No. 1 of 2000. Law Revision (Miscellaneous) 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendments) Act, 2000. AND
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
No. 1 of 2000
James B. Carlisle,
10th February, 2000.
AN ACT to amend the provisions of certain Acts of Parliament.
[ 17th February, 2000 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
1. This Act may be cited as theLaw Revision (Miscellaneous) short title.
(Amendments) Act, 2000.
2. Section 2 of the Distribution and Price of Goods Act is Amendment of
amended as follows: section 2 of the
Distribution and
Price of Goods (a) by repealing thedefinitionof "authorisedofficer" and Act, Cap, 138,
substituting the following:
"authorised officer" includes any person ap-
pointed by the Governor-General under sec-
tion 16A to be an authorised officer and any
police officer of or above the rank of sergeant";
(b) by inserting after section 16 the following:
"Appoinhnent of 16A. (1) For the purposes of section
authorised officer. 16 the Governor-General may by Order
published in the Gazette appoint a price
control officer to be an authorised officer.
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) No. 1 of 2000.
(Amendments) Act, 2000.
(2) Appointments made under sec-
tion 2 of the principal Act, before the
coming into force of this Act are deemed
to have been validly made. " .
Amendment of 3. Section 23 of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Act is
the Eastern amended by repealing section 23 and substituting the following:
Supreme Court
Act Cap. 143. "Mode of trial. 23. Any civil proceedings commenced by a
writ or in such other manner as may be pre-
scribed by rules of court shall be tried by a
judge without a jury."
Amendment of 4. Section 2 of the Intoxicating Liquor (Price Control) Act is
the Intoxicating amended as follows:
Liquor (Price
Control) ~ c t Cap. (a) by repealing thedefinition of "authorisedofficer" and
226. substituting the following:
" "authorised officer" includes any person ap-
pointed by the Governor-General under sec-
tion 9A to be an authorised officer for the
purposes of thls Act and any police officer of or
above the rank of sergeant"; and
(b) by inserting after section 9 the fc qlowing:
"Appointment of 9A. (1) For the purposes of section 9
authorised officer. the Governor-General may by Order pub-
lished in the Gazette appoint a price
control officer to be an authorised offi-
(2) Appointments made under sec-
tion 2, before the coming into force of
thls Act, are deemed to have been validly
made. "
.'imendment of 5. The Medical Benefits Act is amended by the repeal of
Mcdicai Benefits section 3(2) and the substitution of the following:
Act Cap 271.
"(2) The Scheme shall be funded by a contribution of
every insured person equivalent to three and one half
percentum of his wages and the contribution of every
employer equivalent to three and one half percentum of the
wages of every person employed by him."
No. 1 of 2000. Law Revision (Miscellaneous) 3 ANTIGUA
(Arnendrne~ts) Act, 2000. AND
6. The Prison Act is amended by the insertion after section 26 Amendment of
of the following new sections: the Prison ~ c t
Cap. 341.
Prison Welfare 27. (1) For the purpose of enabling officers
Association. of the Prison Service below the rank of senior
prison officers to consider and bring to the
notice of the Superintendent and the Minister
matters affecting their general welfare and
efficiency there shall be established an
organisation to be known as theprison Welfare
Association which shall act through aBoard as
provided by rules made under section 28.
(2) No representation shall be made by the
Prison Welfare Association in relation to any
question of discipline, promotion, transfer or
leave unless some question of principle is
(3) The Prison Welfare Association shall be
entirely independent of and unassociated with
any body outside the Service.
Prison Associa- 28. The Association may make rules pro-
tion Rules. viding for the good government of the Associa-
tion and for carrying out the object of the
Association and such rules shall contain provi-
sions in respect of any matters which the
Minister may prescribe.
Prison officers not 29. (1) It shall not be lawfirl for any prison
to join prohibited officer to be or become a member of any
associations. prohibited association.
(2) If any prison officer becomes a member
of a prohibited association, such prison officer
commits an offence and is liable on summary
conviction to a fine of five hundred dollars and
such member shall be dismissed from the
(3) Any prison officer who on the com-
mencement of this Act is a member of any
prohibited association shall terminate krs mem-
bershlp forthwith and by writing addressed to
the Superintendent inform him of such tenni-
ANTIGUA 4 Law Revision (Miscellaneous) No. 1 of 2000.
ANID (Amendments) Act, 2000.
(4) Any prison officer who, on the com-
mencement of this Act continues to be a mem-
ber of a prohibited association commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to
a fine of five hundred dollars and such member
shall be dismissed from the service.
(5) For the purpose of this Act "prohibited
association" has the meaning as is defined in
section 64(3) of the Police Act, Cap. 330."
Amendment of 7. The Small Charges Act is amended in section 12 as follows:
the Small Charges
~ c t Cap. 405. (a) by renumbering section 12 as section 12(1); and
(b) by adding the following new subsections:
(2) No person shall cany a knife, cutlass,
bludgeon or other offensive weapon to any
place where people are gathered for entertain-
ment or any other purpose.
(3) The proprietor or the person in charge of
any such place mentiomd in subsection (2)
(a) post up at the entrance of any such
place a notice prohibiting any per-
sonentering therein fromcanying
on his person, a knife, cutlass,
bludgeon or any offensive weapon
and the penalty for contravening
the prohibition; and
(b) make provision for persons enter-
ing any such place to hand over for
safe custody such knife, bludgeon
or offensive weapon which they
may have in their possession.
(4) Any person whocontravenes subsection
(2) commits an offence and is liable on convic-
tion to a fine of one thousand dollars.
(5) It shall be lawful for any police officer
after identifying hlmself to search without
warrant any person entering into any such
place mentioned in subsection (2) and to seize
any knife, cutlass, bludgeon or other offensive
weapon found on such person.
No. 1 of 2000. Law Revision (Miscellaneous) 5 ANTIGUA
(Amendments) Act, 2000. AND
(6) For the purposes of this Act "offensive
weapon" has the same meaning as defined in
section 35(5) of the Firearms Act, Cap. 171."
8. TheFreeTrade andProcessing Zane Act is amended as follows: Amendment of
the Free Trade
(a) by the repeal of section lO(3) and the substitution of md Rocrasing
the following: Zone ~ c t NO. 12
of 1994.
"(3) There shall also be appointed by the
Minister a Deputy Commissioner whose ap-
pointment shall be approved by the Cabinet.
(4) The Deputy Commissioner shall, per-
form such duties as may be assigned to him by
the Commissioner or as directed by the Com-
mission and to perform the functions of the
Commissioner during his absence.";
(b) by the repeal of section 27(g) and the substitution of
the following:
"(g) to the granting of permits, approvals and
the licensing of places where businesses - -
approved under this Act may tempo-
rarily be accommodated."; and
(c) paragraph 2 of the Schedule is repealed and the
following substituted:
"2. Allmeetings of the Commission shall be
presided by the chairman and in the absence of
the chairman the members present shall elect
one of their number to preside. " .
Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this 17th day
this 6th day of January, 2000. of January, 2000.
B. Harris,
S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives.
M. Percival,
S. Walker,
Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Donovan Southwell, Government Printer
-By Authority, 2000.
800-2.00 [ Price $2.60 ]