3 .
5 .
1 1 .
Short title.
Division of Act into parts.
PART I. Preliminan.
PART II. Constitution and Government of .\lunicipaliQ.
Inhabitants of Kingston and St. Andrew declared to be a Municipal
Extent and Division of the Corporate .-lrea
Power to define the limits of towns. etc.
Corporate Area.
Limits of the city of Kingston.
Qualification of electors.
Council and Councillors
Corporation and Council.
Qualification of Councillors.
Persons disqualified from being Councillors.
Term of office of members.
The Mayor.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. SSn0031
Deputy Mayor.
Mayor and Deputy Mayor exempted from service as jurors.
Power to appoint officers.
Power to appoint deputies.
Acting appointments.
officers to give security.
Paid officers: disqualification of members.
Exemption from jury service.
ofiicers to deliver to Council from time to time accounts of their
receipts and payments, etc.
Procedure where any officer refuses or neglects to deliver accounts.
Council may make regulations.
Declaration of Qualification and Oath of Oflce
Declaration, making of, etc.
Oath, taking of, etc.
Resignation from office.
Re-eligibility .
procedure where a person elected to a corporate office is declared a
bankrupt, etc., or is absent from Council meetings.
Validity of acts of persons holding corporate ofice.
Filling of casual vacancy.
PART III. Preparation for andprocedure at elections
List of electors to be kept by returning officers.
Oflicial list to be supplied to candidate.
provisi~n~ of sections 108-110, 112, 113 and 113A O f Ihc
Representation of the People Act to apply.
Nomination day.
Election notice.
Power to adjourn polling day in cvcnt of emergency.
Procedure on nomination of candidates.
Disposal of deposit.
Withhwal of candidates.
hocedure on death of nominated candidate.
Return by acclamation.
Granting of a poll.
~~~ ~
[V ie inclusion of this pagc is aiilhori;?ed by I..N. W 2 0 0 3 l
4 8 ~ .
6 2 ~
6 2 ~ .
6 7 ~ .
Establishment of polling stations.
Allotment lists and polling stations.
Provisions of section 31 of Representation of thc Pcoplc Act. lo
Provisions of section 32 of Representation of thc People Act. lo
Outdoor agents.
Procedure on Polling Dqv
Taking of poll and the ballot.
Who may vote.
Transfer of votes in special cases.
Where transferred voter to vote.
General mode of taking ballot.
Mode of taking ballot in special cases.
Ballot papers not to be delivered to electors unless no marks of
electoral ink appear on electors.
Electors to immerse appropriate digit in electoral ink.
Penalty for failure of presiding officer to cany out provisions of
sections 55 and 56.
Non-application of sections 55. 56 and 57 to electors with no hands.
Who may be present.
proceedings before opening of poll.
Proceedings at poll.
proceedings after poll.
Halting of taking of the poll.
Period within which poll to be retaken after being halted.
Establishment of Constituted Authority.
Procedure subsequent to polling dm,
Final count of votes and custody of ballot boses pending such
Provisions applicable where ballot bos not returned.
Recount by Resident Magistrate.
Manner of making recount.
Election return.
Voiding of taking of poll.
Neglect or refusal to return candidate.
custody of ballot boses.
[The inclusioil of this page is authorized by L.N 88/2003]
Custody of election documents.
Election expenditure.
Who ma\- incur expenditure.
Certain contracts to be invalid
Period for sending in claims and makmg payments for election
Election return by candidate.
First meeting after general election.
h4ayor and Depuh Mayor. Provisions relating to their election.
Procedure where an election is not held on the appointed day or
within the appointed time.
-4 dministratiw Provisions
Powers and duties of Chief Electoral Officer.
Electoral Officer and Election Clerk.
Presiding Of3cers.
Poll clerks.
Oaths to be taken before Justice. returning officer. presiding officer or
poll clerk.
Power of Minister.
PART IV. Offences in Connection with Elections
Penalty on person voting or attempting to vote in the name of another
Penalty on person voting or attempting to vote oftener than he is
Penalty on prohibited person voting.
Penalty on person publishing false statements.
False statement before returning officer.
False statements in relation to the personal character, etc., of
candidates or prospective candidates.
Penalty on person treating.
Undue Infruence
Penalty on person exercising influence on electors.
[The inclusion of this page IS authorized by L N 8s/z003]
Penalty on person guilty of bribery.
Incapacity of person convicted of any misdemeanour.
Providing of money for illegal practice or payment to be illegal
Punishment of illegal payment or hiring.
Approval of illegal practice by candidate.
Spec ijied ~isderneanours
Penalty on persons forging, counterfeiting, defacing, or destroying
ballot papers, etc.
Obstruction of election officers, etc.
Mutilating or altering notices and lists.
Name and address of printer on placard.
Use of committee room in house for sale of intoxicating liquor or
refreshment or in primary school, to be illegal hiring.
Certain licensed premises to be closed.
[Repealed by Act 23 of 201 I.]
[Repealed by Act 23 of 201 l .I
[Repealed by Act 23 of 2011.1
[Repealed by Act 23 of 201 1 .]
Maintenance of order at polling stations.
Influencing of electors to vote for any candidate.
Corrupt withdrawal of candidature.
[Repealed by Act I of 1981 .]
Notice of election meetings.
Maintaining of secrecy of voting at polling station.
Validation of certain acts.
Penalty for participation in election campaign by returning officer or
presiding officer.
Offences by election officers.
PART V. Election Petitions
Election Petitions.
PART VI. Meetings and Procedures of the Council
11 7. Rules to be observed with respect to meetings and proceedings of the
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2012]
118. Power to appoint Committee.
119. Council may delegate to Committee any of the powers vested in the
1 19A. Salaries of Councillors.
120. Travelling expenses of members.
121. Vacancy in Council shall not invalidate any acts or proceedings
122. ,Minutes of proceedings of Council or Committee.
123. ' Meetings.
124. Pecuniary interest.
Regulation ofAdmittance to the Council Chamber.
124A. Right to enter precincts of Council Chamber.
124B. Offences relating to admittance to the Council Chamber.
124C. Assault and other offences relating to disorderly conduct.
125. Corporation Rate.
126. Approval and publication of Corporation Rate.
127. When Rate shall be due.
128. Imposition 'of additional rates for the purpose of providing for
improvements, etc, of municipal works, etc.
129. Buildings and property exempted from rates.
Part VIlI. Corporate property Markets
130. Interpretation of terms.
13 1. Public markets vested in Corporation.
132. Council may from time to time acquire land for purpose of erecting
new public markets.
Power to accept Leases.
All lands acquired shall vest in the Corporation.
133. Rents, etc, pledged for payments of loans.
134. Selling of marketable commodities.
135. Days and hours on and during which markets may be held.
136. Definition of sites, limits and extent of public markets.
137. Closing and reopening of public markets.
138. Powers to construct public markets.
139. Appointment of clerks of public markets and other officers.
[The ~nclus~on of this page I S aurho~lzcd by L N 92c/2012]
146. Powers of Council with respect to making. altering and
141. Payment of fees to Clerk of market or other authorized person.
142. Fees couected to be accounted for to Camd.
143. Powers of Clerk of a public market within such market
144. Hiring of stalls.
145. Clerk of public market may seize bad and unwholesome manf
Bsh. etc.
146. Council may rent or lease the whole or pan of m y public
147. Les$ee to collect fees when market is leased.
148. Signing of lease.
149. Penalty for establishing market within limits of public market
150. Granting of licences to pcrsoos desiring to establish shops in
151. Inspection of licensed shops and payment of fees.
152. Power to collect fees may be exercised by any person so
153. Licences. fees. etc., paid to Council.
154. Penalty for exposing for sale fresh meat, etc., elsewhere than in
155. Meat to be inspected and certified as sound.
156. Clerk of public market shall take oath or make dedaration. etc.
rescinding of rules.
Kingston for sale of fresh meat, etc.
public market or in shop licenscd for purpose.
Slaughter- Houses
157. Existing public slaughter-houses. etc., in Corporate Area. with
certain exceptions shall remain and arc vested in Commissioner
of Lands.
158. Public slaughter-houses. etc., which may be erected shall be
vested in Commissioner of Lands.
159. Council may acquire land for purpow of erecting public
160. Rents. fees. etc., realized from any public slaughter-house
pledged for certain things.
161. Council may make and alter rulw.
162. Animals not to be slaughtered in any place other than in a
public slaughter-house.
- me inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 60!1976l
Penalty tor selling or pomsh*g for sale, etc., meat which has not 163.
been inspected and certified sound.
Licmsing of Wharf Premises for Sole of
Ceriain Arlicles
164. Me of edible roots and tubers. etc.. at whams.
165. What owners, etc., of wharf premises must do to obtain licence.
166. Inspection to be made of premises in respect of which application
167. Payment of licence fee.
168. Licences in forcc at coming into operation of this AA
169. Licensed wharf premises deemed to bc markets for sale of edibld
170. Licences and licensed premises, etc., subject to rules.
171. By wbom sale is to be made on such licensed premises.
Cold Stores
for licence is made.
roots. etc.
172. Penalty.
Persons desiring to usc any premises as cold stores must 5ra
obfaia a licence.
Granting of licences.
Terns on which licences shall bc panted. etc.
Penalty on persons using or pcrmitting to be used as culd stoma
any premises without 6mt obtaining licence.
Licence to be obtained for selling fresh meat at or from cold
Council may grant licence to sell fresh meat at or from cald
Terns on which liceoix sha11 be grantd.
Delivery of fresh m a t from cold stores.
hyment of tons or dues.
Penalty on persons selling f m h meat from cold stores without
baviag Brsr obiaimcd licence.
C O u a C i l m y malrc by-laws and ~ C S .
P d a
183. Vwting and amIml of pounds already in existenca. Additid
IThe inclusion of this page is suthorized by L.N. 60{19?@
184. May Pm Cemetery.
185. Council may establish any other public cemetery, etc.
Loan may be raised and moneys borrowed for such purposes.
Land may he acquired under Lands Clauses Act
186. Existing public cemeteries, etc., maintenance of.
187. Vesting of Union Poor House in Corporation. etc
188. Establishment of additional Alms-Houses.
Gas Works
189. Vesting of Oas WO& in Commissioner of Lands.
PART E. Licences and Licence Duties
190. Licence moneys payable to City Trarsurer.
191. Moneys to be paid over subjcci as mentioned.
PART X Regulations
192. Regulations which shall remain in force.
193. Matters in relation to which Council may make.. alter or revoke
194. [Deleted by A d 39 of 1995.1
195, When regulations shall come into force.
PbRT XI. ~ ~ Q l
196. Esthaatcs.
197. How hmds arc to be applied.
Banking Accounts, Receipt and Payment oj
Moneys ORB Adi t
198. Moneys shall be paid into bank or banks.
199. Matters as to which Council may make regulations.
200. Signins and counter-siping of cheques.
201. How payments from funds shall bc made.
202. R d p t s .
~inclusicaofthiopasoisautbwhea by-cN.95/199T1
203. Auditing of accomts.
204. Power to make rules and regulatiom.
205. Paymeat in respsct of audit.
206. Keeping of m u n W .
Tempomry &partmental Advances
207. Power of council to make temporary d-td advances.
PST W. Improvemenis
208. Interpretation ofterm$.
210. Initiation of works.
211. procedure where Council rmcivcS petition praying for improve-
ments. etc.
212 City Engines hall examine petition and report to C o d , CtE
213. Petitimaad rrports to bcfomarded to the Minista.
215. prooedun wherc crty Engineer nannmcnda imprwcmcmt. etc..
216. HOlRmrkis tobodom
Power of coundl to impost Iatm for in l~meour , etc.
214. PoWgOfMinintcrmrsceiptdpetition.
without any petition haw bem prescatod to C u d .
217. M&.@ of b y - h ~ . ctc.
PART Wr. Gemtd, Dissdution by thr
Minister, Procedure
218. kmds Qaapcs Act iecorpwated with fi Act with cmtaiu
219. Power of couadl to aIm any pbk road, &.
220. powcCtosellorlcaseland
221. preparntion of municipal schemes.
222. oglcralpoartoaequireland
223. Publication of by-laws; and M~ster's ~verriding powers.
224. Making of by-laws for good rule and government of Corporate
225. Making of by-laws, etc., for whole or any part of Corporate Area
226. conncil may by mlution cxpcl any mcmbtr.
Area. etc.
and separate by-lam etc.. for difhmnt dis!ricts.
~ l o c l & of~pag~*Ia&rizaiWL-ti.95119971
227. Power of Minister to dissolve the Council.
Consequcnces which shall follow dissolution of Council.
Regulation Powers
228. Matters with respect to which the Council may make regulations.
Provisions with respect to holidays.
Penalty for contravening provisions of this Act or of any bylaw,
Fonii, A iitlienricutioti mid Service of Notices, Orders, Etc.
Form of notices, etc., required to be served by Council
Transfer of powers, duties, etc., to Council.
IThe inclusion of this page is authorizcd by L.N. 480)1?)?3]
Cap. 192.
33 of 1953,
6 of 1954,
29 of 1954
S. 3,
53 of 1954,
61 of 1955,
2 of 1956,
5 of 1969,
42 of 1969
2nd and
3rd Schs.,
6 of 1970,
11 of 1972
S. 5.
20 of 1973,
23 of 1973,
*THE KINGSTON AND ST. ANDREW 11 of 1956, 7 of 1974
20 of 1956 S. 6,
CORPORATION ACT S. 15. 15 or 1975,
60 of 1956,
31 of 1958,
36 of 1958,
37 of 1958,
49 of 1959.
18 of 1960,
14 of 1961
S. 3.
3 of 1977,
5 of 1977,
21 of 1980.
l'of 1981,
16 of 1983
2nd Sch.,
5 of 1990,
39 of 1995.
28 of 1997
[6th June, 1931. ] Of 1963 S C ~ . , S. 2, 14 of 2001,
12 of 1964, 30 of 2002,
29 of 1965, 9 of 2003,
12 of 1966, 10 of 2005,
18 of 1966, 12 of 2007,
30 of 1966, 23 of 2011
1. This Act may be cited as the Kingston and St. Andrew shorttitle.
Corporation Act.
2. This Act is divided into parts as follows-
Division of
Act into parts
Part I.
Part 11.
Part 111.
Part IV.
Part V.
Part VI.
Part VII.
Part VIII.
Part IX.
Part X.
Part XI.
Part XII.
Part XIII.
. ' Preliminary.
Constitution and Government of Municipality.
Preparation for and procedure at elections.
Offences in connection with elections.
Election Petitions.
Meetings and Proceedings of the Council.
*This Act has been substantially modified. See the Parochial Elections (Modification) Act.
[The inclusion of this page is aulhorized hy L.N. 92r/2012]
S. 2(a).
S. 6 (Sch.).
PART I. Preliminary
3. In this Act-
"appropriate digit" means in the case of an elector-
(i) who has a right hand upon which there are any
digits, that finger on the right hand which is nearest
to the right thumb, or, if the elector has no right
thumb, to the right thumb socket, or, if the elector
has a 'right thumb but has no fingers on his right
hand, the right thumb;
(ii) who has no right hand or has a right hand but has no
digits upon such hand, the finger on the left hand
which is nearest to the left thumb, or, if the elector
has no left thumb, to the left thumb socket, or,. if he
has a left thumb but no fingers upon his'left hand,
the left thumb;
"by-election" means an election other than a general
"candidate" or "candidate at an election" means any person
who is nominated as a candidate for election to the
Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation;
"Chief Electoral Officer" means the Chief Electoral Officer
appointed under the Representation of the People Act;
"City Engineer" means the person for the time being
holding the office of City Engineer under the Council
and any other person for the time being performing the
duties of the City Engineer with the authority of the
"City Treasurer" means the person for the time. being
holding the office. of City Treasurer under the Council
and any person acting as City ~reasurer; . , .
"Constituency" has the meaning assigned to it by the Con-
stitution of Jamaica;
"Corporate Area" means the area defined in the iFirst
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~120121
“Corporation” means the body corporate constituted by
the incorporation of the inhabitants of the parishes of
Kingston and St. Andrew;
“Corporate Land” means land beIonging to or held in trust
for the Corporation, or land occupied and controlled
by the Corporation;
“corporate office” means the office of Mayor, Deputy
Mayor, or Councillor;
“Council” means Council of the Corporation; I I / 1956
5. 2 ib). “digit” includes both fingers and thumb;
“election” means an election of a member to serve on the
Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation;
“election day” means the day upon which the poll is taken
at any election or, if no poll is required to be taken,
nomination day;
“election documents” or “election papers” means the papers
which the returning officer i s required by section 67 to
transmit to the Chief Electoral Officer after an election;
?election officer” includes the Chief Electoral Officer, every
returning officer, election clerk, presiding officer, poll
clerk, enumerator, or other person having any duty to
perform pursuant to this Act, to the faithful
performance of which duty he may be sworn;
“election petition” means a petition presented in accordance
with the provisions of any enactment for the time being
in force in relation to election petitions;
being on any official list of electors for the House of s. 6
“electoral division” means any electoral division constituted
under section 7;
“electoral ink” means the ink (whether composite or , , ,19~6
consisting of two or more separate solutions) supplied s. ~ ( ~ 1 .
by the Chief Electoral Officer for use in accordance
with the provisions of section 56;
“elector” means any person whose name is for the time (2,1966
Vhe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 60119761
“hackney carriage” includes every motor vehicle wbicb
plies for hire as a hackney carriage;
“illegal payment” means any payment made in contraven-
tion of the provisions of this Act;
“member” means a member of the Council of the Kingston
and St. Andrew Corporation and shall be synonymous
with the word ”Councillor” wherever tbat word appears
in this Act;
“municipal works” includes the reconstruction or repair of
streets, the making of new streets, and any other public
work within the Corporate Area declared by resolution
of the Council, approved by the Minister, as a munici-
pal work;
“nomination day” means the day appointed in accordance.
with the provisions of section 36 for the nomination of
“oath” includes affirmation and statutory declaration;
“o&cer of the Council Chamber’’ mans the Town Clerk
or any other officer or person acting within the precincts
of the Council Chamber under the orders of the Mayor,
and includes any constable on duty within the precincts
of the Council C.hamber;
“official list” means the list of electors for any polling
division prepared in accordance with sections 7 and 8
of the Representation of the People Act &s modified
by the Chief Electoral OfEicer in accordance with the
Rules in the First Schedule to the said Act or the
appropriate portion of any such list which has been
divided in accordance with the provisions of section 30
of the Act aforesaid;
“owner” means the person in possession of or in receipt
either of the whole or of any part of the rents or
profits of any land or tenement whether in his own
right or as a trustee or personal representative of any
other person, or in the occupation of such land at
S. 2(a).
w i g 6 6
S. 6
r h e indusion of this pape is authorized by L.N. €4/1976j
tenement other than as a tenant from year to year or
for any less term or as a tenant at will;
“poll book” means the book in the prescribed form in which
the name and other particulars of every person apply-
ing to vote are entered;
“polling day” means the day fixed for holding the pall at
an election;
“polling division” means any polling division constituted
in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the
Representation of the People Act;
‘‘polling station” means any room secured by the returning
oficer for the taking of the vote for a polling division
on polling day;
ing in which the Council or any committee or sub-
committee thereof sits in session for the transaction
of business, together with such offices of the Corpora-
tion as the Council may designate and the gallery or
place provided for the use or accommodation of
‘‘premises” includes messuages, buildings, lands, easements,
and hereditaments of any tenure;
“prescribed” means prescribed in the provisions of this
Act or under any by-laws, rules or regulations made
under the provisions of this Act;
“Principal Returning Officer” means the returning officer
designated under section 80 to be the Principal
Returning Officer for the Corporate Area;
“prospective candidate” means any person who within
three months next before nomination day publicly
announces or permits others publicly to announce his
intention to stand as a candidate at the next ensuing
accordance with the provisions of section 37 of the (seh.)
Constitution of Jamaica to be registered as an elector;
“precincts of the Council Chamber” means the entire build- 15/1975
S. 2(b).
‘‘qualified person” means any person who is qualified in ;2!;%6
[The inclusion of this past ig authorized by L.N. 60/1976]
“rejected ballot paper” means a ballot paper which has
been handed by the presiding officer to an elector to
cast his vote but which at the close of the poll has
been found in the ballot box unmarked or so
improperly marked that in the opinion of the presiding
officer or returning officer it cannot be counted;
“reputed owner of any building or of any vacant lot of
land” means the person entered as the owner of any
such building or of such vacant lot of land in the
Valuation Roll for the time being in force;
“spoiled ballot paper” means a ballot paper which, on
polling day, has not been deposited in the ballot box
but has been found by the presiding officer to be soiled
or improperly printed, or which has been handed by
the presiding officer to an elector to cast his vote, and-
(U) has been spoiled in marking by the elector;
(b) has been handed back to the presiding officer
and exchanged for another;
“stranger” means any person other than a member of the
Council or of a committee or sub-committee thereof, or
an officer of the Council Chamber;
“the Board of Health” means the Central Board of Health
appointed and acting under the health laws for the
time being in force in the Island;
“Town Clerk” means the person for the time being holding
the ofice of Town Clerk under the Council, and any
person acting as Town Clerk;
“valuation” means the assessed value of any holding of
real property in the Corporate Area assessed under
the provisions of the Valuation Act or any enactment
passed in amendment thereof or substituted therefor;
“voter” means any person who votes at an election.
p h c mclusion of thu page IS authormd by L.N. 60119761
4. The Schedules shall be read and have effect as if they Schedules.
were part of this Act.
PART 11.
of the parish of St. Andrew are hereby declared to be a and st.
“The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation” and by such
(2) The Corporation shall have and use a cornmm
seal to be approved and from time to time altered by the
Council, and such seal shall be judicially noticed.
Constitution and Government of Municipality
5-41) The inhabitants of the parish of Kingston and Inhabl~aois
of Kingston
Municipal Corporation bearing the corporate name of d cclared to
name shall habe perpetual succession. Corporation.
Extent and Division of the Corporate Area
&-(l) I t shall be lawful for the Corporation from time p w e r to
define Ihi to time as and when it shall think fit, by resolution to llrnltS
define, for all or for any specified purposes, the limits
of any town or village within the parishes of Kingston and
St. Andrew, whether the limits or extent of such town or
village shall or shall not have been previously ascertained
or defined, and from time to time in like manner to alter
such definition. The Corporation may, if it shall think
fit, define different limits for different purposes in any
towns or villages. Such resolutions shall not take effect
tintil they have been approved by the Minister, who shall
have power to alter the same, and shall have been
published in the Gazette. Such resolutions shall, after their
approval, and first publication in the Gazette. be published
for at least four weeks in the Gazetie for general informa-
tion, but such publication subsequent to the first shall not
be necessary in order to make any resolution take effect.
(2) The limits of all towns defined under any
repealed law shall, until altered under this Act continue
to be the limits of such towns for the same purposes and
to the same extent that they now are.
me inclusion of this page is aulhoriad by L.N. 6011976l
Limita ot
the City of
7.41) For the purposes of this Act, the parishes of
Kingston and St. Andrew shall include all the lands and
houses and buildings within the boundaries set forth in
the First Schedule and therein described as the Corporate
(2) For the purposes of this Act other than the
election of members of the Council of the Corporation and
any purpose incidental thereto or connected therewith, the
parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew shall be divided into
one Urban, one Sub-Urban and one Rural District which
districts are defined and described in the Second Schdule.
(3) The Council may from time to time subjg to
approbal by resolution of the Senate and the House of
R-presentatives, alter the definition of the Sub-Urban and
Rural Districts contained in the Second Schedule by re-
defining and redescribing the boundaries dividing each qf
the said districts from the other, and from and after the
date of the resolution of the Senate or the House of
Representatives, whichever shall be the later, approving any
such alteration, the definition of the boundaries of the said
districts shall be read as if the said alteration was act out
in the said Schedule.
(4) For the purpose of the election of members of
the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation
the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew s h d be divided
into so many electoral divisions, as the Minister shall
(5) Every electoral division shall Comprise so many
and such polling divisions as the Minister may by order
8. Except where otherwise specktlly provided b y any
enactment, by-law or regulation, the limits or bound&&
of the City of Kingston shall be-
me inclusion of this page is authorid by LN. M/19lSI
From the Kingston Harbour, along and inclusive
of Elletson Road to the Windward Road, thence
westerly along the northern line of the Windward
Road to the cross road from Park Lodge to Up-Park
Camp thence northerly along and inclusive of the
UpPark Camp Road to the place indicated by the
dotted line on the plat or diagram of the Parish of
Kingston, recorded with Law 20 of 1867; thence
following westerly the course indicated by the said
dotted line, to the Spanish Town Road and from
there along and inclusive of the Spanish Town Road
to and inclusive of Kingston Pen Road, and thence
to the Harbour, and along the Harbour to the point
of commencement.
9.-(1) Every person shall be entitled to vote at an Quafifl-
cation election of a member of the Council of the Kingston and of elccton
St. Andrew Corporation for any electoral division if his
or her name appears upon the official list prepared in 12/1%6
accordance with the provisions of the Representation of the &!,.).
People Act, for some polling division comprised in such
electoral division unless-
(a) his or her name was wrongly included in such
list; or
(b) he or she is disqualified from voting by reason of
any of the provisions of this section; or
(c) subsequent to his name appearing on the official I ~ / I % S
list he ceases to be a Commonwealth citizen or to (kh.).
be ordinarily resident in Jamaica; or
(d, on election day he or she is an inmate of any
Mental Hospital or is undergoing any sentence of
S. 6
me mdusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 60/1976l
(2) The following persons are disqualified from
voting at an election and incapable of being registered as
electors and shall not vote nor be so registered, that is to
(a) the Chief Electoral Officer;
(b) the returning officer for each electoral division
during his term of office, except where there is an
equality of votes on the final count of votes or on
a recount as in this Act provided,
(c) any person found or declared to be insane under
any 1aw.h force in Jamaica,
(S, any person who is under sentence of death imposed
on him by a court in any part of the Common-
wealth or is serving a sentence of imprisonment by
whatever name called) of or exceeding six months
imposed on him by such a court or substituted by
competent authority for some other sentence
imposed on him by such a court or is under such
a sentence of imprisonment the execution of which
is suspended;
(e) every person who is disqualified from voting by
reason of his employment for pay or reward in
connection with the election in the electoral
division in which such person would otherwise be
entitled to vote; and
(f, every person who is disqualified from voting
under any law relating to the disqualification of
electors for corrupt or illegal practices.
(3) Subject to the provisions of subsection (41, every
person employed by any person for pay or reward in
reference to an election in the electoral division in which
such person wouId otherwise be entitled to vote shall be
disqualified from voting and incompetent to vote in such
electoral division at such election.
p l c inclusion of this p s e is authorized by L.N. aO/197.q
S. 6
(4) A person shall not be disqualified from voting at
an election of a member to serve in the Council by reason
that he is employed for pay or reward in reference to an
election in the electoral division in which such person
would otherwise be entitled to vote, so long as the
employment is legal.
(5) Persons who may be legally employed are-
(U) returning officers, election clerks, presiding officers.
poll clerks, enumerators, messengers, constables
and persons otherwise necessarily and properly
employed by an election officer for the conduct of
the election;
(6) agents of candidates;
(c) persons engaged in printing election material on
behalf of a candidate;
(d) persons employed, whether casually or for the
period of the election or part thereof, in
advertising of any kind, or as clerks or steno-
graphers or as messengers on behalf of a
candidate or prospective candidate, so, however,
that the total number of persons so employd does
not exceed one for each five hundred electors in
the electoral division, and that the name, address
and occupation of every person so employed is
communicated, in writing, to the returning officer.
Council and Councillors
the Council, and the Council shall exercise all powers
vested in the Corporation or the Council by this Act or
(2) The Council shall consist of the Mayor and
each electoral division :
lO.--(l) The Corporation shall be capable of acting by Corporation and Council.
11. One Councillor shall be elected by the voters of C O U ~ ~ I O ~
IThe inclusion of this page is a u t h o d by L N 68119781
Provided that no member of the House of Representatives
shall be eligible for election as a member of the Council. s. 3.
Qualification 12.41) A person shall not be qualified to be elected or
Councillors. to be or continue to be an elected Councillor who is less than
s. '1"972 5. the age of eighteen years or who-
S. 2 (a). (b).
(i) is not able to read and write English; or
(ii) is not entitled to vote at the election of a Member
of the Council; or
(iii) is either directly or indirectly pecuniarily or
otherwise interested in any contract with the
Council although such contract shall by virtue
of the provisions hereinafter contained be nul)
and void :
Provided that no person shall be deemed to be
directly or indirectly pecuniarily or otherwise
interested in any contract with the Corporation
within the meaning of this section by reason only
of his being interested-
(a) in any agreement for the loan of money or any
security for the payment of money; or
(b) in any newspaper in which any advertisement
relating to the affairs of the Corporation is
inserted; or
(c) in any sale, purchase or lease of land to or from
the Corporation; or
(d) in any incorporated company or Society which
contracts with the Corporation in which he does
not hold more than one-tenth of the shares :
hovided that he shall not take part in any discussion
or vote on any question in which any company of which
he is a director or shareholder is interested, at any meeting
of the Council or of any committee thereof:
mhe inclusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. 68/1978]
Provided further that the seat of a duly elected member
shall not be vacated under the provisions of this Act
merely by reason of his being interested in a contract with
such company or Society unless it appears that the
contract has been entered into with the actual knowledge
of the member :
Provided also that the existence of any such contract
shall not disqualify any person to be elected or to be an
elected Councillor, if made after he became such Councillor,
it has been entered into with the express sanction, or if
made before he became such Councillor, it has received,
prior to his nomination as a candidate, the subsequent
approval of the Minister.
(2) No person shall be capable of being elected a
member of the Council, or having been elected shall sit or
vote in the Council unless he has resided in the Corporate
Area for twelve months immediately preceding the day of
(3) I t shall not be lawful for any person to be
nominated as candidate for election for more than one
division at the same election, and no Councillor shall
represent more than one division in the Council at the
same time, and no Councillor shall be nominated for
election under section 33 to fill a casual vacancy in any
division until he shall have resigned his office as Councillor.
or holding a corporate office-
13. A person shall be disqualified from being elected to Pemcnn
disqud r i d
from being
(a) if and while he holds any office or place of profit Councillors
in the gift or disposal of the Council, other than
that of Mayor or Deputy Mayor;
(b) if and while he is an undischarged bankrupt;
(4 if he has been convicted of treason or felony or of
any offence involving dishonesty, or of bribery or
corrupt practiw;
{The inclusan of tbs page E authorud by LN. 50/1~791
(d) if he holds-
(i) any office for the time being constituted a
public office pursuant to section 3 of the
Civil Service Establishment Act;
(ii) any office to which the Judiciary Act applies;
(iii) any office (whether as officer or soldier) for
the time being included in the Jamaica
Defence Force; or
(iv) any office of profit in the gift or disposal
of any Parish Council.
3 ! : 9 ? 1
s. 3 ,
Electians. 14.41) A general election of members to serve in the
Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation shall
be held in the Corporate Area in every third year on such
day or days not earlier than in the month of March and
not later than in the month of June as the Governor-
General in Council may by proclamation appoint.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (l),
where the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew
Corporation has been dissolved by the Minister in
accordance with the provisions of section 227 no general
election of members to serve in such Council shall take
place until the period for which the Council was dissolved
has expired and the Council elected at the expiration of
such priod shall only continue until the next triennial
general election unless it shall be dissoIved in the meantime.
(3) An election to supply any casual vacancy in
any division shall be held on such day as the Mayor shall
after consultation with the Chief Electoral Officer by order
published in the Gazette direct. Such day shall be within
three months of the vacancy having been entered in the
minutes of the Council, or within three months after notice
in writing of the occurrence of the vacancy has been given
s. 2.
ma. iodurion of this .page is authorized by LM .50/1979J
to the Mayor or Town Clerk by two persons who were
entitled to vote at the last election of a member in such
division, whichever shall be the later:
Provided that no such election shall be held if a vacancy
occurs within six months immediately preceding the first
day of June in any year in which a general election is to
be held in accordance with this section.
(4) In any case to which the provisions of section
38 or of section 42 apply, the day to which any election is
adjourned shall be deemed to be the day appointed by
the Governor-General in Council or Mayor as the case may
15.-Subject to the provisions of sections 13, 29, 31, 226 of
and 227 the term of office of a member of the Council shall ;Eb$
be from the date of his election until the next general 211956
election of members under the provisions of section 14. s. 4.
16.41) The Mayor shall be a fit and proper person
elected by the Council from among the Councillors. Tbc Mayor.
(2) The Mayor shall be eligible for re-eIection.
(3) Notwithstanding anything in this section the S. 4 (a).
term of office of the Mayor shall, unless sooner determined
of a general election of members to serve on the Council
of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation, so, however,
that he shall continue in office until his successor in
office has accepted office and made and subscribed
the required declaration.
(4) The Mayor shall receive the sum of one thousand
dollars per annum, or such greater sum as the Minister may
from time to time after consultation with the Council of
the Corporation determine, as a personal allowance to be
paid out of corporate funds.
(5) The Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall not by
reason of the receipt of such personal allowance be
in accordance with subsection (6), expire on the conclusion S. 311977 (b),
"me inclusion of this wge is authorized by L.N. 571 I9811
disqualified from being an elected Member of the House of
Representatives, or be subject to any penalty for sitting and
voting as such Member while holding such appointment.
311977 s. 3 (c) (6) The Mayor may be removed from office after the expiry of twelve months from the date of his election
on a motion supported by a majority of all the members
of the Council in such manner and form as may be pre-
scribed by regulations.
21/>f &is page ib authorized b} L.N. 9511997l
Corporation so created by the said Law, now hereby
repeald, subject as in the said repealed Law mentioned,
shall, after an election of the Mayor and Councillors under
the provisions of this Act has been held and the Council
duly constituted, be and are hereby transferred to and
shall belong to and are hereby vested in the Corporation
under this Act subject to any trusts affecting the same, and
subject to all debts, liabilities and obligations af€ecting the
(2) All references in any enactment or in any rule, Trsa-
regulation or by-law made under any enactment or in any nt,ooaI.
document whatsoever to-
(a) the Mayor and Council o€ Kingston; or
(b) the Kingston General Commissioners; or
(c) the Managing Commissioner; or
(4 the Parochial Board for the parish of St. hdrew;
(e) the Mayor or Chairman of the said Parochial
shall be deemed to refer, as the case may be, to the
Corporation created and established by this Act or to the
Mayor under this Act, after the first election of the Mayor
and Councillors has been heid and the Council constituted
under this Act.
(3) All references in any enactment or in any rule,
regulation or by-law made under any enactment or in any
document whatsoever to-
(U) the Municipal Board; or
(b) the Board of Parochial Road Commissioners,
shall so far as the same relates to the parish of Kingston
or the parish of St. Andrew, be deemed to refer to the
Corporation or the Council thereof constituted under this
Act, and all references in any such enactment, rule, regula-
tion, or by-law as aforesaid, or in any document whatso-
ever to the City Surveyor, shall be deemed to refer to the
City Engineer under this Act.
inclusion of t h i s pageis authorized by L.N. 951 19971
Boundaries of the Corporate Area
From the line of the parish of Saint Thomas at the mouth of the
Bull Bay River along the right bank of the said river to a point
nine chains southeast of Halberstadt Old Works: thence. northerly
in a straight line to the point where the parochial road from Halkrstadt
to Galloway mosses the Shooting River: thence, down the left bank
of the Shooting River to its d u e n c e with the Yallahs River: thence.
up the right bank of the Yallahs River to its confluence with the
Green River: thence, up the right bank of the Green River to the top
of the Blue Mountain range; thence. westerly alow the top of the
Great Ridge, b e i the line of the parishes of Portland and Saint Mary.
to the sou~cc of the Gborge’s Spring; thence, dawn the I& bank of
the George’s Spring to its coduence with the Wag Water River;
thence. up the right bank of the Wag Water River to its confluence
with the Tom’s River: thence. up the right bank of the Tom’s River to
its source at New Ramble; thence. westerly along the top of the Ridge
to the l i e of the parish of Saint Catherine: thence, southerly in a
straight line through Mount Charles and Cassava River property to a
spring being a tributary of the Cassava River; thence. down the loft
bank of the said spring to its oollflunta with the said Cassava River:
thence, down the left bank of the Cassava River to its mduence with
the Rio Pcdro; thence. up the right bank of the Rio Pcdro to the
confluence of the Crooked Spring and Stony River; thence, up tha
right bank of the Crooked Spring to Content: thence, southerfy to the
north-east corner of Mount Resovery at the Stony River; thence. up
the right hd of the Stony River to its confluence with a spring north
of the line of Rock Hall: thence, south-easterly and southerly through
Rock Hall, Park’s Prospm and Claremont to the Fresh River; thence.
down the left bank of the Fresh River to its d u e n c e with the Salt
River; thence. down the left hd of the Salt River to its month at
Hunt’s Bay at Kingston Harbour; tbmct. easterly. southerly and
westerly along the foreshore of Kingston Harbour to Port Royal Point;
(Sections 3, 7 (1))
thCUCC, CsStCIlY along the SCa C4XSt t0 thc 6-
SECOND SCHEDULE Gcdion 7 (2) )
Definition of Boundaries
From the south-western corner of the p r o p c a Y known as Bumper
Hall at the shore of Kingston Harbour, northcasterly along the western
boundary lie of the said Bumper Hall to the Spanish Town Road,
thence south-casterly along the southern boundary of the Spanish
Town Road to a pint south-west of and opposite to the w s l t m o s t
corner of Smith’s Village: thence, northeasterly across the Spanish
Town Road to the corner between Smith’s Village and &mwich Park
(known also as Trench Pen): thence. north-easterly, casterly and north-
~ _ _ -
(TheincluslnaoPthispagciEaufhunized bv1 N 95119971
easterly along the boundary line between Smith’s Village and
Greenwich Park (known also as Trench Pen), to the south-western
wmer of land formerly known as Hannah’s Pen, but now the
township known as New Town: thence easterly, southerly, and south-
easterly along the southern and western boundary lines of the said land
formerly known as Hannah‘s Pen. but now the township known as
New Town, to Blount Sueet; thence northerly along the western
boundary of the said Blount Street to the southern boundary line of
Stndley Park: thence south-easterly along the southern boundary line
of Studley Park to the m t r e of the Admiral’s Pen Gully; thence up
the centre of the said Admiral’s Pen Gully, to the western boundary
of the road at Torrington Bridge: thence south-easterly across the
said road to the southeastern corner of Orange Street and the road
leading from Torrington Bridge to the Race Course, thence easterly
along the southern boundary of the road leading from Torrington
Bridge to the Race Course. to the western boundary of the Race
Course; thence north-easterly, easterly, and south-easterly, along the
boundary of the said Race Course to a point north-west of and
opposite to the north-western wmer of Allman Town; thence. south-
easterly across the East Race Course Road and along the northern
boundary line of AUrnan Town, to the wetern boundary Line of
Woodford Park; thence southerly and easterly along the. westem and
southern boundary lines of Woodford Park to South Camp Road:
thence easterly, southerly, and easterly along the southem and western
boundaries of the road which forms the northern and part of the
eastern boundaries of the lands attached to Alpha Cottape, to the
junction of Elletson Road and Deanery Road; thence southerly along
the westem boundary of Elletson Road to the boundary line of the
parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew marked on earth by 811 old
parish boundary pillar; thence northeasterly and south-easterly along
the boundary line of the parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew to
the Hope River; thence down the centre of the said Hope River for a
distance of twenty-eight chains; thence southerly in a straight line
to a point on the shore of Kingston Harbour two chains south-east of
the western end of the old military breastwork at Harbour Head,
thence along the shore of Kingston Harbour, past Rock Fort, back to
the starting point.
Dewfion of Bolvrdaries
From a point on the right bank of the Chalky River vhere it enters GN.
the sea: thence along its right bank to a point Loo0 feet north of the z06/1%8.
Main Road from Kingston to Morant Bay: thence in a westerly
direction parallel to the Main Road to a point on the eastern
boundary of Harbour View Housing Estate; thence northerly for a
distance of 2,OOO feet: thence westerly to a point 300 feet east of
the Hope River; thence northerly and easterly along a l i e 300 feet
from and paratlel to the Hope River to a point due east of where
August Town Gully enters the Hope River; thence westerly to the
point where the Hope River meets August Town Gully; thence north-
-__-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
me inclusion of &is page is authorized by L.N. 17/1982]
westerly, westerly, south-westerly along the centre-line of the August
Town Gully to a point due south of Manley Avenue; thence northerly
for a distance of 1,500 feet to Manley Avenue: thence along ManIey
Avenue to its junction with the August Town Road; thence easterly
along August Town Road to University Road: thence northerly and
westerly along the University Road to its junction with the main road
leading from Papine to Lindo's Gap: thence westerly and south-westerly
to its junction with the Papine Road; thence northerly along the
Papine Road to a point opposite to the southern boundary of the
Market; thence easterly for a distance of 600 feet; thence northerly
to the intersection of Old Hope Road and Gordon Town Road; thence
northerly along the Cordon Town Road to a point 300 feet east of
the junction of Skyline Drive and Cordon Town Road; thence northerly
300 feet from and parallel to the centre-line of Skyline Drive to a point
300 feet north of the junction of Skyline Drive and Jacks Hill Road;
thence South-westerly to the Jacks Hill Road: thence along the Jacks
Hill Road to Sunset Drive; thence in a north-westerly direction along
the 1,000 feet contour through Cherry Garden and Norbrook to Spring
Garden Gully: thence in a northerly direction along the Spring Garden
Gully through Constant Spring Estate to Ram's Horn Ridge at the
junction of the Hermitage Dam and Seaview Road; thence westerly
along Seaview Road to intersect with the centre-line of the Main
Road from Kingston to Castleton Gardens; thence northerly along
the said Main Road for 300 feet: thence due west for 300 feet; thence
north-westerly and south-westerly along a line 300 feet from and
arallel to the centre-line of the Kingston to Cavtleton Gardens Main
i o a d to intersect with the centre-line of the Main Road leadig from
Stony Hill to Cavaliers; thence north-westerly and south-westerly to
its junction with the Mannings Hill Road: thence easterly for a distance
of 2.000 feet: thence south-westerly and parallel to the centre-line of
the Main Road from MaMings Hill to Mount Salus to a point due
east of the junction of the Swain Spring Road and the said Main
Road; thence westerly to the Main Road: thence along the said
Main Road to Bean Junction at the Red Hills Road; thence westerly
along the Main Road leading to Red Hills to the junction of the
Main Roads to Rock Hall and Belvedere opposite the Methodist
Church; thence westerly along the Main Road to Rock Hall for a
distance of 650 feet to the boundary of Woodland and Belvedere:
thence westerly along the northern boundary of Belvedere to
Carhampton: thence southerly along the eastern boundary of
Carhampton to the Parochial Road leading from Happy Grove to
Ferry: thence westerly and southerly along the Parochial Road to
Ferry or Fresh River; thence south-easterly along the Parish Boundary
with St. Catherine to Hunt's Bay: thence along the coast line 300 feet
in the sea parallel to the high-water mark to the south-western corner
of the Property known as Bumper Hall at the shore of the Kingston
Harbour; north-easterly along the western boundary l i e of the said
Bumper Hall to Spanish Town Road; thence south-easterly along the
Southern boundary of the Spanish Town Road to a point south-west
of and opposite to the westernmost corner of Smith's Village; thence
north-easterly across the Spanish Town Road to the corner ktweeu
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 17/1982] ~~ ~~~ ~~~
Smith’s Village and Greenwich Park (known also as Trench Pen):
thence north-easterly, easterly and north-easterly along the boundary
line between Smith’s Village and Greeuwich Park (known as Trench
Town) to the South-western corner of land formerly know as Hannahs
Pen, but now the township h o w n as New Tom: thence easterly,
southerly, and south-easterly along the southern and western boundary
lines of the said land formerly known as Hannah‘s Pen, but now the
township known as New Town, to Blount Street; thence northerly
along the western boundary of the said Blount Street to the southern
boundary line of Studley Park; thence south-easterly along the southern
boundary line of Studley Park to the centre of the Admiral‘s Pen GuIly:
rhence up the centre of the said Admiral’s Pen Gully to the western
boundary of the road at Torringon Bridge: thence south-easterly across
the said road to the south-eastern corner of Oranqe Street and the road
leading from Torrington Bridge to the Race Course: thence easterly
along the southern boundary of the road leading from Torrington
Bridge to the Race Course. to the western boundary of the Race
Course; thence north-easterly, easterly and south-asterly. along the
boundary of the said Race Course to a point north-west of and
opposite to the north-westem corner of Allman T o m ; thence south-
easterly across the East Race Course and along the northern boundary
line of Allman Town, to the western boundary line of Woodford
Park thence southerly and easterly along tbe western and southern
boundary lines of Woodford Park to South Camp Road: thence
easterly, southerly and easterly along the southern and western
boundaries of the road which forms the northern part of the eastern
boundaries of the lands attached to Alpha Cottage, to the junction
of Elletson Road and Deanery Road; thence. southerly along the
western boundary of Elletson Road to the boundary line of the parishes
of Kingston and Saint Andrew marked on earth by an old parish
boundary pillar: thence northeasterly and south-easterly along the
boundary line of the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew to the
Hope River; thence down the centre of the said Hope River for
a distance of twenty-eight chains: thence southerly in a straight line
to a point on the shore of Kingston Harbour two chains south-east of
the western end of the old military breastwork at Harbour Head;
thence easterly along the shore line to the starting point at the right
bank where the Chalky River enters the sea.
Definition Of Boundaries
From the intersection of the parochial road leading to Feny or
Fresh River and the prish boundary With St. Catherine in a north-
westerly direction along the centre of the Fresh River for a distance
of 1,800 feet to the parish boundary with St. Catherine; theuce
northerly along the parish boundary of St. Andrew in a straight line
to a point at Park Prospect 8+ chains west of the south-westem corner
of Rock Castle: thence north-easterly in a straight line to the confluence
of the Stony River and a spring about eight chains north of the
boundaly line between Rock Hall and Mount Recovery; thence down
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 17/1982]
__ - - ~~~ - __
Lub! 1968.
the centre of the Stony River to the north-east corner of Mount
Recovery; thence northerly in a straight line to the confluence of two
springs or gullies near the source of the Crooked Spring: thence down
the centre of the Crooked Spring to its confluence with the Stony
River: thence down the Stony River to its confluence with the New
River: thence down the centre of the New River to its confluence
with the Cassava River; thence up the centre of the Cassava River
to its confluence with a spring that forms the boundary l i e between
the two portions of the property known as Cassava River which
were assigned to George Wilson and to John Powell Rainford.
respectively: then up the centre of the said spnng to a point four
chains west of the northern portion of the boundary line between
Cassava River property and Langton Hill: thence northerly in a
straight line to the point where the main road from Mount Charles
to Platfield crosses the main ridge: thence easterly along the top of
the said main ridge to the south-west corner of New Ramble; thence
easterly and south-easterly along the boundary line between New
Ramble and Mt. Friendship to a spring forming the boundary betwern
New Ramble and Buckshale Hill; thence down the centre of the
said spring to its confluence with the Little Tom’s River; thence
down the centre of the Little Tom’s River to its confluence with the
Wag Water River: thence down the centre of the Wag Water River
to its confluence with the Georges Spring; thence up the centre of
the Georges Spring to its source and continuing easterly to the top
of the main ridge at Prospec3 Hill: thence along the top of the
Grand Ridge, past Fox’s Gap, Hardwar Gap. Catherine’s Peak. Silver
Hill Peak and Sir John’s Peak, to a point southeast of Sir John’s
Peak at the source of the Green River; thence down the centre of
the said Green River to its confluence with the Yallahs Rivm: thence
down the centre of the Yallahs River to its confluence with the
Shooting River: thence up the Shooting River to the point where
it is crossed by the parochial road from Halberstadt to Galloway:
thence southerly in a straight line to a point in the centre of the
Bull Bay River nine chains southeast of Halberstadt Old Works:
thence down the centre of the Bull Bay River to a point 1,OOO feet
north of the main road from Kingston to Morant Bay: thence. in
a westerly direction parallel to the said road to a point on the eastern
boundary of Harbour View Housing Estate: thence northerly for a
distance of 2,000 feet: thence westerly to a point 300 feet east
of the Hope River; thence northerly and easterly along a l i e 300
feet from and parallel to the Hope River to a p i n t due east of
where August Town Gully enters the Hope River: thence westerly
to the point where the Hope River meets August Town Gully:
thence north-westerly, westerly, south-westerly along the centre-line
of the August Town Gully to a point due south of Manley Avenue;
thence northerly for a distance of 1.500 feet to Manley Avenue:
thence along Manley Avenue to its junction with the August Town
Road; thence easterly along August Town Road to University Road:
thence northerly and westerly along the University Road to its ]unction
with the main road leading from Papine to Lindo’s Gap; thence
westerly and south-westerly to its junction with the Paplne Road;
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 17/19821
thence northerly along the Papine Road to a point opposite to the
southern boundary of the Market: thence easterly for a distance of
600 feet; thence nortberly to the intersection of Old Hope Road and
Gordon Town Road; thence northerly 300 feet from and parallel
to the centre-line of Skyline Drive to a point 300 feet north of the
junction of Skyline Drive and Jacks Hill Road; thence south-westerly
to the Jacks Hill Road; thence along the J a c k Hill Road to Sunset
Drive: thence in a north-westerly direction along the 1,000 feet contour
through Cherry Garden and Norbrook to Spring Garden Gully; thence
in a nortberly direction along the Spring Garden Gully b o u g h Constant
Spring Estate to Ram's Horn Ridge at the junction of the Hermitage
Dam and Seaview Road: thence westerly along Seaview Road to
intersect with tbe centre-line of the Main Road from Kingston to
Castleton Gardens; hence northerly along the said Main Road for
300 feet: thence due west for 300 feet: thence north-westerly and
south-westerly along a line 300 feet from and parallel to the centre-line
of the Kingston to Castleton Gardens A4ain Road to intersect with
the centre-line of the Main Road leading from Stony Hill ~LI Cavaliers:
thence north-westerly and south-westerly to its junction with tbe
Mannings Hill Road; thence easterly for a distance of 2.000 feet;
thence south-westerly and parallel to the centre-line of the Main Road
from Mannings Hill to Mount Salus to a point due east of the
junction of the Swain Spring Road and the said Main Road: thence
westerly to the Main Road: thence along the said Main Road to
Bean Junction at the Red Hills Road; thence westerly along the
Main Road leading to Red Hills to the junction of the Main Roads
to Rock Hall and Belvedere opposite the Methodist Church; thence
westerly along the Main Road to Rock Hall for a distance of 650
feet to the boundary of Woodland and Belvedere: thence westerly
along the northern boundary of Belvedere to Carhampton: thence
southerly along the eastern boundary of Carhampton to the Parochial
Road leading from Happy Grove to Ferry; thence westerly and
southerly along the Parochial Road to Ferry or Fresh River.
Declaration to be made by Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councilh
I (name in full) .......................................................................
having been elected (Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor) for the
Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation, do hereby declare that I take
the said office upon myself and I declare that I am qualifid within
the provisions of this Act to be elected and be an Elected Councillor
(here state specific qualification),
and that I am not disqualified within the provisions of this Act from
being elected to or holding the said office.
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