Cinematograph (CAP. 83 1
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Permit to conduct cinematograph.
4. Supervision of exhibition to ensure safety from fire.
5. Offence.
6. Duty of occupier, &c., of premises.
7. Film to be stored when not in use.
8. Reels of film to be kept in metal box.
9. Limit of film to be exposed.
10. Provisions applying to store room.
11. Power of entry and inspection.
12. Regulations.
13. Penalty.
14. Burden of proof.
Cinematograph (CAP. 83 3
(8th May, 1913.) 511913.
S.I. 3911989.
1. This Act may be cited as the Cinematograph Act. short title.
2. In this Act- Interpretation.
"film" means any film containing celluloid which is
intended for use in a cinematograph or any similar
3. (1) No person may conduct or allow to be presented Permit to
conduct or given by means of a cinematograph, or other similar cinematograph.
apparatus for the purposes of which inflammable films are
used, any exhibition of pictures or other optical effects without
the written permission of the Minister.
(2) The Minister may refuse to grant such permission
or grant it subject to the regulations made under this Act
and subject to such special conditions and restrictions, to
be specified in the permission, as to him may seem fit; and
any such permission may be revoked by the Minister at any
4. Where the Minister grants any such permission :;[;;zt:;,"f
upon the condition that the exhibition be conducted under en,,re
the superintendence of some officer or person designated in fire.
the permission, then the officer or person so designated may
at any time order such exhibition to cease or may give any
other direction which he may think necessary for ensuring
the safety from fire of the premises at which the exhibition
takes place and of the people attending the exhibition.
5 . Any person who conducts or who in any way assists Offence.
in conducting any such exhibition in contravention of the
provisions of section 3 , or the regulations made under this
Act, or of any conditions or restrictions specified in a per-
mission so granted, shall be guilty of an offence against this
4 CAP. 83) Cinematograph
6. (1) It shall be the duty of the occupier or the per-
&=., of premises.
son who manaces or receives the rent of any remises at - 2 .
which it may be proposed to conduct any such exhibition,
to ascertain whether the requisite permission of the Minister
shall have been obtained and, if so, the terms of such per-
mission; and it shall also be the duty of such occupier or
person to give notice to the Commissioner of Police, if and
so soon as he has reason to believe that there is an intention
to proceed with the exhibition either without the Minister's
permission or with such permission but without having
everything done, which may be required under such per-
mission to be done, previous to the exhibition taking place.
(2) Any occupier or person referred to in this section
who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an offence against this Act.
Film to be stored
when not in use.
7. All stocks of film except when actually being used
or manipulated shall be kept either in a storeroom, or in
fire-resisting receptacles, which shall not be used for any other
purpose and shall be plainly marked "Film".
Reels of film to
be kept in metal
8. Every reel of film shall, except when required to
box. be exposed for the purposes of the work carried on in the
premises, be kept in a separate and properly closed metal box.
Limit of film to 9. Not more than ten reels or forty pounds of film
be exposed. shall be exposed at any one time.
applying to store
10. The following provisions shall apply to every room
room. used for the storing of film-
(a) The room shall be constructed of fire-resisting
material in such manner as to prevent as far as is
reasonably practicable any fire occurring in the room
from spreading to other parts of the premises or to other
premises and any fire occurring outside the room from
reaching the contents thereof; ..
( 6 ) The room shall be used for no other purpose;
(c) The room shall be kept properly ventilated;
(d) The furniture and apparatus shall be so arrang-
ed as to afford free egress to persons in the room in
the event of fire;
Cinematograph (CAP. 83 5
(e) No open light or fire shall be allowed;
V) The fittings shall, so far as is practicable, be
of non-inflammable or fire-resisting material;
Cg) No person shall smoke in or take matches into
the room.
1 . (1) Any police officer or any officer appointed Power of entry
and inspection.
for the purpose by the Minister may at all reasonable times
enter any premises in which he has reason to believe that
any cinematograph or any similar exhibition is being or about
to be given, with a view to seeing whether the provisions
of this Act or any regulations made thereunder, and the con-
ditions of any permission so granted have been complied
with; and if any person prevents or obstructs anyone acting
as aforesaid he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
(2) Any constable duly authorized in writing by the
Commissioner or any Deputy Commissioner of the Police
Force, may at all reasonable times enter and inspect any
room in any premises, which is used or which such constable
has reasonable cause to believe is used, as a room for stor-
ing film.
(3) Every such constable on visiting any such premises
shall, if so required, produce the said written authority to
the occupier or manager or other person for the time being
in charge of such premises.
(4) If any person refuses to permit any constable
authorized under this Act to enter and inspect any premises,
or hinders or obstructs any such constable in the execution
of his duty under this Act, or refuses to give him facilities
for the purposes, that person shall be guilty of an offence.
12. The Cabinet may make such regulations as they Regulations.
may deem expedient for regulating and controlling
cinematograph and other similar exhibitions.
13. Any person who is guilty of an offence against Penalty
this Act or any regulations made thereunder or who con-
travenes any of the provisions of this Act, shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand
6 CAP. 83) Cinematograph
Burden of proof. 14. In any prosecution under this Act, the onus of
proving compliance with the provisions of this Act or of any
regulations made thereunder shall lie on the defendant.