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Supplementary Appropriation (1994) Act 1995

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No. 4 of 1995. The Supplementary Appropriation 1 ANTIGUA
(1 994) Act, 1995. AND


I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,

6th June, 1995.


No. 4 of 1995

An Act to provide Supplementary Appropriation for the services
of Antigua and Barbuda for the year 1994.

[ 27th July, 1995 ]

Enacted by tlie Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as fol-

1. This Act may be cited as the Supplementary Appropriation short t~tle
(1994) Act, 1995.

2. The sums set forth in the Schedub- .dnountmg to the b u m of Suppi~rnentary
nlrte million, two hundred and rwenrq-thee thousar~d, nine "ppl~~"atl"n
hundred and eleven dollars ($9,223,91!3i) which sums have
been drawn from the Consolidated Fund and have been pald for
the .iervlces of Antigua and Barbuda during the year 1994 In
addhion to the sums granted by the Appropriation Act, 1?94 are
dcctued to have been lawfully pa~d and appropriated out ot the
Consoltdated Fund for the 5ervlce.i mentioned in &hc Schedule.

ANTIGUA 2 The Supplementary Appropriation
AND (1 994) Act, 1995.




E 3 Cabinet

E 10 Prime Minister's Ministry

E 15 Ministry of Finance and Social Security

E 20 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Commerce, In-
dustry and Consumer Affairs

E 25 Ministry of Health and Home Affairs

E 30 Ministry of Educaoon, Culture and Youth, Sports
and Community Ilevclopment

E 35 Ministry of Public Works, Utilities, Communica-
tions, Energy and Transportation

EcCO Ministry of Economic Development, Industry and

E 50 Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs

E 75 Ministry of Labour, Civil Service Affairs and Co-

E 80 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment

No. 4 of 1995.





Passed the House of Representatives this Passed the Senate this 4th
20th day of April, 1995. day of May, 1995.

B. Harris,

M. Percival,

S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the Holcsr of Representcrtives. Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Governrnent Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
By Rupert Charity, Government Printer

-- By Authority, 1995.
800-7.95 Price $1.20 1