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Botanical Gardens Act

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Botanical Gardens (CAP. 56 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. (1) Minister may make regulations.

(2) Regulations to be approved by Legislature.
(3) Publication of regulations.
(4) Penalty.
(5) Prosecution.

4. Appointment, qualifications and functions of the Curator.


(27th June, 1900.)

1. This Act may be cited as the Botanical Gardens Short title.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"the Botanical Gardens" means the piece of land con-
taining about five acres situate in the parish of St.
John, bounded on all sides by the Victoria Park,
and fenced in, and heretofore known as "The
Botanical Station", and shall also include any other
lands which may hereafter be acquired for the
purposes of Botanical Gardens;


2 CAP. 56) Botanical Gardens

"Board" means the Board established under section 3;

"Minister" means the Minister responsible for

Minister may
make regulations.

3. ( 1 ) The Minister may by regulations-
(a ) establish a Board to develop, manage and main-

tain the affairs of the Botanical Gardens;

( 6 ) control the hours during which the Botanical
Gardens may be open to the public;

(6) prohibit the use of the Botanical Gardens for
activities not conducive to the purposes and objectives
for which it was established;

(4 determine the fees to be charged for admitting
members of the public to the Botanical Gardens or for
using the services and facilities provided; and

(e) provide for the better carrying out of the pur-
poses of this Act.

Regulations be ( 2 ) All regulations made under the authority of this Act
approved by
Legislature. shall be laid before the Legislature by whom the same may

be altered or amended before approval.

Publications of (3) Such regulations on being approved by the

Legislature shall be forthwith published in the Gazette, and
shall take effect from the date of such publication.

Penalty. (4) Any person who contravenes any regulation made
under this section is guilty of an offence and is liable on sum-
mary conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars or to a
term of imprisonment for twelve months.

Prosecution. (5) Prosecutions for breaches of such regulations shall
be taken in the name of the Curator or other person for the
time being in charge of the Botanical Gardens.

Appointment, 4. ( 1 ) There shall, for the purposes of managing,
qualifications and
functions of the maintaining and supervising the Botanical Gardens, be a
Curator. Curator and such number of other public officers as are re-

quired to assist the Curator for the proper discharge of his


Botanical Gardens (CAP. 56

(2) The Curator shall be a person who holds a requisite
qualification in horticulture with three years post qualifica-
tion experience or a person who has had at least five years
experience in the management of horticultural gardens.

(3) The Curator shall perform such functions as are con-
ferred upon him by the regulations or as directed by the