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Suppression of Terrorism Act 1993

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No. 17 of 1993. The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. ANTIGUA


[L. S.]

I Assent,

B. T. Carrott,
Governor-General's Deputy

26th May, 1993.


No. 17 of 1993.

AN ACT to make provision for terrorist related offences to be
made extraditable; for excluding such crimes from crimes &-
fined as crimes of a political character and for connected

[ 10th June, 1993 ]

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
follows -

1. This Act may be cited as the Suppression of Terrorism Act, short title.

2. In this Act - Interpretation.

"act" includes omission;

"protected person" has the same meaning as the meaning
&\signed to it in the Internationally Protected Persons Act,

ANTIGUA 2 The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. No. 17 of 1993.


Cases relating to 3. (1) This section applies to any offence of which a person is
offences excluded accused or has been convicted outside Antiguaand Barbuda if the

Offences act constituting the offence, or the equivalent act, would, if it took
regarded as of a
political character. place in Antigua and Barbudaor, in the case of an extra-ternitorid

offence, in corresponding circumstances outside Antigua and
Barbuda, constitute one of the offences listed in the Schedule.

(2) For the purpose of any request made on behalf of a
Commonwealth country or a country with which there is an
extradition arrangement between Antigua and Barbuda and tha.t

NO. of 1993. country for the return of a person under the Extradition Act

(a) no offence to which this section applies shall he
regarded as an offence of a political character; and

(b) no proceedings in respect of an offence t~ which
this section applies shall be regarded as a criminal
matter of a political character or as criminal pro-
ceedings of a political character.

Extrad~tion crlnle. 4. The offences mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) mund (c) below

No, of 1993, are, for the purposes of the Extradition Acl deemd to be
extradition crimes

(Cap. 3 10) (a) any offence under the Explosive Act;

NO. 11 of 1972. (b) any indictable offence under Lhe F ~ e a n n s Act,

(c) any attempt to commit any of the crimes specified
in subsection (a) and (b).

~ ~ ~ i ~ d i ~ i ~ ~ i n rt.s. 5. (1) If a person, whether a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda
Fct Of offences does in any country any act which, if he had done In Antigua
committed outside
Antigua and and Barbuda, would have made him guilty in Antigua and
Barbuda. Barbuda of -

(a) an offence mentioned in paragraphs I,?, 4,5 9,10
or 11 of the Schedule; or

(h) an offence of attempting to colnmlt any offence
so mentioned,

he shall in Antigua and Barbuda, be guilty of the offence or
offences so mentioned of which the act would have made him
guilty if he had done it there.

No. 17 of 1993. The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. 3 ANTIGUA


(2) If a person, whether a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda,
does in any country any act in relation to a protected person
which, if he had done in Antigua and Barbuda, would have
made him guilty in Antigua and Barbuda of -

(a) an offence mentioned in paragraphs 3,6, or 8 of
the Schedule; or

(b) an offence of attempting to commit any offence
so mentioned;

he shall, in Antigua and Barbuda be guilty of the offence or
offences so mentioned of which the act would have made him
guilty if he had done it there.

(3) For the purposes of this subsection it is immaterial
whether a person knows that another person is protected.

(4) If a person who is not a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda
does outside Antigua and Barbuda and the country of which he
is a citizen, any act which makes him in that country where the
act was done guilty of an offence and which, if he had been a
citizen of Antigua and Barbuda would have made him in
Antigua and Barbuda guilty of an offence mentioned in para-
graphs 1, 2, 13 of the Schedule, he shall in Antigua and
Barbuda, be guilty of the offence or offences so mentioned of
which the act would have made him guilty if he had been a
citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.

(5) For the purposes of this section any act done -

(a) on board a ship registered in a Commonwealth
country or some other country, being an act
which, if the ship had been registered in Antigua
and Barbuda would have constituted an offence
within the jurisdiction of Antigua and Barbuda;

(b) on board an aircraft registered in a Common-
wealth country or some other country while the
aircraft is in flight in a country other than in or
over the country of its registration;

(c) on board a hovercraft registered in a Common-
wealth country or some other country while the
hovercraft is on a journey in a country other than
the country of its registration;

ANTIGUA 4 The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. No. 17 of 1993.


shall be treated as done in that Commonwealth country or that

Consent of the 6. (1) No proceedings for trial and punishmentof any person
Director of Public charged with any offence to which this Act applies shall be
Prosecutions. instituted in any court except with the consent of the Director

of Public Prosecutions.

(2) A person charged with any offence to which this Act
applies may be arrested, or a warrant for his arrest may be
issued and executed, and he may be remanded in custody or on
bail, notwithstanding that the consent of the Director of Public
Prosecutions has not been obtained, but no further proceedings
shall be taken until that consent has been obtained.

Sections 3 and 5

List of Offences

1. Murder.

2. Manslaughter.

3. Rape.

4. Kidnapping, abduction.

5. False imprisonment.

6. Assault occasioning actual bodily harm or causing injury.

7. Wilful fire-raising.

8. Offence under any of the following provisions of the offences against the
Person Act (Cap. 58)

(a) Section 17 (wounding with intent to cause serious bodily harm);

(b) section 19 (causing grievous bodily harm);

(c) section 20 (Attempting to choke etc in order to commit or assist in the
committing of any indictable offence);

No. 17 of 1993. The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. 5 ANTIGUA


(d) section 21 (using chloroform etc. to commit or assist in committing
any indictable offence);

(e) section 22 (maliciously administering poison etc., so as to endanger
life or inflict grievous bodily harm);

Cf) section 23 (maiiciously administering poison etc. with intent to injure

9. An offence under the following provisions of the offences against the Person
Act (Cap. 58) -

(a) section 48 (abduction of any woman)

(b) section 5 1 (Child stealing)

10. Use of explosives to commit felonies under the offences against the Person
Act (Cap. 58) -

(a) section 27 (causing bodily injury by gun powder);

(b) section 28 (causing gun powder to explode or sending any person an
explosive substances with intent to cause grievous bodily harm);

(c) section 29 (placing gun powder near a building with intent to do bodily
injury to any person);

11. The following offences under the Firearms Act 1972, (No. 11 of 1972.)

(a) an offence under section 12 (possession of firearms or ammunition
with intent to injure);

(b) an offence under section 13 (use of firearm or imnitation firearms to

resist arrest);

12. An offence under sections 2,3,4,8,9 and 10 of the Malicious Damage Act
(Cap. 5 1).

ANTIGUA 6 The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 1993. No. 17 of 1993.


13. An offence under the Act, 1975 (No. 21 of 1975)

14. An offence of attempting to commit any offence mentioned in a preceding
paragraph of this Schedule.

Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this 17th
this 26th day of April, 1993. day of May, 1993.

C. L. Murray,

L. A. Dowe,
Clerk to the House of Representatives.

William A. Robinson,

L. A. Dowe,
Clerk to the Senate.

Pllnted at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Acting Government Printer

- By Authority, 1993.
800-6.93 [Price $2.601