12/19ss
9241) In addition to complying with the requirements ~ ~ u f ~
of section 91, every manufacturer shall, on the request of the
Commissioner, produce for the inspection of the Commis-
sioner such invoices and other books or documents in his
possession relating to any excisable goods manufactured
by him during the preceding twelve months as the Corn- ,211e85
missioner may require, and shall answer such questions s h .
regarding the description, manufacture, quantity, selling
price, consignee, destination and any other matter relating
to such goods (or to any materials used in the manu-
facture of such goods or to any by-product or residue
of such manufactured goods) as may be put to him by the 17/1971
Commissioner and shall further produce such evidence siz9$:).
as the Commissioner may consider necessary in support M,
of any information so furnished.
carry out any of the provisions of this section or untruly ' *' @).
answers any question put to him as aforesaid he shall incur
(2) If any manufacturer fails, neglects or refuses to I ~ / I W I
a penalty of two thousand dollars. 12/1985
in stock.
93.-(1) If any manufacturer or warehouse keeper fails Dcfieimcy
to produce to any officer, on his request, any excisable goods
manufactured, deposited in a registered store, OT warehoused,
by him and not delivered or used in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, he shall immediately pay to the
F e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 87119861
1211985 Commissioner the duties due on such goods not so pro-
duced, save and except in respect of any deficiency thereof
which is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
to be due to leakage, evaporation or absorption.
(2) In addition to paying the duties on such goods
not produced as aforesaid the manufacturer or warehouse
keeper, as the case may be, shall incur a penalty of treble
the value of such goods, or five thousand dollars, whichever
is the greater.
~ 1 9 8 s
Excess in (3) If at any time the quantity of excisable goods
found in any factory or warehouse is in excess of the
quantity which according to the books of the manufacturer
or warehouse keeper should be therein, all such quantity
in excess shall be forfeited, and the manufacturer or ware-
house keeper, as the case may be, shall incur a penalty equal
to the value of the goods so found in excess, unless he
furnishes an explanation to the satisfaction of the Commis-
Irihiru 94.41) Every manufacturer or warehouse keeper shall
keep in his factory or warehouse such reasonably necessary
tables. instruments for weighing, measuring and testing any excis-
ciaitun in able goods, and materials therefor, and any packages, vats
\ , L ~ c c ~ b, or utensils therein, as the Commissioner may require
and shall permit any officer to use them for the purpose of
warchou= weighing, measuring, testing or taking an account of any
171 1971 such excisable goods, materials, packages, vats or utensils,
and such manufacturer or warehouse keeper shall take such
steps as may be necessary to ensure and maintain the accu-
racy of such instruments.
~ ? : l Y X s (2) The Commissioner may require that an ap
proved measuring instrument shall be fixed to any still or
apparatus used for the production of any excisable goods,
me"[% Call.
!w PTO-
turer or
s 2:
i :h.
mhe ioclusi0.l of this page is authorized by LN. 87/19861
in such manner that any excisable goods produced shall run
into and through such instrument.
facturer or warehouse keeper to calibrate and provide cali-
bration tables for any container in which excisable goods
or materials for the manufacture thereof or by-products or
residues thereof are stored, and copies of such calibration
tables shall be furnished to the Commissioner on demand.
Such containers shall be capable of being accurately cali-
brated and all calibrations shall be verified to the satis-
faction of the Commissioner.
AU such containers so calibrated shall be legibly marked
by the manufacturer or warehouse keeper with identifying
marks and their capacities shown thereon. as may be
required by the Commissioner.
(4) If any manufacturer or warehouse keeper con-
travenes or fails to comply with the preceding provisions
of this section or uses or causes or procures or suffers to
be used any false, unjust or insufficient, instrument or mea-
sure, or practises or suffers to be practised any art, device
or contrivance, by which any officer may be hindered or
prevented from taking a just and true measure or account as
aforesaid, he shall incur a penalty of two thousand dollars, :i!9#5
and all such false and unjust instruments and measures
shall be forfeited.
(5) Every manufacturer or warehouse keeper shall
provide and maintain for the officers attached to the factory
or warehouse such office and other accommodation as the
Commissioner may require.
(3) The Commissioner may require any manu- iz:rrss
95.41) The Minister may by order authorize the heift ion
on d e l l V a y Commissioner during any period named in the order not orgoodrlo
exceeding three months, to refuse to allow the delivery of ?$ELm
goods or commodities liable to payment of excise duty, from ?$!9M
pt,e inclusio!~ of &is page is authorized by L.N. 87/19861
any registered store, factory or warehouse, on payment of
such duty, in any cases where deliveries are demanded of
amounts exceeding the deliveries which appear to the
Commissioner to be reasonable deliveries in the circum-
(2) In this section “the Minister” means the Minister
responsible for public finance.
Removal of
goods from
r e g i s t d
or ware-
S. 23 fa).
%.-(l) Unless otherwise permitted by the Commissioner,
every manufacturer or owner of excisable goods shall, prior
to the removal of any such goods from a registered
store, factory, or warehouse, prepare a consignment note
in triplicate in the form prescribed, setting forth the parti-
culars of the excisable goods to be removed.
(2) Every manufacturer or owner who prepares a
consignment note pursuant to subsection (1) shall-
(a) send the original of such consignment note with
the excisable goods to which it relates to the
destination of such excisable goods; and
(6) send the duplicate of such consignment note along
with the account to be delivered to the Commis-
sioner under section 98; and
(c) retain the triplicate of such consignment note in
the registered store, factory or warehouse.
Dutytohe W. No excisable goods shall be removed from a factory,
paidhcfom removal. or (in the case of goods permitted or required to be ware-
housed) from any warehouse, until all fees, charges and
other amounts payable thereon under this Act or any
regulations made thereunder have been paid, or secured
to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. ~ 1 9 8 5
98.-(1) Save where otherwise expressly provided ekery
manufacturer shall within ten days of the close of each
month, or of such other period as may be prescribed,
me iodusioi of this page is authorizad by L.N. 87/19861
deliver to the Commissioner in the approved form an 1211985
account of all materials used or received into his factory,
and of all excisable goods manufactured, delivered, used,
removed to or received from another factory or removed
to or received from a warehouse, lost by evaporation,
Ieakagc, or other cause or otherwise disposed of and of any
duties which have become due or have been paid during
that month, or other prescribed period, on any goods
manufactwxl by him, and such account shall be verified by
his signature.
(2) Every manufacturer who fails to comply with
the provisions of this section shall incur a penalty of five
hundred dollars.
PART TX. Offences
99. Every person who, by himself or by any person in Obslronion
of ouiar. his employ, obstructs, hinders, molests, assaults or by any ,,,1971
device prevents or hinders any officer in the execution of S. 24.
his duty shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and
on conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five 12/1985
thousand dollars. Sch.
lOO.-(l) If any person- Obsrmaion
aad impex-
(a) staves, breaks or destroys any goods to prevent aonationoi
seizure thereof by an officer or other person
authorized to seize them; or
(b) rescues or staves, breaks, or destroys, any goods,
to prevent the securing thereof, seized by any
officer or other person authorized to seize them;
(c) rescues any person apprehended for any offence
punishable under this Act; or
me ioclusim d this page is authorized by LN. 87119863
(d) prevents the apprehension of any such person,
he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on
1*/1985 conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
thousand dollars.
(21 If any person, not being an officer, takes or
assumes the name, designation, appearance or character of
an officer for the purpose of thereby obtaining admission
to any distillery, warehouse, factory, or premises licensed
under this or any other law relating to excisable goods, or
for the purpose of doing or procuring to be done any act
which he would not be entitled to do, or procure to be done,
on his own authority, or for any other unlawful purpose,
he shall, in addition to any other punishment to which he
may be liable for the offence, be liable on conviction to be
imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not
exceeding six months.
Colllulve 181.--(1) Every officer whc+ =*
bniery. cfc (U) makes any collusive seizure, or delivers up, or
makes any agreement to deliver up or not to seize,
any excisable goods, materials, or goods liable to
forfeiture under this Act; or
(b) accepts any fee, perquisite, or reward, whether
pecuniary or otherwise, directly or indirectly, from
any person on account of anything done or to be
donc by him, or omitted to be done by him, in or
in any way relating to his office or employment
(except such fee, perquisite, or reward, as he may
receive with the approval of the Governor-General
or the Commissioner); or
(c) takes any bribe, gratuity, recompense or reward
for the neglect or non-performance of his duty; or
(d) conspires or connives with any person to commit
an offence against this Act for the purpose of
seizing any excisable goods, materials, or goods,
[The inclusio? of this page is authwirsd by L.N. 87119661
whether obtaining any reward for such seizure or
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on con-
viction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding seven thousand k:{.l9*5
(2) Every person who gives or offers, or promises to
give or procures to be given, any bribe, recompense, fee,
perquisite, or reward to, or makes any collusive agreement
with, any such officer to induce him in any way to neglect
his duty, or to do, conceal or connive at any act whereby
any provision of this Act may be evaded, shall be guilty of
an offence against this Act and on conviction shall be liable
Sch. to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars.
of eknaablt
102. Every person whm-
(a) has in his custody, possession, or control; or
(b) in any way harbours, keeps, or conceals, or permits,
suffers, causes, or procures to be harboured, kept,
or concealed; or
(c) knowingly acquires possession of, or is in any way
knowingly concerned in carrying, removing,
depositing, concealing, or dealing with,
any excisable goods manufactured contrary to the pro-
visions of this Act, or on which the duty leviable by law
has not been paid, shall incur a penalty of five thousand g j ! 9 8 5
dollars or five times the duty on such excisable goods, at
the election of the Commissioner, and all excisable goods
in respect of which any such penalty is incurred shall be
103.--(1) Where m y goods. which are ordinarily liable ~~~~
to duty at a given rate, are allowed by law to be delivered ~ y r f o r
at a lower rate of duty or free of duty- de l ived .
(a) on any special conditions and such conditions are
not observed; or
me inclusio~ of this page is authwized by L.N. S7/19Sa]
( b ) for use for some special purpose and the goods at
any time within three years after the date of
delivery have been uscd for any other than the
specified purpose: or
(c) by reason of the fact that they are the property of,
or intended for use by, some particular person
and are sold or tran-ferred within three years after
delivery to any other person,
such goods shall be forfeited, and the person obtaining
dclivery of such goods, and any person who is knowingly
concerned in the use of such goods contrary to such
conditions or for some purpose other than that specified
or in any way contrary to this section, shall incur a penalty
equal to treble the value of such goods, or five thousand
dollars, whichever is the greater, unless full duties on such
goods have been paid, with the prior consent of the
1 21 1985
I2/ I985
(2) The person to whom any such goods have been
delivered shall on demand produce them to any officer or
otherwise account for them to the satisfaction of the
Commissioner within such period of three years referred
to in subsection (1) and if he fails to produce such goods
or otherwise to account for them he shall incur a penalty
equal to treble the value of such g o d s or five thousand
dollars, whichever is the greater.
(3) This section shall not apply to goods delivered
for the use of the Government and sold or transferred by
Government order.
(4) Where goods are delivered to any person with
any such concession on duty as is referred to in subsection
(I) the Commissioner may, subject to such terms and
conditions as hs may think fit, permit the sale or transfer
of the goods to another person who, if the goods were
originally delivered to him, would have been entitled to the
sch. 1211985
S. 23.
[The inclusion of this page is authvrircd by L.N. 87/19861
like concession on duty; and thereupon, subsections (1) and
(2) shall apply mutatis murandis in relation to that other
person as they applied in reiation to the person to whom
wch goods were originally deliverzd.
duty or under the control or management of the Commis-
104. Every person who in any matter relating to excise Falx
to answer
(a) makes or subscribes or causes to be made or k:L19g5
subscribe any declaration, certificate, or other
instrument which is false in any particular; o r
(6) being required by this Act to answer questions
put to him by an officer, refuses to answer such
questions or answers them untruly,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and on con-
viction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand
1@.5.-(1) Every person who in any manner gives or zFn~8to
attempts to give warning to any person committing or
attempting to commit any offence against this Act shall be
guilty of an offence against this Act and on conviction shall
be liable to be imprisoned with hard labour for m y term not
exceeding twelve months.
(2) Any person may prevent any such warning
being made and may for such purpose enter upon any lands
without being liable to any indictment, suit, or action for
such entry.
106. If any manufacturer or warehouse keeper- onmces in
(a) removes m y excisable goods contrary to the pro- consignment
visions of section 96 or accompanied by an in- 17,197,
accurate consignment note or without filling in the S. 26.
particulars on the duplicate and triplicate of such
consignment note by the use of double-sided
regard to
/ carbon paper; or
[The inclusja of this page is authoriztd by L.N. 87/19861
(b) fails to deliver the original consignment note,
together with the goods, to the person receiving
such goods at the time and place at which the
goods are received; or
(c) fails to keep on his premises and produce the tri-
plicate of any consignment note to an officer; or
(4 contravenes sny of the provisions of subsection (2)
of section 96,
he shall incur a penalty equal to treble the value of any
goods in respect of which the penalty is incurred or one
thousand dollars, whichever is the greater, and all goods
delhered or used in contravention of this section or of
section 96 shall be forfeited.
107.41) Any person who takes out any excisable goods
required to be accompanied by a consignment note from
any registered store, factory or warehouse, unless such goods
are accompanied by the consignment note, or who aids,
assists or is concerned therein shall incur a penalty of two
hundred dollars.
(2) Any person who takes out any excisable goods
from any registered store, factory or warehouse without
the knowledge and consent of the manufacturer or the ware-
house keeper, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence
against this Act and on conviction shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding four hundred dollars, or trebIe the value of
such goods, whichever is the greater.
Rcoeiving lM.-(l) If any person-
consignment (a) receives any excisable goods required to be
accompanied by a consignment note without such
consignment note; or
me indusio.1 of this page is authorized by LN. 87119861
(6) faiIs on the demand of any officer to produce
within fourteen days from the date of any such
demand such consignment note in respect of any
such goods received by him and required to be
accompanied by a consignment note; or
(c) produces or causes or suffers to be produced to
any person any consignment note as having been
received with any excisable goods other than the
goods therein described,
he shall incur a penalty of two hundred dollars.
(2) If any person knowingly buys or receives or
has in his psmsiun , or under his control in any manner or
in any place, any excisable goods which have been
unlawfully removed or abstracted from a registered store,
factory or warehouse without the knowledge and consent of
the manufacturer or of the warehouse keeper, as the case
may be, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and
on conviction shall be liable to a fine not exceeding four
hundred dollars, or treble the value of the goods, whichever
is the greater.
Pmr X. Legal Proceedings
109. If any person offers for sale any excisable goods Offering
under pretence that the duties due thereon have not been saleunder
paid or that such duties have not been legally made, then k:;;:
all such goods (although not liable to any duties or although dutwsarc
such duties have been legally made) shall be forfeited.
gods for
not paid.
118. Where any goods become liable to forfeiture under prnaiv
this Act, every person who is knowingly concerned in the g$7:$.ods
act or omission which renders such goods liable to forfeiture
shall be liable to be dealt with and punished in the same
manner as the principal offender, and shall incur the penalty,
or be liable to the fine, provided by this Act, in respect of
such act or omission.
p incluaim of this page is authaiized by LN. 87119861
General 111.-(1) A11 ships and carriages together with all animals
provision as
to forfeiture. and things made use of in the removd or conveyyimce of ril-ty
goods liable to forfeiture under this Act shall be forfcitzd,
17 / 1971
s. 21.
121 I985
s. 27.
S. 27.
and all ships, goods and carriages together with all animals
and lhings liable to forfeiture and all persons liable to be
detained for any contravention of the provisions of this Ac t
may be seized or detained in any plaw, either upoil land or
water, by any officer.
(2) AI1 ships, goods and carriages together \riih
all animaIs and things so seized shall forthwith be ddivcrd
into the care of the Commissioner, and the forfeiture of
any ship, carriage, animal or thing shall be deemed to includz
the tackle, apparel and furniture thereof and the forfeiture
of any goods shall be deemed to include the package in
which such goods are found and all the contents thereof.
(3) It shall be lawful for the Commissioner to
seize any invoices, books or other documents relating to
any excisable goods or to any materials for manufacture
thereof or to any by-products or resi?ues of any such manu-
facture as he may deem neccesary. from any manufacturer,
warehouse keeper, wholesaler or retailer, and to detain any
such artick for so long a s m y be nmssary for the purposz
of any investigation in relation thereto, and where such
investigation results in legal proceedings against any person
for an offence until such legal proceedings are finally dis-
posed of.
(4) Any officer may at his discretion require any
article seized to remain at the place of seizure and the
owner or person in possession of such article shall in every
such case give a receipt to the officer for the article so seized,
and shall produce such article at any time he is required
so to do by an officer.
(5) Any person who fails to comply with the
requirements of subsection (4) shall incur a penalty of five
thousand dollars.
me inclusia!~ of &is page is authorized by L.N. 87/19861
112.---(1) Every oficsr %aho seizes any animal, carriage, Procedure
gcod.; or thing under thc provisions of this Act or of any onselmre.
law authorizing seizure: shall give notice in writing of such
seizure to the owner of the animal, carriage, goods or thing
so seized if he be known, savc where such animal, carriags,
gmds or thing is at the t ine of such seizur:, in the possession
of the owner or the offender, or such seizure is made in the
prcsence of the owner or the offender.
(2) Every notice under subsection (1) may be given
by being delivered to the owner or transmitted by post to,
or ddivererl at, his usual place of abode or business.
(3) Any animal, carnage, goods or thing seized
under this Act shall be deemed to be condemned, and may
be sold or otherwise disposed of as the Minister may direct,
save in cases where within one calendar month of the date
of such seizure, notice is given in writing to the Commis- 1211985
sioner by the owner of such animal, carriage, goods or
thing or some person authorized by him, that he claims such
mirnal, carriage, goods or thing.
(4) When any notice of claim is given under the
provisious of subsection (31, the Commissioner shall corn- iy i9ss
mence proceedings for condemnation and forfeiture Of sfh.
the animal, carriage, goods or thing seized.
(5 ) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections
(3) and (41, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, I Z / I M
causc :lily animals or pxishcblc goods which have been
seized to be sold forthwith at public auction.
(6) Where any animals or perishable goods are sold
under subsection (3, the proceeds of such sale shall be
retained to abide the result of any legal proceedings in
respect of any claim to the animal or perishable goods so
[me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 87/19861
claim to
113.-(1) No claim shall be made or entertained in any
court for the restoration of any anima4 carriage, ship or
goods seized under this Act, for any cause of forfeiture,
unless such claim be made by or in the true name of the
owner or proprietor thereof, and setting forth his place of
residence and occupation.
(2) If any such claimant resides in the Island, oath
shall be made by him before the court that the animal,
carriage, ship or goods was or were his property at the time
of seizure, and if such person shall reside outside of the
Island, oath shall be made by his agent by whom such claim
or appearance is entered that he has full authority from
such claimant to make or enter such claim or appearance
and that to the best of his knowledge and belief they were
at the time of seizure the bona fide property of the claimant
and on failure of making such proof of ownership such
animal, camage, ship or goods shall be condemned as if no
claim or appearance had been made.
(3) If such animal, carriage, ship or goods is at the
time of the seizure thereof, the bum fide property of a
number of proprietors exceeding five in number, it shall
not be necessary for more than two of them to enter such
claim or appearance on the part of themselves and their
co-proprietors or to make such oath as aforesaid.
s c i d goods
name of
(4) If any such animal, carriage, ship or goods is
at the time of seizure the property of a company, such claim
and appearance may be entered and oath made by the
secretary or a director of such company.
( 5 ) For the purposes of this section a company
means a limited company registered in the Island under
the provisions of the Companies Act but does not include
any company or association of persons calling themselves
a company not so registered.
[me ioclwion of thh page is authorized by LN. 87/lpB6]
114. Where any seizure has been made, or any fine or Govcmor-
penalty incurred or inflicted, or where any person is maytestore
committed to prison for any offence against this Act, the
Governor-General may direct restoration of such seizure
whether condemnation shall have taken place or not, or may
waive or compound proceedings, or mitigate or remit such
fine or penalty, or may release such person from confinement
either before or after conviction on any such terms and
conditions, as he may see fit.
115. Subject to the approval of the Minister (which +mrnis-
approval may be signified by general directions to the mlt,gata
Commissioner), the Commissioner may mitigate or remit :$’&
any penalty or restore anything seized under this Act
at any time prior to the commencement of proceedings in
any court against any person for an offence against this ALt
or for the condemnation of any seizure.
116. Save as is otherwise expressly provided in this Act, C++$
any person who is convicted of any contravention of, or
failure to comply with, the provisions of this Act or of any
regulations made thereunder for which no specific fine or
penalty is provided shall be liable to a fine or penalty not
exceeding two thousand dollars. 12/1985
1 1 7 . 4 1) Save where otherwise expressly provided, every Prosecution
person guilty of an offence against this Act or of any regula- andraoovcry
tions made thereunder, and every person liable to a h e or ofdutie.
to a penalty or to the forfeiture of any article under the
provisions of this Act or of any regulations made thereunder
may be prosecuted, on the complaint of an officer, in a
summary manner before a Resident Magistrate.
(2) Save where otherwise expressly provided all
rents, charges, expenses, duties, and other sums of money
payable under this Act may be recovered, without limit of
amount, in an action in the Resident Magistrate’s Court.
of O f f e n a a
me inclwon of this page IS authorize by L.N. 87/1986]
to be taken
uiihin seven
ment for
as to
Am by
s. 28.
118. Proceedings under this Act may be commenced at
any time within seven years next after the date of the
119. Where any court has imposed a fine or a penalty
for any contravention of the provisions of this Act and such
fine or penalty is not paid, the court may, notwithstanding
anything contained in any other law, order the defendant
who is convicted of such contravention, in default of pay-
ment of the fine or penalty adjudged to be paid, to be
imprisoned with or without hard labour for any term not
exceeding six months (where the fine or penalty does not
exceed two hundred dollars) or for any term not exceeding
twelve months (where the fine or penalty exceeds two
hundred dollars).
120. Where a fine or penalty of two hundred dollars or
upwards has becn imposed under this Act, and the defendant
has previously been convicted for an offence against this
Act, or has previously incurred a pecuniary penalty or
forfeiture under this Act which has been enforced in any
court, the court may, if it thinks fit, in lieu of ordering
payment of a fine or penalty, order the defendant to be
imprisoned, with or without hard labour for ally period not
exceeding one year, or may order both payment of the fine
or penalty and such imprisonment.
121. The fact that any excise duties have been secured by
bond or otherwise, shall not be pleaded or made use of in
answer to, or in stay of, any proceedings under this Act.
122. Where the person responsible for any act or omis-
sion under this Act is a body corporate every person who
at the time of that act or oinission was a director or officer
of the body corporate, shall be deemed to be responsible for
the act or omission and shall be liable for all excise duties
[The inclusion of this page is autharized by L.N. 87/1996]
arising therefrom and any penalty in relation thereto unless
he proves that the act or omission occurred without his
knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent
the occurrence thereof.
123. Every person who commits any offence against this Venue.
Act may be proceeded against, tried, and punished in any
parish or place in which such person may be apprehended
or may be in custody for such offence or may appear in
answer to a summons lawfully issued charging the offence
as if the offence had been committed in that parish or place
and the offence shall for all purposes incidental to or
consequential upon the prosecution, trial, or punishment,
thereof be deemed to have been committed in that parish
or place.
124. Any officer may prosecute and conduct any ofic~rmny
prosccuta information or other proceedings under this Act in respect
of any offence or penalty.
125. In any prosecution under this Act the burden of Onuof
proof on proving that the duties have been paid in respect of any defendantin
certain excisable goods, or that any such goods have been lawfully eBK*
made, imported, removed, delivered or exported, or
concerning the place whence any goods have been brought,
or of proving that any goods have been illegally seized or
that all requirements of this Act have been complied with
and fulfilled shall lie on the defendant or the person claiming
anything seized.
126.41) In all cases where any fine, penalty, or forfeiture, -6
the amount of which is to be determined by the value of cerufyvaluo.
any goods, is incurred under this Act, such value shall mean
the value of such goods duty paid, and shall be determined
by the Commissioner in every case, subject to appeal 12/1985
to the Minister, and no goods shall be deemed to be of less
cioncr to
Fe i a d h of this page is mthnzea ’ by LN. 8711%Cq
e, idrnce
171 1971 s. 29.
value by reason of any damage or injury they may have
sustained in the course of any attempt to destroy or make
away with the goods by any person offending or endeavour-
ing to offend against this Act.
(2) The order of the Commissioner as to the
value of any such goods shall be conclusive, subject to
appeal to the Minister, and shall not be liable to be
questioned in any court.
127.--(1) In any proceedings under this Act, the pro-
duction of a certificate purporting to be signed by the
Government Chemist shall be sufficient evidence of a11 the
matters therein stated, unless the contrary be proved.
(2) The certificate of the Commissioner or Govern-
ment Chemist as to the strength of any spirit shall be
prima fgcie evidence of the strength thereof.
(3) In ascertaining the strength of any spirit, any
obscuration shall be determined and allowed for.
(4) Where in any proceedings the court or the
defendant so requires, the Government Chemist shall attend
and give evidence upon oath.
(5 ) In this section “Government Chemist” includes
a Government Analyst appointed under any enactment for
the time being in force relating to food and drugs.
of copies of
~ 1 9 8 5
128. A copy of any entry in any book or document
required to be kept under the provisions of this Act shall,
if purporting to be certified under the hand of the Commis-
sioner as a true copy, be received in all courts as prima
facie evidence of such entry and of the matters, transactions
and accounts therein recorded, and certificates and copies
me inclusim of thin ,page is authw’zed by L N. 87119861
of official documents purporting to be certified under the
hand and seal or stamp of office of any of the principal
officers of Customs and Excise in the United Kingdom or
of any Collector of public revenue in any Commonwealth 42/1%9
country or of any Jamaican or British Consul or Vice-
Consul in a foreign country, shall be received as prfrna fncie
evidence of the matters therein contained.
3rd scb.
129. If upon the trial of any issue touching any seizure, Proorof
fine, penalty, forfeiture, or other proceedings, under this Govaommt
Act or incident thereto it may be necessary to give proof
of any order issued by the Government, or any person in
the employment of the Government, the order or any lcttcr
or instructions referring thereto shall be admitted and taken
as sutficient evidence of such order if any such document
purports to be signed by any such functionary, or appears
to have been officially printed or issued, unless the contrary
be proved.
order of
130. Condemnation by any court under this Act, may Certificated
be proved in any court or More any competent tribunal ?::-
by the production of a certificate of such condemnation
purporting to be signed by the officer of such court.
131.-(1) Where any excise duty remains unpaid after Commis-
the period within which the duty is pyable, the Commis-
sioner may authorize the levying of a distress-
(a) upon the goods, chattels and effects of the
manufacturer of the goods in respect of which the
duty remains unpaid; and
(b) upon all machinery, plant, tools, ships, vehicles,
animals, goods, and effects, used withim the hiaid
in the manufacture, sale, or distribution, of
for duties.
__ -
~'I~Ic M u s h of this page Is autborired ,by L.N. 87/1986]
excisable goods found in any premises or on any
lands in the use or possession of such manufacturer
or of any person on his behalf or in trust for him.
(2) The authority to distrain under this section
may be according to the form contained in the Third
Schedule, and such authority shall be a warrant and
authority to levy by distress the amount of any duties due.
(3) For the purpose of Ievying any distress under
this section, any person expressly authorized by writing
under the hand of the Commissioner may execute any
warrant of distress, and if necessary may break open any
building or place in the daytime for the purpose of levying
such distress, and may call to his assistance any constable,
and it shall be the duty of any constable when so required
to aid and assist in the execution of any warrant of distress,
and in levying the distress.
(4) Any distress so taken may, at the cost of the
owner thereof, be kept for fourteen days, at the end of
which time, if the amount due in respecl of duty and the
cost and charges of and incident to the distress are not paid,
the goods distrained on may be sold.
( 5 ) Out of the proceeds of the sale there shall first
be paid the cost or charges of and incident to the sale and
keeping of the distress, and thereafter the amount due in
respect of duties and the residue (if any) shall be payable
on demand to the owner of the goods distrained upon.
(6) In the exercise of the powers of distress herein
conferred, it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for
the person to whom authority as aforesaid is given to
distrain upon all goods, chattels, and effects, belonging to
the manufacturer whenever they mzy be found and
although they may be in some place other than premises
in his occupation or use.
[The inclu$iw, of this ,page is authhorizg by. LN; 87/1986]
132. If any duty, fees, or charges, due and payable on
any excisable goods warehoused in an excise warehouse COml-niS- .
remain unpaid after they have become due or after demand aellwam
b o u d for payment has been made, the Commissioner may
direct the sale of such excisable goods, or any part thereof, $19*5
and may apply the proceeds to the payment of such duty,
fees, or charges, and the balance, after deduction of a l l
expenses incurred in such sale, shall be handed to the
133. Where a manufacturer and his sureties fail to pay firnon
any excise duty as required by a bond entered into
this Act, the Commissioner shall, for the pay& of ~ 9 7 1
such duty, have a lien on any excisable goods of such 12/19s5
manufacturer and his sureties warehoused in an excise ware-
house or held elsewhere under bond.
A? 2zh!us* S. 30.
PART XI. Savings
134.41) All offices, appointments, proclamations, rules, saVbgs.
regulations, by-laws, orders, warrants, seals, certificates,
books, records, instruments, documents, proceedings, and
generally all acts of authority which originated under any
Law now repealed, and are subsisting or in force immediately
prior to the 6th February, 1942, shall enure for the purposes
of this Act as fully and effectually as if they had originated
under the provisions of this Act, and accordingly shall,
where necessary, be deemed to have so originated.
(2) Where in any Law or in any proclamation, rule,
regulation, by-law, order, form ur document whatsoever
made under any Law hereby repealed, reference is made to
any former Excise Duty Law, or any Law amending any
former Excise Duty Law, such reference shall be read and
shall operate as if it had been made to this Act or the
provisions of this Act corresponding to such Law.
F h e ioclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. S€/1993]
I SaB! 1987.
A and
S. a1 (a).
1. Excise duty sball. subject to paragraph 2, be payable on g o d
specified in Appendices A and B at a rate equal to the aggregate of-
(a) customs duty under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff
(b) additional stamp duty on customs warrants inwards,
(Revision) Resolution, 1972: and
that would have been chargeable in respect of goods of like kind pro-
duced or manufactured outside the Common Market area and imported
into Jamaica from outside that area.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply in relation to-
(a) goods specified in Appendices A and B that are manufactured
solely for export;
(6) goods specified in Appendix A with respect to which the
Commissioner is satidied that the production conditions speci-
fied in relation to them, respectively, have within Jamaica
been complied with;
(c) goods specified in Appendix B with respect to which the
Commissioner is satisfied that their manufacture was from
component parts that were completely disassembled.
3. The Minister may, by notice published in thc GazeNe---
(a) amend Appendix A or Appendix B as the case may require.
for the purpose of adding thereto or removing therefrom any
(b) amend any of the conditions specified under Appendix A in
relation to any goods;
(c) suspend for a specified time any of the conditions specified
under Appendix A in relation to any goods.
S.21 (a).
Excisable Goods Specified Conditions
Steel Re-inforcing Bars Produced from billets, blooms, slabs, ingots,
blocks, powders. pigs, lumps or waste and
scrap, of iron or steel.
Gas Stoves and Electric (a) Forming of all panels
( b ) Welding and riveting of body
(c) Chemical treatment of all metal
(d) Painting and vitreous enamelling
Refrigerators (a) Forming of cabinet outer shell and inner
mhe inclusion of this pase is anlhorizcd by L.N. 90/19931
body lining of metal
APPENDIX A, conld.
Excisable Goods S m e d Conditions 2111991
6.21 (a).
(b) Thermo-forming of inner body lining of
plastic wterial
(c) Assembly of outer body and inner lining
(d) Foam insulation of walls
(e) Pre-treatment painting of metal work
(f) Spot welding and riveting of body
Air Conditioning Window (a) Forming of outer casing and rear pmel
(a) F’re-treatment and enamelling of metal
(c) Forming condenser coil
(4 Forming evaporator coils
Chest Freezers and Bottle (a) Forming of outer metal shell
(b) Forming of inner metal lining
(c) Forming of outer door shell
(4 Assembling of h e r door lining
(e) Insulation of body and door
0 Forming of condenser coil unit
Cp) Pre-treatment and enamelling of cabinet
and door
(0) Forming of metal outer casing
(b) Pre-treatment and enamelling of outer
(c) Insulation
(d) Wiring of electrical components.
Water Heaters
Excisable Goods 21/1991
S2.I (8).
Television Sets
Music Systems
Domestic Household Appliances as follows-
Hot Plates
W e inclusion OI this page is authorized by L.N. W/ 19931
APPENDM B, mntd.
Excisable Goods
Mixers (including cake mixers)
Electric Juicers
Electric Fans (except ceiling fans)
Electric Irons
Radio Cassettes
Radio Amplifiers
Radio Equalizers
Radio Receivers.
SECOND SCHEDULE (Sections 24 and 45) 21/1991 S.21 (a).
Excisable Goods Fee Payable --
1. Manufacture of goods, other than $1.000.00
2. Manufacture of prescribed goods $1,ooO.00
goods mentioned in paragraph 2.
subject to special consumption tax
under the General Consumption
Tax Act.
THIRD SCHEDULE (Section 131)
To ..................................................................
1211985 I ................................................................ Commissioner by
sc6. virtue of the powers vested in me by section 131 of the Excise Duty
Act, do hereby authorize you to collect and recover the sum of
............................................................ due for excise duty from
.................................................................. manufacturer, having
his factory at ............................................................ : and for the
recovery thereof I further authorize that you. with the aid (if necessary)
of your assistants and calling to your assistance any constable (a
necessary), which assistance they are hereby required to give, do forth-
with levy by distress the said s u m together with the costs and charges
of and incident to the taking and keeping of such distnss. on the goods.
chattels or other distrainable things of the said manufacturer wherever
the same may be found and on aU machinew, plant. tools, ships. vehicles.
animals, goods and effects used within the Island in the manufacture,
sale or distribution of excisable goods which you may 6nd in any
p h e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. W/19931
premises or on any lands in the use or possession of the said manu-
facturer or of any person on his behalf or in trust for him.
And for the purpose of levying such distress you are hereby
authorized. if necessary, with such assistance as aforesaid to break open
any building or place in the daytime.
this .................................... day of .................................... 19 ......
Given under my hand at .........................................................
Commissioner. 12/1985
[ m e inclusion of this page is authorized by 1 . N 90: 19931