No. 3 of 1998. The Law Revision (Miscellaneous 1 ANTIGUA
Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 1998. AND
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
17th March, 1998.
No. 3 of 1998.
AN ACT to amend the provisions of certain Acts of Parliament.
[ 23rd April, 1998 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
1. This Act may be cited as the Law revision (Miscellaneous Shorttitle
Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 1998.
2. The Betting and Gaming Act is amended in section 13 by the Amendment of the
repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of the following- BeaingandGaming
Act Cap 47.
"(1) No person to whom a licence has been granted under
section 4 of this Act shall-
(a) transfer or assign it to any other person; or
(b) combine with any other licence holder to achleve
a greater mass in their operations; or
(c) alter, deface or destroy such licence; or
(d) move to premises larger than the premises
described in the licence".
ANTIGUA 2 The Law Revision (Miscellaneous No. 3 of 1998.
AND Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 1998.
Amndmentofthe 3. The Asian Village Resort (Incentives) Act is amended as
Asian Village
Act 1997.
(a) in section2, by therepeal ofthe defmition of "the
Agreement" and the substitution of the follow-
"the Agreement" means the Agreement
dated the 18th of February, 1997 between
the Government of Antigua and Barbuda
and the Addendum to the Agreement
signed on 4th June, 1997 between the
Government of Antigua and Barbuda and
Asian Village Antigua Limited".
(b) in section 5, by the repeal of subsection (1) and
the substitution of the following-
"(1) Expatriates employed by the En-
terprise are hereby exempted from in-
come tax on their employment income
and shall have the right to repatriate so
much oftheir employment income as they
may deem necessary".
(c) in section 10, by deleting the words "to the extent
requiredby the Eastern CaribbeanCentralBank".
(d) in section 12 (4), by the deletion of the words
"notified by the Government in advance" and by
the substitution of the words "furmshed with
ninety days notification by the Government".
(e) in section 12 insert after subsection (4) the
"(5) Except with respect to the casino
to be built by the Enterprise, there shall
not be issued to any person any new
licence for a casino which will have a floor
area greater than two thousand square feet
(2,000 sq. ft.)".
No. 3 of 1998. The Law Revision (Miscellaneous 3 ANTIGUA
Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 1998. AND
and renumber subsections (9, (6) , (7), (8), (9),
(10) and (1 1) as subsections (6), (7), (8), (9),
(lo), (1 1) and (12).
in section 12 (8), by the deletion of the words
"shall not be used in operating the casino" and
by the substitutionof the words "shallnotbeused
+waging or bets and purchase or redemption of
betting tokens or chips".
( Section 28 is repealed and substituted by the
"28. The Enterprise or its nominee
may in the course of development or
operation of the Project, apply for a bank-
ing licence and the Minister may, subject
to the provisions of the Banking Act,
grant the licence".
(h) in section 31 (I), by the deletion of the words
"public health authorities" and by the substitu-
tion of the following-
"relevant authority, which approval shall
not be unreasonably withheld.
(9 by inserting after section 33 the following-
"Effect ofthe 34. Thi: Act shall not be
Agreemat. construed as diminishing the
effect of, or as constituting a
derogationfrom, any termofthe
Agreement that is not provided
for in thls Act, and accordingly
the provisions of this Act and
the terms of Agreement have
equal and binding effect on the
parties to the Agreement".
4. The Magistrate's Code of Procedure Act is amended in section Amendment of the
242 by the deletion of the words "not exceeding five hundred dollars Magi~hte~Codeof
Procedure Act Cap and with imprisonment for not more than six months" and by the 255,
substitution of the words "of five thousand dollars and with
imprisonment for two years".
ANTIGUA 4 The Law Revision (Miscellaneous No. 3 of 1998.
AND Amendments) (No. 2) Act, 1998.
Passed by the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate this 16th day
this 5th day of March, 1998. of March, 1998.
B. Harris,
M. Percival,
S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Government Printer
-By Authority, 1998.
800 - 4.98 [ Price $1.90 ]