Antigua and Barbuda Survey (CAP. 3 1 1
Arrangement of Sections
1 . Short title.
2 . Power to enter lands.
3. Copy of plan of survey to be lodged.
4. Compensation.
5. Offences.
6 . Non-application of Land Surveyors Act.
(16th June, 1945.) 211945.
1. This Act may be cited as the Antigua and Barbuda
Survey Act.
2. ( 1 ) It shall be lawful for any surveyor appointed P,";: to enter
by the Governor-General for the purposes of this Act, and
for any other person acting in aid and under the orders of
any surveyor so appointed, to enter upon any land or other
premises at all reasonable times in the daytime for the pur-
pose of making any topographical or geological survey of
any Island, or any part thereof, of Antigua and Barbuda,
or any hydrographical survey of the territorial sea thereof,
and to make such survey and do all such things as may be
incidental to such survey, including the cutting of sightways
or traces and the placing or erection of any beacon, post,
stone or mark and, in the case of a geological survey, the
breaking up of the surface of any part of such land for the
2 CAP. 31) Antigua and Barbuda Survey
purpose of ascertaining the rocks, strata or minerals within
or under the same and the taking and carrying away of
specimens of the rocks, strata or minerals found therein:
Provided that no such person shall enter on any land
or premises in private occupation for the purpose of exercis-
ing the powers conferred by this section unless three days
prior notice in writing of the intention to exercise such powers
has been given by him to the occupier (if any) thereof.
(2) The notice in writing referred to in subsection (1)
may be served personally, or by letter addressed to the
occupier of the land or premises at his usual or last known
place of abode or business, or (if service in any such man-
ner is impracticable) by posting up or affixing the notice in
some conspicuous place on the land or premises.
Copy of plan of
survey to be
3. Upon the completion of any survey under the pro-
lodged. visions of this Act, the surveyor shall send a copy of the plan
thereof to the Governor-General and the Governor-General
shall thereafter send the same to the Registrar with such direc-
tions as he may think fit as to its custody and safe-keeping.
Compensation. 4. Compensation shall be payable in any case where
actual damage or injury is occasioned to any property by
any act or thing done in the execution of this Act and, in
the event of any dispute arising as to the amount payable,
the amount claimed shall be deemed to be a civil debt and
may be recoverable summarily under the provisions of the
Magistrate's Code of Procedure Act.
5. If any person-
Cap. 255.
( a ) wilfully obstructs or hinders in any way any
other person exercising the powers conferred by subsec-
tion (1) of section 2; or
(b ) not being duly authorized to do so, knowingly
and wilfully takes away, removes, displaces or alters the
situation of any beacon, post, stone or mark which shall
be placed or erected under the provisions of this Act; or
(c) not being duly authorized to do so, knowingly
and wilfully defaces, mutilates, breaks or destroys any
such beacon, post, stone or mark,
Antigua and Barbuda Survey (CAP. 31 3
he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall
be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars.
6. The provisions of the Land Surveyors Act, shall T;;anpdplication
not apply to any surveyor appointed under subsection (1) Surveyors ~ = t .
of section 2, but notification of any such appointment and Cap. 239.
the purpose thereof shall be given by publication in the Gazette.