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Diocesan Synod of the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba Incorporation Act

Published: 2004

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Diocesan Synod of the North Eastern (CAP. 135 1
Caribbean and Aruba Incorfioration



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Renaming of Diocese and Incorporation of the Diocesan

Synod of the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba.
3. Execution of Documents by Synod.
4. Vesting of property in Diocesan Synod of the North-

Eastern Caribbean and Aruba.
5. Repeal of Section 8 of Cap. 338.*
6. Repeal.


(2nd January, I987 .) 4111986.

An Act to constitute the Synod of the Diocese of the
North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba a Body corporate under
the style and title "The Diocesan Synod of the North-Eastern
Caribbean and Aruba"; to vest in the corporation all property
belonging to the Anglican Church in Antigua and Barbuda;
and for matters connected with those purposes.

WHEREAS THE Bishop of the Diocese of Antigua and
the Clergy and certain representatives of the laity of the
Anglican Church in the said Diocese have since the year
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four together con-
stituted a Synod of the Church called the Synod of the Diocese
of Antigua:


2 CAP. 135) Diocesan Synod of the North Eastern
Caribbean and Aruba Incorporation

AND WHEREAS by an Act of the General Legislative
Council of the Leeward Islands entitled the Antigua Diocesan
Synod Incorporation Act Cap. 337* the Synod of the Diocese
of Antigua was constituted a body politic and corporate under
the style and title of "The Diocesan Synod of Antigua" with
perpetual succession and a common seal;

AND WHEREAS at the 40th Session of the said
Diocesan Synod of Antigua held in Anguilla in October,
1986, it was resolved that the Diocese of Antigua should be
re-named The Diocese of the North-Eastern Caribbean and

AND WHEREAS under and by virtue of the Church
of England Disestablishment Act Cap. 338*, Church Com-
missioners were constituted a body corporate with power to
hold and dispose of real and personal property and by a
Proclamation under the hand of His Excellency George
Berkeley, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward
Islands bearing date the 30th August, 1876 the said Church
Commissioners became vested and seized of certain specified
property described in an Inventory attached to the said

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to constitute the Synod
of the Diocese of the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba
a body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and
a common seal under the style and title "The Diocesan Synod
of the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba" and to vest in
the said corporation all the property whatsoever and
wheresoever situated whether real or personal belonging to
the Church in the aforesaid Diocese of Antigua.

Short title.

Renaming of
Diocese and
Incorporation of
the Diocesan
Synod of the
Caribbean and

1. This Act may be cited as the Diocesan Synod of
the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba Incorporation Act.

2. From and after the first day of January, 1987, the
Diocese of Antigua shall be re-named and shall henceforth
be known as "The Diocese of the North-Eastern Caribbean
and Aruba" and the Synod of the said Diocese of the North-
Eastern Caribbean and Aruba shall be and is hereby con-
stituted a body politic and corporate under the style and title


Diocesan Synod of the North Eastern (CAP. 135 3
Caribbean and Aruba Incorportion

of "The Diocesan Synod of the North-Eastern Cai-ibbean
and Aruba" with perpetual succession and a common seal
and with power and authority in its corporate name to sue
and to be sued, to acquire and hold real and personal property
in trust for all purposes connected with the administration
of the affairs of the Anglican Church in Antigua and Barbuda
and to sell, mortgage, alienate or lease the same.

3. All deeds of conveyance, mortgages, leases, con- Execution of
Documents by

tracts, assignments or other documents whatsoever and all synod.
powers of attorney and all notarial instruments required to
be executed by the said Diocesan Synod of the North-Eastern
Caribbean and Aruba shall be deemed to be sufficiently
executed if sealed with the Common Seal of the said Diocese
and subscribed by such persons as the said Synod shall

4. All real and personal property whatsoever situate vesting of
property in

in Antigua and Barbuda and any estate or interest in or con- ~ i ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ synod
cerning the same which are now held by or vested in the of the North-

Church Commissioner or the Diocesan Synod of Antigua ca&ban and
or the Bishop of the Diocese or any priest, vestry or person * ~ b a .
whatsoever, and whether in fee simple or in trust for or on
behalf of the Diocese or any parish or vestry within the
Diocese are hereby transferred to and vested in the Diocesan
Synod of the North-Eastern Caribbean and Aruba for the
same estate and interest and to the same extent to which
they were vested originally without conveyance transfer or

5 . The "Church Commissioners" constituted a body pgz;f;;;y
corporate under and by virtue of the Church of England
Disestablishment Act is hereby dissolved.

6. The Antigua and Barbuda Diocesan Synod Incor- Repeal.
poration Act is hereby repealed without prejudice to anything
done or suffered thereunder or any right privilege, obliga-
tion or liability acquired, accrued or incurred thereunder.

* These are references to the previous Revised Edition.