Instrument number CASA 87/13
I, GERARD JOHN CAMPBELL, Acting Executive Manager, Operations Division, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 208 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.
[Signed G.J. Campbell]
Gerard J. Campbell
Acting Executive Manager
Operations Division
26 June 2013
Direction — number of cabin attendants (Virgin Australia Airlines)
1 Duration
This instrument:
(a) commences on 1 July 2013; and
(b) stops having effect at the end of 30 June 2014 as if it had been repealed by another instrument.
2 Application
This instrument applies to an aircraft mentioned in section 3, operated by Virgin Australia Airlines Pty Ltd, Aviation Reference Number 567591 (the operator), and engaged in regular public transport, or charter, operations.
3 Direction
In spite of subparagraph 6.1 (b) of Civil Aviation Order 20.16.3 (CAO 20.16.3), the operator may operate an Australian registered Boeing 737-800 series aircraft with a type certificate data sheet that provides for a maximum seating capacity of 189 passengers if there is 1 cabin attendant for every 50 passenger seats or part of that number.
Note CAO 20.16.3 applies in all other respects to an aircraft referred to in this section.
4 Conditions
The direction is subject to the conditions mentioned in Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 Conditions
1 Only physically competent (able-bodied) persons may occupy seats in the emergency exit rows.
2 During the aircraft take-off, landing operation and in prepared emergencies, each exit row must be occupied by a minimum of 2 able-bodied persons.
3 All passengers seated in the emergency exit rows must receive and respond to a briefing which instructs them in the opening of emergency exits and subsequent actions required in the event of an emergency.
4 The operator must ensure that the aircraft can be evacuated in 90 seconds.
5 Arrangements for the seating and briefing of passengers must be in accordance with procedures set out in the operator’s operations manual and approved by CASA.