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Importation Protection Act

Published: 1916

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Importation Protection (CAP. 211 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Power to make regulations generally.
4. No importation of secondhand wearing apparel without

5. Powers of Comptroller of Customs to deal with second-

hand wearing apparel.
6 . Personal effects.
7 . Offences and penalties.


(1st December, 1916.)

1. This Act may be cited as the Importation Protec- Short title.
tion Act.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"importer" includes consignee;

"secondhand" includes worn, used or cast off;

< < wearing apparel" includes all garments and clothing
of every kind whatsoever, household linen and rags
of all descriptions.


2 CAP. 211) Importation Protection

Power to make

No importation
of secondhand
wearing apparel

Powers of
Comptroller of
Customs to deal
with secondhand
wearing apparel.

Personal effects.

Offences and

3. (1) The Cabinet shall have power to make regula-
tions under this Act for the prevention of danger arising to
public health from the importation, preparation, storage and
distribution of all articles imported into Antigua and Barbuda
intended for sale for human consumption or use, and, without
prejudice to the generality of the powers so conferred, the
regulations may-

( a ) provide for the examination and taking of
samples of any such articles;

( 6 ) provide for the recovery of any charges
authorized to be made by the regulations for any ser-
vices performed thereunder.

( 2 ) For the purposes of regulations made under this Act
articles commonly used for the food or use of man shall be
deemed to be intended for sale for human consumption or
use unless the contrary is proved.

4. It shall not be lawful to import into Antigua and
Barbuda any secondhand wearing apparel unless the importer
produces to the Comptroller of Customs a certificate from
the Health Officer of the port or town of export as to the
innocuous nature of the articles imported.

5 . If any secondhand wearing apparel is imported and
the importer is unable to produce a certificate as required
by the preceding section, the Comptroller of Customs may,
in his discretion, have the same fumigated or disinfected to
his satisfaction and hand the same over to the importer:

Provided that the importer first reimburses the
Comptroller of Customs for all the costs incurred in the pro-
cess of fumigation or disinfection.

6. Nothing in this Act shall apply to the wearing ap-
parel if imported for his personal use, contained in the effects
of a bond fide traveller.

7. If any person wilfully neglects or refuses to obey
or carry out, or obstructs the execution of any provision of
this Act or of any regulation made under section 3, he shall
be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding
fifteen hundred dollars and in the case of a continuing offence


Importation Protection (CAP. 211 3

to a further penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars for
every day during which the offence continues with or without
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months for the
former offence and a period of three months for the conti-
nuing offence.