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National Law of Bhutan, 1958

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Having found it necessary to amend this law relating to the acquisition and deprivation of Citizenship which has been in force till date, His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo, in accordance with the Royal Advisors, people and the Monastic body, is pleased to incorporate the following changes: 1. This law may be called the Nationality Law of Bhutan, 1958 and it shall be effective

throughout the kingdom of Bhutan. 2. This law shall be in force throughout the kingdom of Bhutan from the day of its

enactment. 3. Any person can become a Bhutanese National.

(a) If his/ her father is a Bhutanese National and is a resident of the Kingdom of Bhutan; or (b) If any person is born within or outside Bhutan after the commencement of this

law provided the father is a Bhutanese National at the time of his/her birth. 4. (1) If any foreigner who has reached the age of majority and is otherwise

eligible, presents a petition to an official appointed by His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo and takes an oath of loyalty according to the rules laid down by the official, he/she may be enrolled as a Bhutanese National provided that :-

(a) The person is a resident of the kingdom of Bhutan for more than ten

years; and (b) Owns agricultural land within the kingdom.

(2) If a woman, married to a Bhutanese National, submits a petition and takes the oath of loyalty as stated above to the satisfaction of the concerned official and provided that she has reached the age of majority and is otherwise eligible, her name may be enrolled as a Bhutanese National

(3) If any person has been deprived of his/her Bhutanese Nationality or has renounced his/her Bhutanese Nationality or forfeited his/her Bhutanese Nationality, the person cannot become a Bhutanese National again unless His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo grants approval to do so.

5. (1) If any foreigner submits a petition to His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo according to the rules described in the above sections, and provided the person has reached the age of majority and is otherwise eligible, and has served satisfactorily in Government service for at least five years and has been residing in the kingdom of Bhutan for at least 10 years, he/she may receive a Bhutanese Nationality Certificate. Once the certificate is received, such a person has to take the oath of loyalty according to rules laid down by the Government and from that day onwards, his/her name will be enrolled as a Bhutanese National.


(2) Any foreigner who has reached the age of majority and is otherwise eligible, can receive a Nationality Certificate provided that in the opinion of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo his/her conduct and service as a Government servant is satisfactory.

6. Any person who :- (a) becomes a national of a foreign country and resides in that country ;

Or (b) has renounced Bhutanese nationality and settled in a foreign country

or (c) claims to be citizen of a foreign country or pledges oath of loyalty to that Country

or (d) is registered as a Bhutanese national but has left his/her agricultural land or

has stopped residing in the kingdom ; or

(e) being a bonafide national has stopped residing in the country or fails to observe the laws of the Kingdoms shall forfeit his/her Bhutanese nationality.

7 (1) If a Nationality Certificate has been obtained on presentation of false information; alteration, addition or omission of facts, the Government may order the Certificate to be cancelled.

(2) A person is liable to be deprived of his/her Bhutanese nationality without prior notice:

(a) If any citizen or national, engages in activities against His Majesty the Druk

Gyalpo or speaks against His Majesty, or the people of Bhutan ; or

(b) When Bhutan and India is engaged in a war with another country, if any citizen or national of Bhutan is found to be indulging in business, correspondence or helping the enemies;

or (c) If any person. Within the period of five years from the day when he/she was

enlisted as a Bhutanese National, was imprisoned in any country for more than one year.

8. To implement this law, His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo may incorporate additional rules

if necessary. 9. This law supersedes all laws, rules and regulations, ordinances relating to the

acquisition and forfeiture of nationality from the day of its commencement.