Cotton Seed Control (CAP. 112 1
Arrangement of Sections
1 . Short title.
2 . Interpretation.
3 . Cotton seed for planting to be inspected and approved
by Agricultural Officer.
4. Cotton seed not approved for planting to be exported
or destroyed.
5. Approved cotton seed to be planted.
6. Agricultural Officer may acquire cotton seed for
7. Power given to Agricultural Department to destroy rogue
8. Protection of person acting under Act.
9. Obstruction of person acting under Act.
1 0 . Penalty.
(12 th October, 1 9 3 2 . ) 1011932.
1. This Act may be cited as the Cotton Seed Control Short title.
2. In this Act- Interpretation.
"Agricultural Officer" means the officer for the time
being in charge of the Agricultural Department and
Cotton seed for
planting to be
inspected and
approved by
Cotton seed not
approved for
planting to be
exported or
Approved cotton
seed to be
CAP. 112) Cotton Seed Control
any other officer of that Department and any per-
son authorized in writing by that officer for the time
being in charge of that Department to carry out
any of the provisions of this Act.
"rogue plant" means any cotton plant not being in the
opinion of the Agricultural Offlcer true to Sea Island
3. (1) All cotton seed intended for planting shall be
inspected by the Agricultural Officer and approved as fit for
planting; and after approval by the Agricultural Officer shall
be bagged, packed or put in some other container and such
bag, package or other container shall be marked by the
Agricultural Officer.
(2) The Agricultural Officer may order selection by
hand of cotton seed before approving of the same for planting.
4. (1) No seed not approved for planting under sec-
tion (3) shall be removed from any cotton factory for any
purpose whatsoever except-
(a) for export within twenty-four hours of delivery
from factory;
( b ) after destruction by heat cornposting or con-
version into meal;
(c) delivery to an oil factory for the purpose of oil
extraction during any period of each year which the
Governor-General may declare by proclamation in the
Provided that for good and sufficient reason the
Agricultural Officer may grant (in writing) an extension of
time beyond any period so proclaimed.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions
of this section shall be guilty of an offence.
5 . Any person who sows or plants or causes to be sown
or planted or distributes or causes to be distributed for the
purpose of planting any cotton seed not approved of as fit
for planting by the Agricultural Officer shall be guilty of
an offence.
Cotton Seed Control (CAP. 112 3
6. The Agricultural Officer on the request of any per- $::::;;
son, and on being satisfied that such person cannot other- acquire cotton
wise obtain cotton seed for planting, may obtain a supply seed for phnting.
of cotton seed from any person possessing cotton seed fit for
planting on the following terms-
(a) that the person having the said cotton seed in
his possession does not require the same for the pur-
pose of planting;
(6) that three clear days' notice in writing be given
to such person by the Agricultural Officer informing
him that the Agricultural Officer requires the said cot-
ton seed, and stating the quantity required;
(c) that compensation is paid at the prevailing
market price for such cotton seed;
(6) any person refusing to deliver cotton seed for
planting when required to do so in accordance with the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.
7. The Agricultural Officer may without notice and ?$:;;;
with or without assistants uproot or in any other manner Department to
destroy any rogue plant found growing in any place. rogue
8. The Agricultural Officer shall not be deemed to ~~~~~i~~
be a trespasser by reason of any entry or destruction or action under Act.
taken or thing done under this ~ c t , or be liable for any
damage occasioned by carrying out any of the provisions
of this Act, unless the same was occasioned maliciously and
without reasonable cause, or through his personal negligence.
9. Any person who shall in any manner obstruct or
impede any person in the execution of any of the powers under ~ , t .
conferred by this Act shall be guilty of an offence
10. Any person who is guilty of an offence against Penalty.
this Act shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding three thousand dollars.